Fic: 525,600 minutes (5/?)

Sep 19, 2010 14:52

Title:  525, 600 minutes
Author:  nickershnick25
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don’t own either Luke or Reid or any other ATWT characters
Characters:  Luke and Reid, with appearances by others (Katie, Chris, Noah, Casey, etc.)
Summary:  This picks up after my HISHE fic (which will be re-titled as the prologue) where Reid asks Luke to marry him.  Hearing Luke talk about all the things that he and Reid never got to with Noah just made me want to write… The title comes from the RENT song Seasons of Love as this will be about the year following Reid’s proposal culminating with a wedding at the end.  I figured that even though Reid asked it still wasn’t familiar enough to him yet and that a good year long engagement would give him time to really want it.
A/N:  In true Oakdale form the party consists of only a handful of people :D
Previous Chapters:  Prologue l Chapter 1 l Chapter 2 l Chapter 3 l Chapter 4

Reid was pulling into the parking lot at Metro when he heard Katie’s phone go off.  She pulled it out and tried to conceal her smile as she read the text.

Just got a text from Luke.  He’s here.

So are we.

If you see him act casual.

Got it.

Reid didn’t even want to know what she as up to.  Katie sexting with Doogie was just too much for him to fathom.   He got out of the car and then went around to open her door.

“Such a gentleman tonight!”  She smiled as she got out of the car.  “This almost feels like a date.”

“In your dreams Blondie.”

“You have no idea” She laughed walking towards the front door of Metro and then stopped when she saw Luke.  She had to take the lead on this or their cover would be blown.  “Luke!  What are you doing here?”

“Hey Katie!”  Luke’s eyes drifted to the man coming up behind her. “Reid!  Hey!”  He leaned in to kiss him. “What are you guys up to tonight?”

Katie answered before Reid could even open his lips. “We were just gonna get some dinner and some drinks. What are you doing here?”  Katie grabbed onto Reid’s arm trying to keep him close to her so that she could stay in control of the situation.  She started to pull him towards the door so that Luke would follow.  Luke opened the door and was about to answer Katie’s question but as they walked in he was drowned out by a sudden cheer.

“Surprise!”  Luke and Reid glanced at each other in surprise then over at the crowd which consisted of Casey, Ally, Gwen, and Will.  Then they turned to look at Katie.  She just grinned obviously happy with herself that she hadn’t blown it.  As the three of them walked over to join the others Luke felt Reid slip his hand into his.  He gave Reid’s hand a gentle squeeze to let him know that it was going to be ok.

Reid did not like parties.  He did not like crowds.  He did not like people.  And he really did not like small talk.  This was going to be a long night and he needed a drink ASAP.  He made the appropriate greetings and said his thank yous and as soon as he could get away he went to the bar to get a drink.  “Scotch on the rocks…  Make it a double.”  He looked back over at the group seeing Luke’s face light up as everyone expressed how happy they were for them…for him.  Reid realized that this was all becoming very real and he didn’t quite know how he felt about that.  Staring into his glass looking for relief he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He felt that familiar warmth and new that it was Luke.

“You ok?”  Luke looked at him with concern.  Luke knew that Reid did not do social.  In fact he didn’t do a lot of things.  At least that was until Luke.  He didn’t do relationships.  He didn’t do love.  He didn’t do weddings.  But here he was in a relationship, in love, and engaged.

“Just don’t leave my side and I’ll be fine” Reid had wanted to be his usually snarky self but he just couldn’t muster the strength right now.  He needed Luke and he needed him to know it.  Luke laced his fingers with Reid’s and gave his hand a little squeeze and they headed back over to the group.

They were all talking and laughing and enjoying themselves.  Every so often one of the girls would try to extract some details from them.  Have you set a date?  Location?  When are you gonna get your own place?  Luke took the initiative on most of them which Reid had no problem with.   Reid was almost feeling a little bit comfortable when he saw Casey and Ally’s eyes focused in on something by the door.  It turned out that the something was actually someone.

Noah really needed a drink.  He needed to drown his sorrows and forget about Luke.  Forget about Reid.  Forget about the nagging pain in his right hand.  But as he walked into Metro he could see that this day was only going to get worse.  He saw the group immediately and one by one they saw him as well.  Luke was the last to turn around as he followed everyone else’s gaze.

It was all a blur after that.  One second everything was fine and then before he knew it Noah’s fist was coming it at him for the second time.  Just as he was bracing himself for the hit he felt a hand on his shoulder pushing him aside and what sounded like Luke’s voice yelling something “Noah don’t!”  As he was falling back he felt another body crashing into his as they fell onto the floor together.  There was a jumble of voices but he couldn’t make out exactly what they were saying.  Casey yelling something at Noah.  Ally and Katie squealing in fear that someone was hurt.  Gwen and Will trying to calm Noah down.  Noah  oh god I’m sorry Luke.  Luke.  He didn’t hear Luke.  It was then that he recognized the warmth against him.  It was Luke.  Luke had pushed him out of Noah’s path.  He tried to sit up but Luke’s limp body was weighing him down.  Then as if someone could hear his inner turmoil he felt the weight of Luke being shifted off him.  He sat up now crawling over to Luke’s side and cradled him in his arms.  “Luke, Luke please….”

“Oh god…oh god…I’m so sorry…Luke…I’m sorry…Reid” Reid jerked his head up at the sound of his name.

“Noah go!  Now!”  Reid was beginning to tremble with anger.  If he had to look at Noah for one more second…”Get out of here, I mean it!” Then he felt a soft touch to his cheek and heard a frail voice say his name.

“Reid” He looked down to see Luke in his arms.  Those big brown eyes staring back at him.  He touched his hand to Luke’s face but then instantly regretted it as Luke winced in pain.  Just then Noah was kneeling next to them apologizing over and over again.  Reid was about to lose it until Luke gripped his hand in his and looked straight into his eyes.  Reid took in a deep breath.  He saw Luke turn his head towards Noah.  He couldn’t see the look in Luke’s eyes but he could see the expression on Noah’s face.  “You should go Noah” was all he said.

rating: pg-13, reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: nickershnick25, luke snyder, atwt, fan fiction

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