Hi. It's nearly Thankgiving weekend and I am bored in the lab. Poking through science things on the internet has led me to a Facebook group called "you know you've worked too long in a lab when..." which has a very amusing list that I now feel compelled to turn into a meme even though the percentage of my flist that will appreciate this is very low
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Comments 29
I do this to people when they ask me what I went to graduate school for. I'm all, "What, you don't want to hear me wax on about Spartan military colonization? :D?"
12. You have to check the web to find out what the weather is outside
LOL I think this one is true of all Internet addicts. :D
71.No-one in your family has any idea what you do.
This is also true when you work in development. People are like, "So you just...ask for money? For...radio? Do you sell ads?" Sigh!
57.You use the word "aliquot" in regular sentences.
I...will now have to go and look this up :P
12. Yeah, but do you work in a big cold-war era lab? It's a special place.
57. A very cromulent and useful word! :D
Ha, yeah! Even I say that and I'm not a scientist. ...I just happen to take a lot of meds (and so do/did my pets) XD
Now, if only there was a suitable abbrev. for micrograms. Or nanometres or Angstroms. That would make my life much easier.
Bad jokes are my catnip /o\
But I could still try that. Hee.
So how about the biology stuff in ReGenesis? I watched the first episode of that the other day and giggled a little at the random math scribbled on a board. Like, I'm sure they used those trigonometry equations in figuring out the virus thing.
Math helps if they're doing population medicine stuff! Which is why epidemiology makes me crazy.
Not that trig really helps with THAT...
Heh, I wonder if I'd go crazy if I watched Numbers. I think I never will.
All science == math/physics, don't you know? Despite the fact that I can't derive my way out of a paper bag...
10. You've worked out that a trained chimp could probably do 90% of your job
My biology prof always used to say that...
16. Safety equipment is optional unless it makes you look cool
I have definitely noticed this phenomenon.
33. You still get amusement out of "freezing" things in liquid nitrogen! (Um, who doesn't!?)
Mmm, icecream!
24. You can no longer spell normal words but have no trouble with spelling things like immunohistochemistry or deoxyribonucleic acid. (Or phthaldialdehyde.)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa...
Yes to 3, 4, 5, 14, 26, 35, 41, 44, 52, 53, 54, 57, 61, 65, 66...
78.You've used Kimwipes as Kleenex.
Really? They're pretty expensive aren't they?
24. Aw, come on, bacteria don't even count. Until you're a first year and Escherichia still confuses you and you're leaving naked epithets everywhere...
78. Hey, man, you gotta blow your nose you gotta. And I'm not using brown paper towel. Harsh!
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