ancient wound pt 22

Sep 30, 2007 15:45

Author: yours truly, ExMaverick aka Jess

Title: Ancient Wounds

Rating: Nc-17 for violence
Summary: Prequel to my vampire fic Deepest Shadow. Ville recounts the events of his mortal life growing up in the poverty of 20th century Finland, wrought with grief, sex, romance, passion and abuse leading into his birth to darkness.
His lengthy tales are imparted to the sleepy mind of his young lover, but only in the seclusion of his own darkest thoughts does he begin to relive the greatest obsessions and deepest hurts rooted in his bygone and decadent time.
Warnings: Blood, angst, abuse.
Pairing: Vam,Ville/Jonne (in parts)

Previous Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5i, 5ii, 6, 7, 8, 9i, 9ii, 10i, 10ii, 10iii,11, 12i, 12ii, 13, 14i, 14ii, 14iii, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20i, 20ii,


My days have passed away, my
Thoughts are dissipated, tormenting my
They have turned night into day,
And after darkness I hope for light again.
If I wait hell is my house, and I have
Made my bed in darkness.
I have said to rottenness: thou art
My father; to worms, my mother and
My sister.
Where is now then my expectation ,
And who considereth my patience?
All that I have shall go down into
The deepest pit: thinkest thou that there
At least I shall have rest?

Job 17:11-16 dv.

I will walk the cracked flagstones through hell and its darkness, in search of some amiable truth to this eternal quest of love and all who dwell within its definition. Be you at my side, and if the tide should sway me, I shall fear no evil


My miserable euphoria was suddenly shattered by the slam of the great heavy door behind the bed. As I broke the kiss and whipped round I witness what I had all evening forgotten so foolishly to fear. There, towering frighteningly above the both of us, stood Master Vuori. He immediately flew into a pale burning rage.

It seemed to me even with my new eyes, that in a blink he had come to the foot of the bed, gripped the back of Dyre’s head and driven him effortlessly into the floor with horrifying results.

Master Vuori began to scream.

“I told you not to touch him, I told you to stay away!” he roared down at Dyre, who was now a shaking heap on the floor with a bloody broken nose on account of his collision with the cold wooden floorboards. I was too shocked to move, whether because of the Master’s infliction or the sight of Dyre’s blood soaking his white shirt crimson with the twin streaks pouring from nostrils over his parted lips and throat.

Dyre twisted his head upwards as if to address the angry Lord but was met instead with a hard smack across the face that left him reeling back to the floor and cowering at his feet. The Master released him for a moment and cast his ignited eyes on me.

“And you, what makes you dare think to go against me?” He fumed, moving to grip my wrists in one cold and bloodied hand before me “years of your miserable little life I’ve done nothing but spoil you, give you riches, finery, education befitting a prince and bringing you up from my own pocket and -this- is how you see fit to repay me!?”

He yanked me hard from the bed to join my former bedfellow on the floor, who now was coughing scarlet onto the hardwood and wouldn’t look at me. I felt him exert pressure on my wrists and twist them slowly towards him above my head. I began to cry out of pain and sheer fright.

“You -both of you- make me sick” he said still twisting as he spoke eyes aflame and teeth bared “Neither of you deserve The Blood, disobedient as you are. But I can remedy that. I shall break you if I have to make bondmaids of you both”

I let out an agonising cry as with one final twist beneath his fingertips I felt both of my wrist bones crack. I knew that they were well and truly broken when he released them and I lay nursing them like an injured dog.

He turned his attention from me onto my pale bleeding best friend besides me, wrenching him by the throat to look in his eyes.

“Dyre, you knew what the consequences are of touching my property full-well. You will serve your punishment locked away in one of the catacomb tombs without feeding for as long as I see fit to keep you there,”

He smiled angrily at the both of us glancing at me and then to Dyre once again.

“And just in case that does not prove my most valuable of points I’ll make sure my precious Ville is locked up within earshot so you can hear his screams when he’s put through his first test”

Within moments of saying this the door and steps which the Master himself had came from quickly produced the lurid countenances’ of both Mikael and Antonious, who I had seen scarce glances of in the past months, who now stood at the Master’s side.
He bid them to take me roughly my the hands (at which I wept like a small child and shook with the pain) and cracked his neck vulgarly to one side before speaking again.

“Take Ville to the cellar and put him in the old vineyard cell. If there’s anyone left in there get William clean the bones out and lock him in. I’ll send for Henri to put Dyre in the box adjacent when I’m done with him”

I wanted to scream and to grab at him, or to at least beg that we weren’t separated but I knew it was no use. I merely cried and cried in both my brother’s grasps pathetically and was made to watch Master Vuori kick Dyre in the chest repeatedly with his harshly pointed boots, before being dragged off down to the horrifying secret place bellow.

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