My Brother's Keeper, Part 2 - Supernatural, NC-17

Sep 20, 2006 12:09

Fandom: Supernatural
Title: My Brother's Keeper, Part Two ( Part One Here)
Characters/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Table: #1
Prompt: 084 Sex
Word Count: 1275
Summary: Complete AU. On the night the demon kills Mary Winchester, John saves Dean, but before he can go back for Sam, the fire spreads. It is assumed that Sam is dead along with his mother. In reality, he has been taken and is raised by a family dedicate to the demon who killed Mary. One night after a hunt, Dean runs into him in a bar in Palo Alto, never a clue who he really is.

Warnings: Incest, m/m sex. If I continue this, there will be BDSM, probably blood play, definately evil!Sam. This piece is pretty much about the sex though, it doesn't quite get all the way to Evil!Sam...but he's coming (pun completely intended).

This is my twenty-first ficlet for my Supernatural claim on 100_situations. Clicky for table

“It isn’t much.” Dean held the door to let Sam into the crappy motel room, not sure why he was apologizing. This wasn’t a relationship, it was sex…dirty, hot, and over before the morning.

“Don’t need much.” Sam said, catching Dean around the waist and pulling him close. His lips were hard, possessive as they kissed Dean, parting his lips easily with a tongue that demanded entrance. Dean yielded to his insistent touch, letting Sam pull him closer, his long arms wrapping around him and holding him so tight he almost couldn’t breathe.

When Sam let him go, Dean felt empty for a moment, then shook his head. That was just silly. “I’d offer you something to drink…but I don’t have anything. I’ll be out in a second…all that beer…” He closed the bathroom door and unzipped himself to pee. He was nervous, which was also silly. It wasn’t like this was his first guy…or the first time he’d brought home a relative stranger for a mindless fuck.

Sam was fucking pretty, and somehow Dean wanted nothing more than to do anything he could to make that smile…that brilliant white, blindingly sweet smile, break over his face as often as possible. He flushed and turned to wash, his eyes catching sight of himself in the mirror. “Get a grip.”

Sam was sprawled on the bed when he emerged, his legs cast obscenely wide, his eyes all dark and glittery like midnight. “Fuck.”

“You keep saying that.” Sam said with a lazy smile.

“Yeah…look at you. Who wouldn’t?”

Sam rubbed a hand over his crotch and Dean felt his cock respond, even if he’d only just come twenty minutes before. Dean turned to his bag on the table and fished around until he came up with condoms and lube.

“You always so prepared?” Sam asked, unbuttoning his shirt.

Dean shrugged. “It doesn’t hurt.”

“Boy scout?’’ Sam’s tongue shot out between his teeth when he smiled and something about it made Dean weak in the knees.

“Hardly.” His breath was harsh in his throat.

Sam cocked an eyebrow at him and it was all the invitation Dean needed to begin pulling off his own shirt and crawl across the bed…up between Sam’s legs, open like an invitation to hell. His first kiss was little more than lips barely brushing lips, but the next was bruising, ending with tiny nips of teeth that made Sam moan.

Sam’s hand snaked up over his stomach, up to his chest, easily finding and tracing the long scar that ran from his left side up to the nipple. “Tell me.” Sam breathed, his mouth closing over Dean’s throat.

“Accident…farm implement.” A scythe to be precise, that would have killed him, if not for his father’s quick reflexes and skill with a needle.

“Ouch…you a farmer Dean?”

Dean shook his head, then arched his neck to bring Sam’s lips down over his adam’s apple. “No…but I’ve worked on a few.”

“Interesting…and this?” His lips closed over the puckered remains of a nasty spear in his shoulder.


Sam sat back, his eyes sparkling. “Harpoon?”

“It’s a long story.”

“I’ll bet it is.”

Dean sat back, regarding Sam for a minute. “So…you mentioned rules…I’m curious.”

