High fives and butt-slaps for everyone at CERN today. Mmmm, five sigma.
In fannish science news, I had another thought this weekend: if Character A has suddenly increased muscular strength, they're going to have to have proportionally increased everything strength. I'm talking bones, connective tissue, skin like Kevlar; otherwise they'd tear
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Hi, hello! I have many pictures to show you from my trip out east. It was a super time and the weather was fabulous throughout, for which we were very lucky. The ONLY maybe-sorta disappointment was that lobster season in NL was over, so there wasn't much of that to be had. I did, however, have a lot of fish. Cod is not something I'd had before, and
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What-ho, flist! Tomorrow, my mom and I are flying out to St. John's to begin our 10-day trip around the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland! The weather looks to be mostly good, and we will have good times. I will make fun of the place names and eat as much lobster as possible
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Hi! I am having a good Monday. After the week-long protocol of dooooom I had a restful/fun weekend and stored up many sleeps. So I feel good! And on Saturday nos4a2no9, scarfe and Nos' friend Bill went on an impromptu field trip to the Ontario Science Centre to see Body Worlds! It was rad and I got to basically be the tour guide
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HEY. So, I'm back on the interweb after a few nights of non-stop Christmassing and partying. Christmas day was three separate events, with morning at my dad's, Xmas dinner at my mom's with some extended family, followed by more gifting. Then Boxing Day was all about my cousin's Buck and Doe party, which was drunken good times -- though I regretted
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Today we had a pumpkin-carving contest in our department. Since we have a small lab, we teamed up with another lab to play, and we won third prize! Many people thought we should have been first.
Hi! I have some links for you, only one of them fannish but all of them, I think, varying degrees of cool.
First, SCIENCE. Astronomy, actually.
'Ribbon' found at edge of solar system. Yay for unexpected things in space! The solar system has a bow wave of some kind? \o? Also bonus cool: they can still track the Voyagers even though they are
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Hi. It's nearly Thankgiving weekend and I am bored in the lab. Poking through science things on the internet has led me to a Facebook group called "you know you've worked too long in a lab when..." which has a very amusing list that I now feel compelled to turn into a meme even though the percentage of my flist that will appreciate this is very low
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