Fic: 525, 600 Minutes (8/?)

Sep 24, 2010 21:43

Title:  525, 600 minutes
Author:  nickershnick25
Rating:  PG-13
Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don’t own either Luke or Reid or any other ATWT characters
Characters:  Luke and Reid, with appearances by others (Katie, Chris, Noah, Casey, etc.)
Summary:  This picks up after my HISHE fic (which will be re-titled as the prologue) where Reid asks Luke to marry him.  Hearing Luke talk about all the things that he and Reid never got to with Noah just made me want to write… The title comes from the RENT song Seasons of Love as this will be about the year following Reid’s proposal culminating with a wedding at the end.  I figured that even though Reid asked it still wasn’t familiar enough to him yet and that a good year long engagement would give him time to really want it.
A/N: Sorry this took so long to update.  Started a new job this week and am exhausted.  I am hoping to knock out a bunch of chapters this weekend so that I can post regularly next week.
Previous Chapters: Prologue l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7

The next day Luke couldn’t get Reid out of his mind.  Their night together at the pond had been magical and more than he could have hoped for.  He knew it had been over the top and he had half expected Reid to run screaming.  Luke knew that Reid loved him before last night.  He did ask Luke to marry him after all.  But Luke was blown away by Reid and how much he had put up with.  He hadn’t stopped smiling that day.

Luke was walking through Oldtown lost in his thoughts when he ran into Casey.  Literally.

“Luke!  Dude, I have the best news!”  Casey could barely suppress his grin long enough to get the words out.  “I asked Ally to marry me…again.”

“Oh wow Case that’s great!  I’m so happy for you!”  Luke really was happy for him.  He knew how hard Casey had taken their break up the last time and was glad that they had worked it all out.  They really were good for each other.

“There’s bad news too though…” Luke looked at Casey questioningly. “Ally and are moving…to Carbondale .”

“Carbondale?  Why?”

“I applied to the law school there…and I got in!”

“Wow, that’s so great!  I’m gonna miss you but I’m glad everything is working out for you.”

“Maybe you and Reid can move there too.   It will be just like old times.  Will and Gwen, me and Ally, you and…well not exactly like old times but you know what I mean.”

“Yea, I do.  You know we can’t move though.  I have the foundation and Grimaldi Shipping and Reid has the Neurology wing and hopefully the chief of staff position.”  Casey nodding already knowing what Luke was going to say.  “I guess this is all perfect timing.”

“What is?”

“Well you guys are moving and Noah is going to LA so now they can pack up everything together.”  Casey’s eyes widened for a minute.  Luke didn’t know.

“Oh…Ummm…I thought you would have heard by now…”

“Heard what?”

“Noah is gone, Luke.  He left for LA the day after the party.” Luke stood there frozen.  He didn’t know how he should be feeling about this. He couldn’t believe that Noah had left without saying goodbye.  “Sorry man.  I thought your mom would have told you.”

“My mom?  Why would she tell me?”

“We stopped at your house on the way to the airport.  He said goodbye to her and Nat and Ethan.”

“Oh….” Luke didn’t know what to say.  Neither did Casey. They just stood there for a minute not saying anything.  “Well I gotta go Case…See you later.” Luke was already walking away before Casey even had a chance to respond.

Reid was sitting in his office daydreaming about the night before.  Only Luke could do these things to him.  With anyone else last night would have been a disaster.  With anyone else Reid would have called it quits right there.  But seeing that smile on Luke’s face and seeing that look of love and fear all at the same time in Luke’s eyes was more than enough to persuade him.  He was deep in thought remembering everything when there was a knock at the door.   He almost didn’t answer.  Maybe if they thought he wasn’t there then they would go away and he could go back to thinking about Luke.  Another knock.  “It’s open” he said irritated by the interruption.  Reid had a file in his hand pretending that he had been working.  “What’s up Bob?”

“Could you join me in the conference room Dr. Oliver?”

“What is this about Bob, I’m really busy.”

“It will just take a few minutes, we’ll be waiting.”  Bob walked out of his office and headed back to the conference room.  We?  Reid couldn’t help but wonder who “we” was.  He got up and headed to the conference room.  When he got their and stepped inside he looked around and saw that every member of the hospital board was there, except Luke that is.  This is when he knew.  “Have a seat Dr. Oliver.”

