Jack Point of View Picspam - part 7

Nov 23, 2008 08:46

Part 7 of the Jack’s point of view picspam.

These are in episode order (with the relevant part of Fragments at the start). It is very image heavy, well it is a picspam! But consider yourself warned.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk and the fabulous cowboyhd

Part 1 - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 - Cyberwoman | Part 4 - Small Worlds to Greeks Bearing Gifts | Part 5 - They Keep Killing Suzie to Captain Jack Harkness | Part 6 - End of Days

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Now it gets interesting from Jack's point of view. No longer is he waiting for the Doctor, he has some answers. He has chosen where he wants to be.

Ianto is the one who is at the forefront of the team when Jack reveals himself, all the team are in his line of sight, but Ianto is placed at the forefront.

When they are back at the Hub, he stands by his office door and watches them interact with each other.

Watching Gwen and Ianto interact and smile at each other

Tries to join in with the camaraderie

Ianto asks if he is going to leave again

"I came back for you"

Waits for a response from Ianto

None is forthcoming so he amends it to "all of you"

His body posture is turned predominately towards Ianto. Take note of this posture, he does it very often when Ianto is around, hands in his pockets, body is turned slightly away but his head turned towards Ianto.

His wrist strap beeps and Ianto comments that "that never beeps", Jack agrees

Jack is very happy to be in an office it seems

or is it nerves that he is trying to hide

He has to hold onto that pole for dear life

Jack couldn't care less about canisters at this point in time

His focus is purely on the man trying to ignore him

This isn't some flippant comment or discussion that Jack is having

Ianto has been turning away from him for the majority of the conversation but Jack has been following him closely

He finally now can partake in the mission but still looks at Ianto

Takes the time to fully face Ianto to address him

Checks to make sure that Ianto agreed to go on a date with him

Part 8 - Sleeper to To The Last Man

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, jack

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