Ancient Wounds Pt10ii

Oct 11, 2006 17:46

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5i, 5ii, 6, 7, 8, 9i, 9ii, 10i

“You’re five minutes late, dearest love” Came a voice from the darkness of the adjacent stable. I knew that very moment he must have been waiting for me there. I smiled.

“I arrive exactly when I mean to,” I laughed softly, walking about the side of the stone-and brick building to seek him “and not a moment before”, my breath visible in the shadowy cold air of the stable grounds. I felt charmingly cocky, and tonight promised itself to be the greatest distraction from my ‘home’ life the year would see.

Out of the darkness was produce my platinum haired suitor, and what a sight he was to behold.

He wore his hair back tightly to reveal his kind eyes- I had often protested that he should quite simply leave it down, but he insisted it wasn’t the done thing; he was nevertheless hansom of course.

Standing proudly before me in immaculate white collared shirt and a black dinner waistcoat, I knew he must have waited there just to see my reaction, for it was far too blustery to be out just so without mention of a coat. I myself wore similar, but in a darker wine red (another frivolous gift I’ll add).

I couldn’t help but grin, was all this effort for my benefit? I knew him well, and mine was the young man who would much rather be amongst his horses and caked in mud with want to care than give into formality in such a manner. He was a free spirit through and through and thorough-bred to boot. And yet, what a dreadful lie it would be to say I didn’t adore the sight.

He shrugged playfully far too aware of my opinions, smiling and greeting me with a chaste kiss of the lips, and bore no protest to having my coat wrapped about him against the gently hum of high spirited music from within.

“Shall we grace the celebration with our presence?” he chuckled softly shivering a little in the snow, taking my hands half in affectionate gesture and half to share warmth “my mother has been looking so forward to meeting you. Besides-I shall catch my death if we remain here much longer”

“Of course, allow me one question though, love-” he shook his head and wrapped his arms around my waist reassuringly, placing frostbitten tender kisses to my jaw line and upon lips.

If it were not for worry that we may be spotted, I would have pressed my lips to his in a kiss that could have melt even snow, much less his chills. His softly parted lips moved close to ear in a delicate yet somehow seductive whisper-

“No one can see us, we are quite safe, Ville. Furthermore neither parent are aware of anything between us, rest easy. You have no need to worry of what people might say”

I trusted my beloved in matters such as these, and together we proceeded to enter the gate and found ourselves being greeted at the front door.

Letting the young master of the house take the lead, I felt a sudden rush of heat from the fire place against my weathered form, quickly remedied when an aging gentleman with a moustache relieved me of my coat.

Following Emmanuel I then found myself amidst a large gathering in a rather impressive hall. The music I had caught faint notes of from before was now very much audible, and I swiftly established it to be in another tongue, it was not Finnish, nor was it any other language I’d heard before.

I was a bundle of nerves as my eyes drifted across the room to the backing of the rhythmic new music, which seemed to fill me with a quiet kind of confidence one gains from knowing that at least you are not the centre of attention.

The hall itself seemed to a vast dining area which had been laid aside for the season, busy with the laughter and the busy small talk of many individuals. Although I was sure the remainder of the house was as vastly populated, I must have counted at least thirty in this hall alone.

There was a running theme about these individuals of course, and that was that all seemed to fall into the cast of either the wealthy, the relatives or both. I can honestly tell you that I have never seen such a gratuitous amount of finery under one roof in all my years.

The room itself was decorated in accordance to the holidays, and about the fireplaces and widows were bunches of prickly holly jewelled with bright red berries. I must also mention the strategic placement of mistletoe above the threshold of each doorway.

The hall was filled with warmth of a large stoked hearth to one side, around which a group of gentlemen sat in large carved chairs talking over port, and strong lighting from above.

Understand, I was no simple young man but at this point in history electricity was still quite a novelty to me so the idea that I was standing amid artificial light was somewhat fascinating.
I must point out that was short lived, though. I find it a lot less intimate for such gatherings, but this was a formal affair in any case, so I suppose that did not matter a great deal.

Once again at my side my beau moved closer to me, using the loud music as an excuse to remain physically close to me.

“The young gentlemen over there,” he said gesturing lightly to the darkened window where a large group of young men laughed and appeared merry from a nearby decanter of sherry “cousins from father’s side-terribly pompous the lot of them” I laughed lightly and took in the information he recounted on all about us.

