ancient wounds pt 26

Dec 27, 2007 01:19

Author: yours truly, ExMaverick aka Jess

Title: Ancient Wounds

Rating: NC-17 for hot steaming sex :p .
Summary: Prequel to my vampire fic Deepest Shadow. Ville recounts the events of his mortal life growing up in the poverty of 20th century Finland, wrought with grief, sex, romance, passion and abuse leading into his birth to darkness.
His lengthy tales are imparted to the sleepy mind of his young lover, but only in the seclusion of his own darkest thoughts does he begin to relive the greatest obsessions and deepest hurts rooted in his bygone and decadent time.
Warnings: Blood, angst, abuse.
Pairing: Vam,Ville/Jonne (in parts)

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5i, 5ii, 6, 7, 8, 9i, 9ii, 10i, 10ii, 10iii,11, 12i, 12ii, 13, 14i, 14ii, 14iii, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20i, 20ii,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Hello sweethearts, I can only aplogise for being lazy and drunk over the last few months, inducing the greatest creative blockage that may ever have lived this side of the planet. Here, good friends and vammers, is the next installment....


My body arched, urging deep inside you and curving from between your spread muscled thighs as if I were recoiling from a beautifully scorching open flame. I shuddered in the warmth of the slick tightness surrounding me that was your body, allowing groans to fall drunkenly from my lips as beneath strewn against the end of the mattress I pounded into you until you wept. Sweat soon slicked our heated white flesh as the scent of one another hung in the air to our violent bucking, the background to our liquid-smooth glide and cacophony of throaty confessions somewhere in the dim light of our bedroom.
My words rung through my mind as I unsheathed myself from you, only to thrust inside in the desire to feel the sanctity of your form and tremble in your grace.
Be my teacher

You writhed beneath, damp curls tousled, fingers bunching crisp white sheets, soft lips moist and bitten a dark red. Your beautifully branded hips clasped between my slender fingers, my firm hand cupping your buttock tenderly and lifting it from the bed as I stood between your defined thighs, I let my hair fall across my face to watch you sob out your lust as I impaled you forcefully.
Teach me

I withdrew myself to kiss and to bite the deep red of your parted lips, to taste and to devour the passion upon them that tasted of salt and precious metals. The cruel ache between your thighs pressed hard and aggressively into the creamy skin of your belly and my own desire, the changing pressure from our kiss giving way to a merciless and delicious grinding of the hips that threatened my very stamina and will.
Teach me

I thought for a brief moment how delicious it would be to let myself relinquish to release selfishly across your glistening stomach, having brought you to your peak only to mark your torso with the stolen promise of filling your depths and leaving you helpless. I thought as a mortal man may have, indeed. In my secret mind I heard how someone had said there was no pleasure sweeter than to bicker and fuck.
But my passion did not waver to such self indulgence so easily, and with that I brought my hand to palm your full girth remorselessly and stroke you in time with words of base pleasures and taunts in half-play and half-seriousness which meant nothing to me .

Teach me how to bind you to my bed and no other

You threw your head back and wrenched your fingers from the consecrated sheets to your moistened hair and panted words in a tongue all your own but well known to my ear. I wanted your submissive desire as eagerly and desperately and your love, and with cry and kiss you gave forth into my fingertips a climax without reserve.
I crept up your breathless body and planted my lips upon your neck and defined collar, shuddering as I purged myself helplessly against the dark space between our bodies where your spent passion spilt. My head nestled exhaustedly in the nape of your neck I felt your arms encircle my shoulders and cradle my head, closing my eyes with the rise and fall of your chest letting my heart lull in time with your own. I whimpered slightly and drank in the perfume of sex and skin and evening.

It was then I knew I’d never win over you again.


The one who spoke first was Henri. He was eldest, most fierce and most likely for those reasons the Master’s favourite, asides from his beauty of course.

“You did not honestly believe that the Master would do away with him did you?” he sighed vindictively glancing to Antonious who grinned in agreement “Idiot. Dyre is far too precious to him for that. Unfortunately”

He rolled his eyes and came to my side, his stance as formal and prudent as an officer parading before his troops doomed to an uncertain future in some commencing battle. My euphonious mind wondered if I was too, soon to face such volatile events in both young men’s company. I proved not to flinch away, half out of defiance, and perhaps half out of pure fear. I had been deserted by my lifeline, who I imagined now was facing the bullwhip in a dark room somewhere for his insolence of speaking with me again.

