Jack Point of View Picspam - part 6

Nov 23, 2008 07:57

Part 6 of the Jack’s point of view picspam.

These are in episode order (with the relevant part of Fragments at the start). It is very image heavy, well it is a picspam! But consider yourself warned.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk and the fabulous cowboyhd

Part 1 - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 - Cyberwoman | Part 4 - Small Worlds to Greeks Bearing Gifts | Part 5 - They Keep Killing Suzie to Captain Jack Harkness

End of Days

Owen is going to open the Rift, Rhys is dead.

Jack tells his most loyal soldier to stop Owen

He is again defied by Ianto and is totally shocked

In trying to stop them he says the following
You're a united front now? Toshiko, the poor girl who'll screw any passing alien that gives her a pendant? Owen, so strong, he gets in a cage with a Weevil, desperate to be mauled. Or Ianto, hiding his cyber-girlfriend in the basement. Your three comrades here pumped bullets into her, remember?
When talking about Toshiko, he looks like this

Owen gets this expression

But Ianto,

More anger, more emotion from Jack. His expressions here are close to those used in Fragments in the final section where he is warning Ianto to stop stalking him. They were also around on his face during Cyberwoman. Ianto is the one that really brings the anger forward from Jack. Jack’s voice is also noticeably different when talking to the three of them. His voice gets closer to breaking when talking to Ianto.

Jack using Ianto for support, this is the man that has defied him time and time again and yet Jack will still use him for support.

Still holding onto Ianto

Back from the dead, how does he forgive Ianto?

No longer does he maintain a respectable distance, or avoid looking at Ianto in front of the others. For all his flirting, he had kept his distance from Ianto in front of the others.

Gwen gets her hand held, Tosh and Owen get hugs and Ianto gets this

Part 7 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, jack

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