Leading me to a quieter corner of the room Emmanuel called over for some hot mulled wine to be brought to us which I accepted and drank for good health and baiting of any remaining shivers.

“The old men with the port are my father’s work associates, at present he is away on business” he said sipping from the spicy cup.
“They look quite high class for horse breakers” I remarked offhand. Emmanuel smirked.

“I’d think so too. They are more into the racing side of it all. My father sold a few stallions that proved winners,” he paused the richness of the drink catching his breath, then laughed “hence with all the finery of the moment, it appears we’re coming into a good lot of money!”

“It should only benefit you all I’m sure” I smiled. He agreed and rose his cup to mine in approval.

“You will put me in my place should it all go to my head, won’t you though, Ville?”

“Oh, most definitely” I laughed slyly standing against the wall with him shooting him a playful glance.

I was to learn that the music and singing belonged to a small group of young women, pretty young things, in the back room of the house. His mother’s friends’ daughters, naturally.
The gathering of mature women by the book cases? Their mothers’, of course.

I had been introduced to one person and then another, and, much as Emanuel did, found them all to be (as friendly as they all were) rather set in their ways and a tad too materialistic for comfort.

I suspect they would much rather hold a conversation on how much of Emmanuel’s father’s earnings he had to part with just to purchase the crimson rugs or embroidered curtains than the interests of Emmanuel or myself.

I found great comfort that at least my admirer shared this opinion, and felt much less out of place as a result. The wine had not done us too badly, and we were both quite happy in one another’s company as ever.

Around the eleventh hour of the evening I was ushered over by my blonde dandy into a room leading from the main hall, a parlour where many women sat about talking and other such pleasantries.

Central to all this sat a woman in her middle age upon an ebony chair holding a white lace fan in one hand rested upon the chair’s arm.

“Mother, this is Ville Valo,” Emmanuel introduced quite happily, but I knew there to be tenseness somewhere in his tone “you remember him, of course”

She was a rather slender woman for her age, and held no particularly strong signs of her age save a line here or there when smiling. Her mousy brown hair was tied up in a bun as fashion decreed in previous years, and she watched me keenly wit her silvery grey eyes.

She was an elegant lady, with an air of the wise about her and other such womanly intuition, I remembered the look in her eyes, which is how I knew-my mother had been the same way. Offering me her outreached hand she nodded to me and smoothed a crease in her snow white dress, runner fingertips over small frills.

“Lovely to finally meet your Mr. Valo,” she smiled warmly, I took her hand and kissed it. Her accent was unusual, and I realised it must have been due to my mother tongue being her second language “I have heard so much about you, it’s nice to meet your acquaintance after all this time”

“Apologies for not introducing myself sooner, my lady” I replied earnestly.

“Poppycock,” She grinned biding us to sit in chair close by “good of you to visit, and please call me Jemima. I do not wish to be reminded of my age with such formalities”

Could see Emmanuel was quite glad that we were getting on well, as I suppose are all whose parents approve of their choice in partner-all be it this situation wasn’t so straight forward as that.

My heart beat ever faster when ever a glace she gave me I believed to hold indication she knew about her son and I.

It did not help that the wine was now beginning to cloud my better judgement, and I worried my looks to Emmanuel would become noticed should I not be careful with them.

“My husband sends his annoyance at not being able to meet one of his son’s closest friends,” She said, pausing to ask us if we would care for any more to drink, which my love took and I declined “but the good Lord knows he would like to be, but businesses call him to Lake Ladoga very far from here”

We sat and talked a while as guest came and went, all the while my blonde haired beau shot me lusty glances and continued to accept much of the wine he was offered, and questioning his sobriety I thought it best we remove ourselves from the room.

Out in the main hall once more the music still played on, and in the artificial light I caught the glimpse of pink in his cheek and wander of his beautiful eyes.

He slipped his arm around my waist just removed enough for it to appear overly friendly, then whispered huskily with hot breath to my ear-

“It’s too busy for my tastes here, Ville. Come to my room where it’s quiet”

Hey everyone ^^ looks like this one's turned into a three part bit:phehe, hope you enjoy, the next part may be a bit short though but you never know, prepare for sexyness when we return...
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