“Hence why you yourself aren’t dead” Antonious spoke up leaning against the filthy stone wall, eyes cast down to his immaculate fingernails ruffling his expensive sleeves vainly against his dark flesh. I saw a twitch in Henri’s glance at this remark, and knew instantly that the connotations of my apparent ‘preciousness’ to the Master caused a great jealousy with him. Foolishly, I chose to try and turn that to my advantage.

“Oh, well in that case I know the root of our dear Henri's upset” I said mock cockily, voice trembling in my chest just a little with the uncomfortable silence that Henri so loved to pepper his speech with “yet what strife have you with me Antonious, or Mikael for that matter?

Henri, by no means a small young man towered over me with the smallest advantage of stature he possessed by me, showing as little regards to decent bodily spacing as the Master himself. He was clearly irritated by my previous remark but kept a cool, yet callous demeanour. Mikael, standing the other side of me much less intent on intimidation, merely served to impose more claustrophobia between myself and my two brothers.

“Our patronage is to our Lord and to Henri and William, who are you to question our loyalty?” Antonious spoke again, equally as disassociated from the current proceedings as before, only glancing up at Mikael to observe agreement.

The eerie blonde Mikael, who had been silent until now, ran his hand up my back roughly and gripped the back of my collar before finally adding to the dialogue.
“Master Vuori loves you as he once love us. Understand Ville, we cannot kill you for usurping our standing,” he snaked his hand from my collar up to my clammy cheek and kissed it softly before whispering in my ear “but we may reap what small vengeful satisfaction we can”

My heart was now pounding in fear of the impending struggle that was certain to unfold, where I in the hands of these three self-proclaimed tormentors was about to bear the brunt of their years of jealousy and hatred. I staggered mentally for a way to converse myself into a punishment less harsh that I was certain they had in their distorted minds.

“A-and you speak of this as if I by my own doing seduced and robbed you of such awful passions?” my breath was heavy as Henri laid his hand upon my shoulder and stared at me “where is William and what does he say to this?” I added feebly, thinking only that William, who trapped eternally in in the body of a seventeen year old, had shown me no harm or ill will.

Henri sneered and squeezed my shoulder momentarily hard.
“William is young in body and blood, he lays with the Lord tonight. He is as devoted to me and my actions as my brother’s before you”
I swallowed hard.

Henri was now gazing down at the obscenely large jewel affixed to the collar of my shirt and looking intently disgusted at it.

“Strange a God should take a scrawny imp as a bedfellow,” he said in a low voice still eyeing the cameo, suddenly still and reposed as if the jealousy and rage where receding bellow his surface.

“Quite gorgeous that thing about your neck, isn’t it? Expensive and fragile” he continued voice now husky as if tears where welling in his eyes and throat “just like you”
With his ivory fingertips he held the cameo by the back and admired it, seemingly transfixed at its lustre with melancholy hazel eyes, thumb stroking the metal of the backing.
“ I remember when he bought me such fine things. I’ll bet you’re not even the least bit grateful are you? Spoiled brat. And I suppose the Little Prince is too good to share the Master’s bed as well” suddenly a grin began to spread over his face so immediately malicious and angry I felt as if he would tear me apart like parchment paper, and in a seething whisper adding “How would you like it if someone took everything you had away and wasn’t even gracious enough to realize it?”

Immediately I felt the wire of the clasp press into my throat through my shirt under his fingertips, harder and harder as if my throat was to be cut by blunt metal as Dyre’s had been. I screwed shut my eyes and bit into my lip making blood pool softly into the cavern of my starving mouth but refusing to look at either of them or make a sound of weakness.
As he continued amounting the pressure he thumbed over the cameo’s face, and abruptly the gleaming portrait was crushed like sandstone in his grasp, falling like glittering dust to the disgusting ground.
Henri ceased and slapped me hard around the face, forcing me into Mikael’s arms who held me tight.
Antonious now looked up and to the leader of the three.

“Mikael, hold his hands above his head and make sure his legs are restrained-break them if you have to,” he looked over his shoulder at his exotic skinned brother and laughed lightly “would you like to do the honours first or shall I?


Comments greatly welcome, hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did:p heehee
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