Reid sat down feeling a little self-conscience since they were all looking at him.  It was strange for him to feel self-conscience.  The only person who has ever managed to make him feel that way before was Luke.  They were all looking at him though none were showing any sign as to what this was about.  Then Bob spoke.  “In about month I will be retiring.”  This is it!  Reid knew it.  “I on behalf of the board would like to offer you the position as Chief of Staff.”  Reid knew it would happen eventually, he was never lacking in self-confidence but somehow hearing the words was different.  Bob extended his hand towards Reid and he took it.  “Congratulations Dr. Oliver.”  Reid smiled.

“Thank you Bob.  And all of you.  I can assure you that you won’t be disappointed.”

“I know you’re busy so we won’t take up any more of your time.  I will set up a time for us to go over the paperwork later.”  Reid just stood there not moving for second.  His first thought was not of his patients that he still needed to check in on.  It wasn’t of Bob or anything else having to do with the hospital. It was of Luke.  He had to tell Luke.  “Thanks again,” he said and headed back to his office to gather his stuff.  On his way out he told the nurse at the reception desk that he had to go and headed towards his car as fast as he could.  He looked at his watch thinking that Luke should be just leaving the office.  He sent him a text.

Meet me at my place.  I have news. X

k  see you soon

When he got there Luke hadn’t arrived yet so he paced the living room as he waited.  He didn’t know why he was so excited.  He knew that he was going to get it.  Maybe it wasn’t that he had actually gotten it that was exciting.  What was exciting was the thought of telling Luke and seeing his face light up.  He knew that Luke would be proud of him and that meant everything.  He heard a knock at the door and he went to answer it.  It was Luke.  “You know you really don’t have to knock.  In fact I should just give you a key.”

“Hi to you too.”  Luke didn’t seem to be in a good mood.  Reid was a little disappointed that Luke wasn’t happier to see him.  Luke walked in and sat on the couch.  Reid closed the door and went to sit next to him.  “So what’s your news?”  Luke asked.  Reid just looked at him.  He knew that something was bothering Luke.  He wanted so badly to tell him his news hoping that it might cheer him up but he held back.

“It can wait.  What’s the matter?” Luke looked down at his hands that he was clenching and un-clenching on his lap.  Reid reached out and took hold of them.  Luke slowly lifted his eyes to Reid’s face.  Reid could see the tears welling up in his eyes.  Now Reid was getting worried.  He reached up to touch Luke’s face.  “What is it Luke?”

Luke didn’t know how to do this.  He didn’t know how to tell Reid that it was Noah.  He knew that Reid wouldn’t understand.  He knew that Reid would get angry that he was even giving Noah a second thought after what had happened but he didn’t want to keep it from him either.  “It’s Noah…”  Before he could even say anything else Reid let out a huge sigh and got up off the couch.  Reid went to the kitchen, got a beer out of the fridge, and had practically chugged the whole thing by the time he had gotten back to the couch.  “Reid.”  Reid didn’t sit down.  He stood next to the couch staring at the floor.  He had been so excited to come home and share his news with Luke.  Now all he wanted to do was knock back a few more beers and pass out.  Alone.

“Reid.  Can you at least look at me?”  Reid looked down at Luke.  He couldn’t believe this was happening.  After everything at the party.  After having to hold Luke as he cried himself to sleep that night.

“What is it now?”  Reid was angry and Luke could hear it in his tone.  Luke was trying to fight back the tears.  Having Reid angry with him on top of everything else was making this worse.

“It’s nothing. I’m sorry I brought up.”

“Don’t do that Luke.  You did bring it up so you might as well just tell me.”

“Noah left.  The day after party, I guess.” Another deep sigh from Reid.  He started to pace.

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Nothing. It’s just he didn’t even….” Luke couldn’t finish that sentence.  It would only upset Reid more.

Reid didn’t need Luke to finish.  He knew what he was going to say.  He couldn’t believe that they were having this conversation.  Reid didn’t even know why Luke cared that Noah didn’t say goodbye.  Fuck!  Reid stopped pacing and stood in front of Luke seated on the couch.  “I think you should go Luke.”  Luke looked up him with those sad puppy dog eyes but didn’t argue.  He got up.  Kissed him lightly on the cheek whispering an I love you as he headed to the door.  Reid didn’t watch him go.  He didn’t move from that spot.  He just stood there wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into by asking Luke to marry him.

rating: pg-13, reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: nickershnick25, luke snyder, atwt, fan fiction

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