Fic: 525,600 minutes (7/?)

Sep 20, 2010 22:29

Title:  525, 600 minutes
Author:  nickershnick25
Rating:  NC-17
Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don’t own either Luke or Reid or any other ATWT characters
Characters:  Luke and Reid, with appearances by others (Katie, Chris, Noah, Casey, etc.)
Summary:  This picks up after my HISHE fic (which will be re-titled as the prologue) where Reid asks Luke to marry him.  Hearing Luke talk about all the things that he and Reid never got to with Noah just made me want to write… The title comes from the RENT song Seasons of Love as this will be about the year following Reid’s proposal culminating with a wedding at the end.  I figured that even though Reid asked it still wasn’t familiar enough to him yet and that a good year long engagement would give him time to really want it.

Previous Chapters: Prologue l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6

Reid couldn’t believe his eyes.  It was ridiculously romantic, over the top, and so Luke.  He walked forward slowly, barely able to focus on any one thing for more than a second.  Luke grinned in excitement seeing Reid take it all in.  The first thing to catch his eye was the hundreds of white Christmas lights covering the trees surrounding the pond.  He had no idea how Luke did all of this.  Getting a little closer he could see that the pond was spotted with white tea light candles floating on the surface.  Only a few feet away from where Luke was standing now his eyes widened at the spread before him.  There was a large down comforter that looked way too expensive to be on the ground with about ten matching pillows scattered on top of it.  To the side of the make shift bed there was every ingredient imaginable to assemble as Luke called them his “heart attack sandwich” along with several types of chips and cookies, beer and coke.

Normally Reid would have run screaming by now or passed out from an excess of romance but Luke had done this.  More importantly Luke had done this for him and that made it more special than anything anyone had ever done for him.  Plus there was food…

Luke started to move closer to Reid still with that huge grin on his face.  “Do you like it?” He could hear his breath catch for a second and he knew that Luke was worried that he had over done it.  Reid smiled at Luke to reassure him because even though it was over the top he would never ruin this for Luke.

“Do I like it?  There is food and you…what more could I need?”  Luke practically tackled him to the ground in excitement kissing him all over his face.  Reid couldn’t help but laugh even though this was completely juvenile.

“So do you want to do the honors or do you want me to?” Luke said as he jumped up off of Reid and made his way over to the food.  Now it was Reid’s turn to get excited.

“Watch and learn young one” he said as he clapped his hands together in anticipation.  Luke watched in amazement as Reid piled ingredient after ingredient onto each of the three sandwiches.

“You’re not really gonna eat two of those things are you?”

“Two?  Did you think that one of these was for you?” Luke laughed and Reid just grinned at him continuing to work on his masterpiece.  Finally Reid was placing the top on each of the sandwiches.  He sat back for a second to marvel at his genius.

They made small talk while they ate talking about Reid’s day at work and about what had happened at the meeting about the chief of staff position.  Luke talked animatedly about his day running errands and setting everything up.  After Reid had polished off two sandwiches, eaten a half a bag of chips, and a dozen cookies he laid back to let his stomach settle.  Luke lay down next to Reid and rested his head on his chest.   They laid there like that for a while staring up at the stars not talking and just enjoying this time together.  Luke tilted his head up to look at Reid and couldn’t help but smile.  Luke could never get over the fact that this beautiful, smart, successful man loved him.  He sat up then turning to Reid, “Do you wanna go for a swim?”

“You’re not serious are you?” Luke didn’t answer because he was already making his way over to edge of the pond dropping pieces of clothing along the way until he was completely naked.  Now it was Reid’s turn to bask in Luke’s beauty.  He was even more beautiful tonight his bare skin glowing from the light of the moon.

“Come on old man, live a little.”  Luke turned towards the water and started to wade in deeper and deeper until only his head and his neck were out of the water.  Thinking of Luke wet and naked was enough of a push for him and Reid couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough so that he could join him.  Once he was undressed he dipped a single toe into the water to test the temperature.  It was actually quite warm.  He made his way into the water and towards Luke.  As soon as he got within reaching distance Luke pulled him into his arms and kissed him.  Reid just went with it wrapping his arms around Luke and kissing him harder and deeper.  Luke jumped up circling his legs around Reid’s waist pressing his hard cock into his stomach.  Reid groaned in pleasure knowing how turned on Luke was.

