
Dec 28, 2009 21:06

HEY. So, I'm back on the interweb after a few nights of non-stop Christmassing and partying. Christmas day was three separate events, with morning at my dad's, Xmas dinner at my mom's with some extended family, followed by more gifting. Then Boxing Day was all about my cousin's Buck and Doe party, which was drunken good times -- though I regretted it a little when I had to get up the next morning to do the two-hour drive to my grandparents' for yet more eating and Christmas, only to come back home today. Whew! So, that's 4 Christmases down and one to go on the 2nd.

For some reason, I seem to have escaped without New Year's plans, idk. I expect it will resolve itself like all the other plans (see post title.) The World Juniors are on right now, and I think Canada has a game on NYE. SRS BISNES.

nos4a2no9 may be coming to visit meeee in a day or two. She's been angling to seed my hometown and possbily meet my family for a while now. I guess she wants to see what kind of place could produce me. She won't find anything out, though, I'm a mystery.

I have a THANK YOU for slidellra who gifted me with paid time over on Dreamwidth. Very generous! ♥ And incentive to start using it more. :P I also say thank you to anyone who send me a card these last couple weeks -- I won't ACTUALLY get them until the 3rd when I go back to my own place but ♥!

Um. What else. My cousin has a v. cute puppy? :D?

My family is CRAZY. Crazy. And weird. All of them, on all three sides (yeah, three.)

Oh, IT SNOWED. And stuck, finally. And was v. windy. We were driving past the big wind turbines in the blowing snow down south (where my grandparents live and it's flat as a pancake by Lake Erie) and it looked apocalyptic.

So, like, I see Yuletide and DSSS happened while I was gone. I have some reading to do y/y/y? :D

on the lam, omgyay, my life is so exciting, \o/, food, good times, nos and i are total party girls, i love you all, segues are for the weak, talking about the weather again, rl, the tryptophan is kicking in, christmaseses

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