Jack Point of View Picspam - part 5

Nov 22, 2008 23:51

Part 5 of the Jack’s point of view picspam.

These are in episode order (with the relevant part of Fragments at the start). It is very image heavy, well it is a picspam! But consider yourself warned.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk and the fabulous cowboyhd

Part 1 - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 - Cyberwoman | Part 4 - Small Worlds to Greeks Bearing Gifts

They Keep Killing Suzie

Asks Ianto how many people they have retconned

Ianto names the Risen Mitten

Jack again tosses something to Ianto without looking, this time it is the stopwatch. Jack spends most of the scene without looking at Ianto, he glances at Gwen and Owen, but not Ianto. Even when Ianto makes the comment about the button on the top and has the filthiest look towards Jack, Jack is not looking at him.

The naming of the Life Knife. Interesting placement of Ianto away from the rest of the team. He has been singled out by Jack in front of them.

Naming is serious business

Ianto seems to make himself scarce while Suzie is around, although interestingly that Jack names the 'Stun Gun' in honour of Ianto.

Really Jack, what do you want me to say here?

But clever Ianto surprises Jack


Jack so wasn't expecting this

But he will take anything he can get from Ianto

Dancing around each other, one looks at the other when the other isn't

Clueless, totally clueless

Still clueless


Now he is happy!

and Ianto throws him for a loop again

Random Shoes

Like Greek Bearing Gifts, not a damn thing in it, although Ianto did get his hair cut and Jack wore a godawful shirt, so I can understand Ianto not wanting to be around him. Ianto does have standards…

Out of Time

Minimal onscreen interaction, although there is the deleted scene where Ianto is bringing out one of Jack's shirts from his room below his office. Jack has also placed a tracker on Ianto's car.


Jack and Ianto discuss the captured weevil

This episode was very interesting in that Ianto seemed to be Jack's preferred right hand man, so to speak.

Jack is totally focused on Ianto, even with his hands in his pockets, he is turned towards Ianto. This becomes a common position that Jack stands in when he is around Ianto.

Jack chooses to take Ianto to do an interrogation, not the former police constable who should be the better option.

During the interrogation scene, there is a brief glance between the two, but they are mostly playing the good cop/ bad cop and their primary focus is the man in the bed.

Captain Jack Harkness

From Jack's point of view, he only sees Ianto when he walks towards his office at the end of the episode, but he walks past him straight to his office. He also ignores Owen, who has been shot in the shoulder at this point too.

Part 6 - End of Days

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, jack

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