Sam’s large hands caressed over his chest in slow circles. “They’re pretty simple.” His lips pressed to Dean’s nipple and Dean groaned. “I’m always in control.” He moved to the other nipple, all teeth and tongue. “I’m always on top.”

Dean stiffened a little at that, but Sam’s tongue was sliding down to his navel, his big hands pushing him onto his back. “You come when I tell you.”

What? Dean pushed himself up on his elbows, his eyebrow arching. Sam smiled up from his belly, that blinding, unbelievable, do-that-again smile that made Dean’s stomach lurch. “And once I come in your ass…you’re mine forever.” Dean’s eyes rolled closed as Sam’s tongue fucked his navel…he’d never felt anything like it…and his cock had taken notice, straining at his jeans like he hadn’t come in a month.

Sam’s hands made quick work of his pants, leaving Dean naked and hard on the bed while he continued kissing and sucking on his skin, as if mapping him, taking inventory of each freckle, each scar,…fuck every hair.

“Damn, you’re beautiful.” Sam whispered as he made his way back up to his ear. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able sit still for a week.”

And just like that Sam flipped him over, using his knee and hands to position him on his knees. His hand splayed over Dean’s back, his thumb parting his ass, pressing against his hole even as he heard the sound of a zipper and it dawned on him that Sam was still fully clothed.

Something about that made this even hotter and Dean moaned into the sheets as he felt Sam’s cock pressing into him…with no prep, no stretching…no lube. Dean started, but Sam’s large hands held his hips and he was pressing in. “Shh…baby…you’re gonna love this…”

Dean keened, trying to move away from the pain, yet craving it at the same time. It didn’t make sense, but his cock seemed to understand it even if his head didn’t. Sam wasn’t even fully inside him and he was going to come…again…”Sam,” he gasped and it was if that one syllable said so much more as one of Sam’s hands released his hip and squeezed his cock, effectively backing him off.

“Not yet…not until I say.” Tiny kisses down his spine and Dean whimpered…then Sam thrust forward violently, taking his ass completely, filling him…then pulling out and slamming in again…After the third time, Sam gathered Dean up, pulling him upright so he could slip and arm around his chest. “So fucking hot, Dean.”

One hand held Dean tight against Sam’s chest, while the other stroked his cock in time to the strokes Sam’s cock was making deep inside him. Dean moaned, the pain building alongside the increasing pleasure as Sam’s new angle hit his prostrate on every single stroke…his kisses along Dean’s shoulder turned to bites…tiny nips, then harder…up to his ear. “Come for me, Dean..” And he bit, hard on the curve of his neck and the pain shot through him, into his cock like a lightening bolt and he came while Sam stroked him…milking the come from him until Dean whimpered. His cock was still hard, hot and sensitive and Sam’s big fingers scraped across it and he could feel Sam smiling into his back.


“Oh yeah, baby.” Sam pushed him forward, face first into the bed and his thrusting came harder, deeper. Dean yelled out in pain, in heat as Sam’s giant hands pulled him back onto him, cutting into him, marking him with bruises Dean knew would last for days. “Mine, Dean…gonna make you mine.” His final thrust was deep, hard and Dean’s vision swam as his cock gamely tried to come again in time with the pulsing of Sam’s cock inside him.

He was vaguely aware of Sam pulling out of him…of Sam tucking a blanket around him, then Sam was squatting beside the bed, all goofy grin and innocence. “You’re gonna want to sleep for a while, baby. And take care of that one bite mark when you wake up…” He licked his lips and Dean could only stare at him sleepily. “I’ll see you round.”

For a long minute Dean could only stare, and Sam’s eyes seemed to be…he blinked and Sam was gone and he was sure he’d dreamed the whole thing. Because that face was too pretty, and no one’s eyes were that black.

dark fic, fandom: supernatural, character: dean, character: sam, supernatural:gseries:1:amara_m, series: keeper, dub-con

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