Ancient Wounds pt 29

Mar 25, 2008 18:13

As promise the next installment is still hot from the oven, and to beg forgiveness as to my previous latness within this chapter lies more sex than you can shake a basket of vamuffins at.To all who read enjoy the shalsh, and to all who enjoy slash read :p

Author: yours truly, ExMaverick aka Jess

Title: Ancient Wounds

Rating: NC-17 for a vast amount of sex
Summary: Prequel to my vampire fic Deepest Shadow. Ville recounts the events of his mortal life growing up in the poverty of 20th century Finland, wrought with grief, sex, romance, passion and abuse leading into his birth to darkness.
His lengthy tales are imparted to the sleepy mind of his young lover, but only in the seclusion of his own darkest thoughts does he begin to relive the greatest obsessions and deepest hurts rooted in his bygone and decadent time.
Warnings: Blood, angst, abuse.
Pairing: Vam,Ville/Jonne (in parts)

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5i, 5ii, 6, 7, 8, 9i, 9ii, 10i, 10ii, 10iii,11, 12i, 12ii, 13, 14i, 14ii, 14iii, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20i, 20ii,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28


I threw my hair back and hissed as I felt you sink onto my painfully hard arousal, supported by only the heels of my hands dug into the crisp bed sheets. Lay back and cupped your hips as you straddled me after taking every inch of me inside you.
“It’s been…” I panted deliriously as you rode me.
“Too, uh, long” you added groaning as you impaled yourself on my heated member.
It had been too long, it had been nights since I’d had you and already I was feverish with lust for you and breathless beneath you, steadying you cupping your hips as you slid off me to the tip before greedily and mercilessly taking me harder, faster and deeper than before.
We had bickered a few nights before, and I stubborn as I was eternal had sunned your advances in favour of solitude but all the while missing the feel of your skin and warmth of your welcoming and beautiful body. My ghostly fingers wrapped around your pulsing base and palmed you in rhythm with your hips, my fingertips slick from your essence thumbing the delicate skin there. I pulled you hard down on top of me, my hardness hitting your core and my hands refusing to let you rise. You released with a grunt across my stomach and I shortly after with a groan into you. Panting you fell forwards to crash your lips spent but lovingly into mine, with your fingers running tenderly buried in my hair I wrapped my arms around your waist. You laughed breathless and playful while I moaned quietly as you sucked your seed from my fingertips.
“I am a fool” I sighed a tired grin spreading across my face.
“But you are mine” you smirked in reply.

Quite simply, there was nothing for it, I had to go. Was it dangerous? Well, of course there was some risk, but I was everlasting and stronger than a mortal man now three-fold. I was wracked with curiosity and some unfamiliar sense of excitement. Who on earth could it possibly have been? Surely everyone who knew of my unearthly change lived within this very manor…or, far more sinisterly, could someone have been watching me all this time? I wonder what they want.
I was getting ahead of myself, friend or foe I would go to the Buck’s Inn on the eve of the eighteenth (now a weeks worth of nights away) and settle the matter. Come what may, whatever information this mysterious individual had for me I would seek out. There was plenty to be done by then however, as it was July and the Master made a point of purchasing all of his young boys new garments for the turning seasons- and as the Master’s most spoilt child it was a certainty that there where many gifts to be measure for in the coming days.

And right I was, the very next night I was whisked off in a dark wood carriage to the town’s finest and most well established tailor (who had opened his polished pine-scented rooms at the late hour of midnight after being pried generously with gold). I was measured vigorously for a set of pristine white linen shirts, open and collared, and thin velvet dress jackets in the deepest wine colours among several items. I detested the whole affair as a rule but knew to grit one’s teeth and to bear it was the best course of action, even when the tailor (an older man, characteristically drunk as per usual brandishing a measuring tape at all times) made a point of stroking his fingertips across my inner thighs when fitting a pair of trousers. I grimaced and looked at Master Vuori instinctively, who smiled all knowingly up from his seat at the tailor’s carved table and placed his icy coloured fingertip to his flushed lips. It came to no surprise to me that shortly after the garments where loaded into our carriage that the tailor met an untimely, and very bloody end in the shadows of the cutting room floor.

There was something quiet and almost evil inside of me that liked the idea that he had died because I willed it. Make no mistake I never took an innocent life out of malice, no. Innocents died at my hands, yes, I will no lie-but their death sustained my life. I was no more a murderer by that account than a butcher. I simply did what was in my nature to do to survive, no more. If any should die out of hatred at my hands, it would those who where truly deserving of that fate.
But he had killed for me, and would killed again I knew if ever someone decided to touch what was in his mine his property. I laugh softly in my mind when I say it to myself, funny how the price for the protection of virtue should be your very soul.
There was no such little luxury as laughter to be had back in the manor however. I should have guess sure enough at his intentions the way Master Vuroi played with my hair and kissed my neck aggressively in the darkness of the carriage. But the passions that night would prove to be slightly less conventional.

In the confines of my chambers my Master pushed my panting body onto the softness of the grand bed below me, his eye fiery and lips dark with human blood, his mouth sucking greedily at the whiteness of my flesh leaving purple hearts wherever his kissed. His blond hair spilled over me like a blonde silk scarf smelling like spring, and of something spicy and sickening. He bit into my lip like ripe fruit and tore impatiently at my winter shirt, sending buttons popping off and scattering like tiny shell snowflakes to the polished floor as he muttered some faux love poem in my ear.
Slowly he worked his way down my tired form, pulling off garments as went. He removed his shirt and knelt at the foot of my naked pale body splayed across the middle of deep red quilts and satin down pillows, my skin almost luminous in contrast to the rich dark material. I felt like some reposed beauty in renaissance fresco, but I don’t suppose any of them had known such enslavement to carnal urges. My Master was now completely disrobed and desperately hard.

“You are beautiful,” he smirked, leaning over , soft lips trailing over my hips, ribs and chest “to think that such a small boy could become such a diamond under my skilled hands..”
He smiled, sucked one of his forefinger lightly and moved between my thighs to graze my entrance torturously slow. I shuddered involuntarily with pleasure and stifled a moan in the back of my dry throat.
“Mm, so much you’ve given me…”he whispered huskily in my ear, sucking gently on my earlobe, hands becoming pliable and softly running through my hair “so much I have yet to give to you”
His muscular hips made a slow and deliberate grind into mine, the moist heat of his arousal pressing against my newly formed hardened member. I moaned again into his mouth as he captured it with his own, felt his tongue plunder and explore with an animal lust. He broke away to bite along the nape of my neck tenderly, his fangs barley breaking the skin, moving down to take my nipple in his mouth and cause me to sigh pathetically.

“I want...I...”I babbled uselessly.
“Shh,” he uttered roughly under his breath “I’ll show you pleasure young boys cannot”

He continued his journey to my hips which he traced with his snowy hands and teased the delicate skin there, until his looked up at me from between my parted thighs and took my erection in his mouth with one fluid motion.
I gasped raggedly and instantly my hand clapped firmly over my mouth which I groaned violently into, bellow my Master’s golden hair fell against the hot flesh of my arousal as he sucked and bobbed vigorously against my whimpering. He trailed the veins underneath at first with his tongue, and then ceremoniously let his teeth graze slowly down the length of the shaft.
I begged his name and came instantly, filling his mouth and watched him swallow, high on my release as he fisted his length and soon after me climaxed into the silk sheets.
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