Taken from Tumblr but I figured I would repost here.

May 27, 2012 11:03

Some basic Avengers thoughts...
Things I realized going into and coming out of the Avengers:

  • The theater and my parents were very lucky that I withheld my urge to shout “FUCK YOU NOLAN” when the Dark Knight Rises trailer came on.
  • I remember diddly squat about Iron Man 2
  • Well at least this movie is the least offensive thing Joss Whedon has produced. Still leaving aside my pre-existing Whedon issues I don’t know that I believe he is that good a film director & writer. He just always feels a bit too tv to me. OF course give him that and his issues creep in. I guess a film like this is the best way to keep him because he is reined in.
  • Which is not to say that the film wasn’t enjoyable. But that was the extent of my feelings about the film. It was enjoyable.
  • Archer dude needs a less distracting name both the superhero and civilian name. Like I get that the comic character probably came first but still. I OBJECT ON YOUR NAME IS DISTRACTING & I FORGOT ABOUT THE MOVIE EVERY TIME SOMEONE MENTIONED YOU AND THOUGHT ABOUT OTHER THINGS. I guess his first name is ok though.
  • Who and What is a Mark Ruffalo?
  • I felt like some of the action sequences dragged. I admit I was kinda bored at the end.
  • Which I guess this confirms that I have a block when it comes to all things superhero comix related.
  • I’m just kinda done with superheros in general though. Whether they are DC or Marvel related or not.
  • I honestly prefer the individual films more, you know the ones that I remember. (Which basically leaves Iron Man and Thor. I never actually saw Captain America)
  • The only thing I thought when I saw Thor (in this film, not the individual movie), was man I can’t wait to see you in Snow White & The Huntsman next week.
  • That said, this still better beat Nolanverse Batman later in the summer or else I will explode. You know for previously stated reasons.

    Also I think I just plain prefer serial narratives to film. I wish mini-series were a thing that could come back in a big way. Like something that is longer than a film but isn't subject to the whimsy of cancellation or overplay such as regular tv.

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