The Town of Dildo will never not be funny

Aug 25, 2010 15:40

What-ho, flist! Tomorrow, my mom and I are flying out to St. John's to begin our 10-day trip around the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland! The weather looks to be mostly good, and we will have good times. I will make fun of the place names and eat as much lobster as possible.

In my quest for reading material to take with me on the trip, I found this useful fanfiction eBook Library, which I had never heard of. Subsequently, you are all fired.

El is back, yay!

Awww, married date.

LOLOL, Neal trying to get in on date night. Also, Neal knows Peter's date night food. ♥

Aw, poor Neal, shot down by Diana, too. He just wants his modern art, dangit! (And a date with Peter and El, but that's not in the cards.)

Ah, inter-agency cooperation. Is law enforcement really this bad at working with itself? No wonder things always take so long.

asdfgh, Subtext. The fugitive FBI agent running to/with his former informant/girlfriend. Neal: "C'mon, Peter, if you went on the run..." I would hide you and we would shack up. Obviously.

"There's a reason El prefers I work with a male CI." Yeah, she prefers guys in general. ;)

I was really waiting for Rebecca to assume Peter and Neal were a couple.

Man, if it were that easy to wander off with high-end sports cars... Also, Neal, this is not what Peter meant by "behave."

Peter trying to bond with Rebecca over the special relationship between agent and CI... Ah, Peter, you know not what you imply.

Tim DeKay would like to welcome you to the gun show.

Haha, poor Neal. Jones is a Philistine who won't go on his art date with him.

"Is this a CI-off?" LOL, Neal is so excited. If only he could prove he was better in bed, too.

He called him Mario. They have in-jokey pet names. I am dead of adorable.

Peter is really getting into Neal's "ask forgiveness, not permission" thing.

LOL, I love Moz.

Poor El coming home to a house full of smoke and a carbonised pot roast. At least it wasn't all the way on fire.

"Mozzie? What are you doing here?" "Date night!" Hee.

... I give it a few hours 'til "azaleas" shows up in a fic.

As if Dekert (sp?) doesn't pat down his pockets after running into Neal, andf after showing him the anklet keys. Marshal fail!

Hooray, no one gets shot.

Fowler again? Dun dun dun.

LOL, Neal and Bancroft go on the art date.

And that's the end of Subtext Theatre for another week.

on the lam, things fall off the internet, white collar, squee, look at this!, fannish, good times, newfoundland

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