Yuletide letter 2012

Oct 25, 2012 19:05

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Happy winter season to you and I hope you are enjoying your Yuletide experience so far! This is my 5th Yuletide and like I say every year, no one is more happy that you signed up then me, whether it is your first or 7th time doing so! (Most of all because you get to write for me! I am a bit of a selfish brat I admit it).

First, I don't want you to freak out too much about any of the prompts. I requested the characters so if you have a really great story idea that you want to write for these fandoms and/or characters then by all means please do so.

Generally likes and things that are completely bonuses to me in terms of story:

1. LADIES. I definitely get way more attached to female characters than male ones so including women doing things would be totally great. Even in my one request where I asked for 2 dudes I would not say no to ladies running around in the background or being a factor. Just have ladies be awesome is my mantra.

2. I really love settings that tie into the story. I don't mean long description, but just a sense that the characters exist in a world and a sense of place. If that makes any sense.

And things that I tend to not like and prefer not to read:

1. No rape or noncon or really even bordering on it. That is the big one.

2. Needless angst. (Manpain is right out). I don't tend to like angsty stories, (not that I need everything to be happiness and joy) but I really don't like angst for the sake of angst.

3. Character bashing!

And that is about it. So you steer clear of those and I am pretty sure I will love your fic.

And now on to the specifics!

Black Lagoon
Revy, Rock

Prompt: I would love anything focusing on the emotional evolution of Rock and Revy's relationship. It is such a gender reversal and how they formed this connection is really interesting, particularly for Revy as Rock's buffer into the world of Roannapur and the insinuation that Rock is actually more adept and more akin to the lifestyle of Roannapur then he seems really intrigues me. Basically if you want to do anything built around the "I'm the bullet to your gun" line from the manga I would be incredibly happy. I ship it but if you have a gen way that would be great. Also any inclusion of Eda, Balalaika, Dutch, Shenhua would be a lovely plus but is not required.

So 5 years in and I still have firsts when it comes to Yuletide. And that first is that I am requesting something that I have already received in a previous Yuletide! I got an excellent Revy (with a bit of Eda) fic in 2009 and loved it, but that wasn't the only kind of thing that I ever wanted from this fandom. I love Revy and Rock and their messed up yet oddly functional relationship, yet pretty much every fic I find about them is porn. Which ok I ship it and sometimes I need porn, but I would really love something about them that is NOT porn. Which is not to say I would be disappointed in sex, but I really want the focus to be on the sort of intimacy that kinda grows to them, how their relationship with each other is unique compared to their relationships with the other members of Lagoon and other Roannapur inhabitants. Also I love the insinuations of Rock just kinda actually being really fitted to Roannapur even if he isn't "necessarily" violent. Like I said if we were only allowed liked really short prompts I would definitely put "I'm the bullet to your gun" there and tell you to go at it.

For plot ideas, I could go with anything, whether a filled in scene from in canon or them on a job or hanging while downtime I am pretty much game. Please note that I have only read through the chapters that the OAV covered so try to stay in that time frame and everything that came before.

City Hunter
Kim Na-na, Lee Yoon-sung

Prompt:When it comes to these two I would really just love anything. Post-canon, during canon. Whether you want to fill in other cohabitation hijinx that you can think of or write them together taking down crime at the end. I am ok with shippyness or just friendship would be fine. If you even want to AU it that would be fine. Are they in Seoul or the US after the series? If you want to address some of the forgotten questions like the ring would be great as well. Additions of Se hee or Bae Sik Joong or Kyung-hee or Da hye would be lovely but again are not entirely necessary.

Oh City Hunter, whatever am I to do with you. It is probably my second favorite kdrama (it was my first but then the emotional disaster that was The Princess' Man came into my life) and these two, Na-na particularly, were my favorites. I just want fic about them together, Yoon-sung working with his issues and of course them taking corrupt douchebags down. I love the very nature of their relationship which to be honest casts Na-na as Yoon-sung's protector, his shield. So I definitely would love for Na-na to be the centerpiece if at all possible though again if you have a great story that is more from YS's point of view I would be completly okay with that. I just want to see these two kids work it out.

Capital Scandal
Na Yeo-Kyeong

Prompt: Anything Yeo Kyeong related would be fabulous. Any focus on her relationship with Cha Song joo and Woo Wan would be great. How is the Manchuria front, or maybe her life with her mother or Cha Song Joo taking her under her wing (both in revolution and in love!). Just anything with this character would be lovely.

I just want all the Yeo Kyeong fic because I feel that other people have Cha Song Joo covered for me. How goes the revolution at the end. How do her lessons in love go? Also if you want to write about Cha Song Joo taking Yeo Kyeong under her wing and giving her tricks, I would not be adverse to that. But I really am fair game with anything to do with Yeo Kyeong.

Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Gu Yong ha, Moon Jae shin

Prompt: Yong ha and Jae shin and the history they have with each other is one of the things I am most interested in in terms of SKKS. I want to know how they met, their early days of friendship. They obviously knew each other's secrets and how did that happen. I ship it so if you want to I would so not be adverse to that, but if you want to just do general friendship and friendly hijinx that would be great as well.

Uggghhh, my beautiful scholarly boyfriends or as my friend Viv likes to say "Twirling into your personal space" OTP (I mean just look at them (note: link goes to a gif set of multiple moving gifs)) and I SHIP IT HARD. That said I completely understand if you don't, so I am ok with just an exploration of how they met and how they got close. I guess the only things I would be adverse to is Unrequited Love! I don't necessarily want say Yong ha pining after Jae shin. Nah, just doing drinking buddies as they laugh at Sun joon and Yoon hee's ridiculously nerdy life would be fine. And because I am me, any inclusion of any SKKS lady would be much loved and adored.

And I think it is.


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yuletide letter

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