thoughts on film

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    monalisaofpasta May 24, 2012 22:22

    I am a horrible journaller as you all can probably tell.

    Ok that is not true, it is just I do most of my stuff at Tumblr and Twitter. Which by the way I switched names on both, as I think I finally have retired the esca naming scheme. (Sad I know, but sometimes one has to move on). My name on Tumblr is kristenique (obviously if you are ( Read more... )

    updates apparently

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  • Everything is coming up Sexy Cat Aliens (Or how Kristen's life became a disaster in 48 hours)

    monalisaofpasta May 08, 2012 19:26

    So I was kind of relieved when I realized that after downing all of Young Justice and then realizing that there was a huge timeskip at the beginning of season 2 which pretty much put my interest in YJ back down to 0, that I would only have to worry about catching up with Korra every Saturday. Which since I am horrible at keeping up with TV as it ( Read more... )

    fandom: thundercats

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  • So you may have heard of a certain show that has happened...

    monalisaofpasta Apr 22, 2012 10:38

    That show being Legend of Korra, sequel series to one of my most favorite narratives of all time known as Avatar the Last Airbender. We are into the second week and three episodes and I finally feel that I can post thoughts. (Mostly on the third episode though because I feel everything that could ever be said about the first 2 has already been ( Read more... )

    !fandom, fandom: legend of korra

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