Reid turned back towards the shore and slowly made his way out of the water carrying Luke, never breaking their kiss.   When they reached the blankets he gently laid Luke down pausing a second to take in that beautiful site.  He would never be anything but completely turned on by the site of Luke lying before him naked.  He lowered himself on top of Luke grinding his cock into him.  They both moaned in delight.  Reid kissed Luke’s neck massaging it with his tongue.  With every kiss he made his way lower and lower until his mouth was hovering over Luke’s hard cock.  He lightly ran his tongue up and down it smiling as Luke’s hips rose off the ground in pleasure.  It was then that Reid took Luke all the way in.  He moved up and down slow and gentle at first and then faster and more forceful as he went.  He cupped Luke’s balls in his hand massaging them lightly.  Luke jerked thrusting himself further into Reid’s mouth.  Reid pulled back kissing his way back up to Luke’s lips.  When he got there he bypassed his mouth and instead kissed his way over to Luke’s ear whispering “I want to feel you inside of me” he pulled his head back to look at Luke amused at the wide eyed expression that he had on his face.

“Are you sure…I mean I’ve only done it once before” Luke blushed a little turning his face to the side not wanting Reid to look at him. “I don’t want to ruin the moment by doing something wrong.”  Luke had this look of innocence and embarrassment on his face.  Reid reached out and stroked his face.

“Oh Luke, you couldn’t ruin this if you tried.”  He leaned down and lightly pecked Luke on the lips keeping his eyes open so that he didn’t have to miss one second of this amazing night.  “Please Luke…” Harder kiss. “I want to feel you” deeper kiss.

Luke circled his arm around Reid’s waist and rolled them both so that Reid was now below him.  Then he made his way down kissing along the way spreading Reid’s legs apart and running a finger along Reid’s hole.  He paused for a second to reach for the bag from the drug store.  He pulled a condom out of the box setting it beside him and then opened the bottle of Lube squirting some on his fingers.  He ran his now lubed finger back over Reid’s hole, Reid jerked.  Gently massaging it he placed delicate kisses on Reid’s inner thighs.  Then he inserted a finger into Reid.  Groan.  He moved his finger in and out loosening him up. Another finger.  Another groan.  He lightly ran his fingers over Reid’s spot. “Fuck Luke!  Inside…me….now”

Luke went in and out a few more times hitting that spot with each thrust.  Reid threw his head back eyes squeezed shut mouth open moaning.  Luke withdrew his fingers grabbing the condom and sliding it on before coating his cock with more lube.  He aligned himself with Reid’s hole tickling it a little with his head.  “Luke please….” Reid begged.  Luke pushed in only half way before pulling back out again.

“Is it…are you ok?”

“Yes Luke.  I need you inside of me.”  Luke pushed into him again going the whole way this time.  Reid hooked his feet together behind Luke trying to give them the best possible angle needing Luke to be as deep inside of him as he could be.   They both moaned.

“Fuck Reid!  You feel so good.”  In and out.  Up and down. Around and around.  Slow and gentle at first but harder and more urgent as they went.   Luke would thrust into Reid as far as he could go stopping just long enough to graze Reid’s spot.  When he did that Reid would constrict on him making him even tighter and it felt so good.

“Harder Luke….harder” It came out barely above a whisper as that was all that Reid could muster at the moment.  He couldn’t remember ever feeling like this before.  This was far and away the best sex that he had ever had.  It wasn’t just that it felt amazing.  It was everything.  It was him.  It was Luke.  It was the stars. It was the moon.  It was this night.  It was magic.

Luke began hitting Reid’s spot more frequently and for a longer period of time and he could feel Reid writhing below him.  Each time he would thrust into Reid he would push back trying to draw him in deeper.  Luke found the perfect rhythm hitting Reid’s spot each time harder and faster.  They were both so close.  It only took a few more thrusts and they were both coming.  Luke continued to thrust trying to draw out their orgasms as long as possible until he had no energy left and collapsed onto Reid.  Despite the slight chill in the air they were both dripping with sweat.  Reid wrapped his arms around Luke never wanting to let go.  His hand made its way up to Luke’s head running his fingers through his hair.  God he loved Luke’s hair.

After a while Luke pulled out of Reid and tossed the condom to the side curling up next to him his head resting on Reid’s chest his arm draped across him.  Neither of them said a word.  Words could never do it justice anyway.  Within minutes they were both fast asleep under a blanket of stars.

reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: nickershnick25, luke snyder, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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