Jack Point of View Picspam - part 4

Nov 22, 2008 23:13

Part 4 of the Jack’s point of view picspam.

These are in episode order (with the relevant part of Fragments at the start). It is very image heavy, well it is a picspam! But consider yourself warned.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk and the fabulous cowboyhd

Part 1 - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 - Cyberwoman

Small Worlds

Jack is a little surprised to find he is not alone

Waiting for Ianto to know that he is there

He is impatient, so he lets him know he is there, note the posture from Jack

Ianto is nervous and tries to keep it business like and yet Jack stalks him

Very tentative to see if his touch will be accepted

Not being rejected, so opens his hand more

Ianto stays businesslike with a small glance back and the hand and he straightens up with a large sigh. Jack then removes his hand and becomes Jack, Leader of Torchwood Three.

Jack always seems to look when Ianto hands him a coffee.

He might be all business be he can't be unaware of where Ianto is. We know from the previous eps that he knows where Ianto is when they are in the same room without glancing at him. Ianto also makes a comment about "Magic Mushrooms" and Jack, who normally will look directly at a person when responding to him doesn't look at him. In fact stares straight ahead.

They both seem to have trouble looking directly at each other, when there are others in the room.


Umm why do they need three tents?

Jack is happy with his team

Now why would he look hesitant at Ianto?

And not happy

Alright he looks downright pissed

Looking at his clever Ianto, letting him lead

Greeks Bearing Gifts

Nothing, nada, zip, zilch!

Part 5 - They Keep Killing Suzie to Captain Jack Harkness

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, jack

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