Fic: 525,600 Minutes (27/?)

Nov 30, 2010 12:47

Title:  525, 600 minutes
Author:  nickershnick25
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don’t own either Luke or Reid or any other ATWT characters
Characters:  Luke and Reid, with appearances by others (Katie, Chris, Noah, Casey, etc.)
Summary:  This picks up after my HISHE fic (which will be re-titled as the prologue) where Reid asks Luke to marry him.  Hearing Luke talk about all the things that he and Reid never got to with Noah just made me want to write… The title comes from the RENT song Seasons of Love as this will be about the year following Reid’s proposal culminating with a wedding at the end.  I figured that even though Reid asked it still wasn’t familiar enough to him yet and that a good year long engagement would give him time to really want it.
Previous Chapters:  Prologue l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l 11 l 12 l 13 l 14 l 15 l 16 l 17 l 18 l 19 l 20 l 21 l 22 l 23 l 24 l 25 l 26

Reid was sitting in his office looking over his schedule when he realized that it was Valentine’s Day the next day.  Luke had been in LA for almost two weeks and no matter how much he tried to deny it to Katie or anyone else who was bold enough to ask he missed him like crazy.  He hadn’t gotten more than a few hours of sleep per night and it was starting to take its toll.  He was secretly grateful that since taking on the Chief of Staff position his focus was more on paperwork and politics than actual surgery.

Reid had never liked Valentine’s Day.  If he was being completely honest he had never given it much thought.  But that and so many other little idiosyncrasies were before Luke.  He had started referring to things like that.  Something fell into one of two categories.  Before Luke or after Luke.  Before Luke he was consumed with his job and everything he had been working for his entire life.  After Luke his focus was just as narrow it had just shifted.  All of the things he thought he never wanted.  All of the things he never gave a second thought to were now all he could think about.  Because Reid wanted nothing more than to make Luke happy.  Luke would argue with Reid sometimes wanting to know what would make him happy but Reid would always respond the same.  What made Luke happy made Reid happy.  It was that simple and it was what Reid lived by.

Reid almost considered going online and booking a ticket to LA but changed his mind.  Instead he made a phone call.


The next day Luke and Noah sat in what had become their usual spot near the coffee cart outside of the English building.  Luke didn’t know how it had happened but some how he had forgiven Noah.  Or at least he thought he did.  Noah seemed so different.  He seemed like he was finally accepting that Luke had moved on and that Luke and Reid were meant to be.  Poor Luke was so naïve sometimes.

Noah sat there sipping his coffee staring at Luke’s lips.  The way they pressed against the coffee cup.  The way they opened slightly to let the hot liquid in.  The way his tongue darted out to lick them afterwards.  Noah wanted nothing more than to reach across the table for Luke and kiss him square on the lips but it wasn’t time yet.  He needed to make sure that Luke believed he had changed.   He needed to make sure that it was the perfect moment.  The moment in which Luke would realize that he had made a mistake and that Noah was the one he wanted.

Luke babbled on happily about a project for one of his classes completely unaware of the thoughts running through Noah’s head.  Luke was looking over some notes when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Love you. Miss you. Xo

Luke broke out into a wide grin like only Luke could.  Reid wasn’t one for romance but every once in a while he would surprise Luke.  He would do something or say something that was completely out of character and so sweet.  It was never anything big or over the top.  Just a little something to let Luke know how much he cared.  Those little things were what Luke cherished about Reid.

“What’s the big dopey grin for?” Noah asked annoyed.  He knew that it had to be Reid.  He had to keep his emotions in check.  He couldn’t let Luke see his frustration.

“Oh…just…Reeeeeeiiiiiiid…” He had almost sighed Reid’s name his mind somewhere else.  Noah rolled his eyes but Luke was too blissed out to notice texting back.

Miss you and love you too.  Can’t believe we are apart on our first Valentine’s Day together L

What are you doing?

Luke still hadn’t told Reid that he had been spending time with Noah.

Just having some coffee before my next class.  You?

“What did Dr. Wonderful have to say now?” Noah had tried to keep the sarcasm out of his voice but apparently he had failed because Luke whipped his head up to glare at Noah.

“God, Noah!”  Luke started to gather up his papers. “I can’t believe that I had actually believed you had changed.  You just can’t accept that I am with Reid can you?” Luke was yelling now and the people around them were starting to stare.  He had stood up and Noah did the same.  He tried to walk closer but Luke put his hand out in front of him. “No.  Don’t come any closer.”  Noah couldn’t believe how stupid he was.  He had been doing so well.  And now he had let one sarcastic comment slip and all of the progress he had made was blown.  Fucking Reid Oliver.  There were no words for how much Noah hated that man.  He tried to soften his gaze removing all of his anger about Reid.

“Luke…”  Noah pleaded softly. “Luke please.  I didn’t mean it.  It was just a joke.”  Luke looked as if he was calming down a little so Noah continued. “I’m sorry Luke.”  Luke looked up at Noah and Noah did his best to fill his eyes with regret so that Luke would believe him.  When Noah saw Luke soften a little he took a chance by reaching out and touching Luke’s arm.  “I really am sorry.  You believe me don’t you?”


Reid could hear someone shouting as he neared the coffee cart outside of the UCLA English building.  The voice sounded familiar and as he got a bit closer he could see why.  He saw Luke yelling at someone.  Someone tall with dark hair.  He couldn’t quite make out who it was and then he froze.  Noah fucking Mayer.  That kid just doesn’t quit Reid thought to himself.  Reid was about to run over there and rescue Luke when he saw his fiancé` calm and look up at Noah.  Then he saw Noah reach out and touch Luke.  His Luke.  There would never be words to describe the rage that he felt in that moment.  Not only at Noah but at Luke as well.  Luke didn’t flinch or pull away from the touch.  He just stood there and looking forgivingly at Noah.  Noah said something that Reid could not hear and then walked away leaving Luke standing there alone.

Reid wanted to turn around right then and run.  Go back to the jet and go back to Oakdale.  He wanted nothing more than to be as far away from all of this as possible.  Stupid, stupid, stupid he thought to himself.  He couldn’t believe how stupid he had been.  He had never been one for romantic gestures but Luke always drew out the best in him.  Or so he thought.  Standing there in that moment all he felt was foolish but instead of running he faced it head on.  He walked towards Luke determined to give him a piece of his mind.

Just then Luke saw someone striding towards him out of the corner of his eye and turned to see Reid.  His eyes grew wide with surprise and then fear.  He could see the pained expression on Reid’s face and knew that he had seen him with Noah.  His mind now travelled a mile a minute trying to figure out how he was going to explain this.  How we was going to make Reid understand.

rating: pg-13, reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: nickershnick25, luke snyder, fan fiction

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