Jack Point of View Picspam - part 13

Nov 23, 2008 12:24

Part 13 of the Jack’s point of view picspam.

These are in episode order (with the relevant part of Fragments at the start). It is very image heavy, well it is a picspam! But consider yourself warned.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk and the fabulous cowboyhd

Part 1 - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 - Cyberwoman | Part 4 - Small Worlds to Greeks Bearing Gifts | Part 5 - They Keep Killing Suzie to Captain Jack Harkness | Part 6 - End of Days
Part 7 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang | Part 8 - Sleeper to To The Last Man |
Part 9 - Meat | Part 10 - Adam | Part 11 - Reset to A Day in the Death | Part 12 - Something Borrowed

From Out of the Rain

I think there might be a few images to come here....

Jack listening to Ianto

For two men who don't like others to get close to them, they are very comfortable together

He knows that Ianto is upset and he doesn't disrupt or use innuendo or teasing. Not once has Ianto turned to look at him, Jack knows this man without having to see his face

later when reviewing in the film in Jack's office, Jack again does his not looking at Ianto. But interestingly they end up mirroring each other when they are in each others line of sight.

Jack then wants Ianto with him to discuss the Night Travelers. Jack reveals about himself and Ianto quietly listens. Most of the time Jack is not looking at Ianto, but he is fully aware of him. When he does look at him directly it is to impart the knowledge that he was sent to investigate the Night Travelers

and then it is back to reminiscing and not looking directly at Ianto.

Ianto paces in front of Jack, worrying the problem out loud. Jack is sitting on the table, arms crossed, but lower down his body. He alternates between watching Ianto and glancing down. His final look at Ianto.

In the hospital, they again mirror each other

When Christina tells Jack that "It means you don't belong. It means you're from nowhere." Jack glances fleetingly at Ianto

Mirroring again

Look how close their feet and legs are to each other

Ianto speaks in the boardroom and Jack has to look at him

They are almost in synch in this scene

There is another person with them, but Jack only looks at Jonathan once to see where he is pointing, the rest of the time his focus is always on Ianto.

Jack knows something is upsetting Ianto about this whole mission, but he doesn't fully know what it is. Jack initially is happy that they managed to save someone

But he then realises that it is only one that has been saved

Again mirroring

Jack knows there is something still unsolved about this one

Ianto is still visibly upset but like Ianto does for him, Jack won't push for a response or an answer.

He moves closer, keeping his focus on Ianto and waiting for Ianto to talk to him

Ianto hands him the flask and then leaves, without saying anything

Leaving Jack not fully understanding Ianto

Part 14 - Adrift

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, jack

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