Fic: 525,600 Minutes (26/?)

Nov 18, 2010 12:58

Title:  525, 600 minutes
Author:  nickershnick25
Rating:  R
Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don’t own either Luke or Reid or any other ATWT characters
Characters:  Luke and Reid, with appearances by others (Katie, Chris, Noah, Casey, etc.)
Summary:  This picks up after my HISHE fic (which will be re-titled as the prologue) where Reid asks Luke to marry him.  Hearing Luke talk about all the things that he and Reid never got to with Noah just made me want to write… The title comes from the RENT song Seasons of Love as this will be about the year following Reid’s proposal culminating with a wedding at the end.  I figured that even though Reid asked it still wasn’t familiar enough to him yet and that a good year long engagement would give him time to really want it.
Previous Chapters:  Prologue l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l 11 l 12 l 13 l 14 l 15 l 16 l 17 l 18 l 19 l 20 l 21 l 22 l 23 l 24 l 25

“Oh god Reid!”  Luke was pumping himself so hard that his hand was starting to ache.  He wanted so badly for it to feel like Reid was around him.  Like Reid’s tight ass was gripping him trying to coax his release.

Reid was doing the same on his end. Stroking himself fast and hard “Fuck Luke…I’m getting close…” Stroke, stroke, stroke. “Come with me Luke…”

They both pumped a few more times before coming almost simultaneously their names on each others lips.  They could hear each others breathing start to even out but didn’t say anything.  Luke was glad that his roommate went out for the night because after a full day of classes and missing Reid like crazy he had needed this.

Reid wiped himself off and lay his head down on Luke’s pillow breathing in his scent.  He hadn’t slept the night before.  He had tossed and turned the whole night gripping Luke’s pillow wishing that he was there.  “I miss you…”  Reid usually didn’t say sappy things like that but he didn’t care anymore when it came to Luke.  He did miss him and he wanted to make sure Luke knew that.

“I miss you too…so much.” Luke said grinning into the phone.  “Talk to you tomorrow?”  Luke said yawning.

“Yes.” Reid could tell that Luke was tired.  He was too but he knew that he wouldn’t be getting much sleep. “Love you Luke.” Another grin.

“Love you to.  Goodnight.”

“Night.”  Luke hung up the phone and placed it on his bedside table.  He was already half asleep by the time his head hit the pillow drifting off into dreamland where it was always the same.  Reid.


The next morning Noah was walking through the campus in search of Luke.  He saw that there was a coffee cart near the English building and figured that was as good a place as any to start.  Searching the tables he didn’t see Luke anywhere.  He ordered himself a coffee and sat down.  He didn’t have any filming to do that day so he decided that he would just hang around until he saw Luke.  He took out his laptop and starting reviewing some takes that he had shot the day before.  About 45 minutes later he looked up for a second and saw that familiar blonde head coming out of the English building.  He angled his face to the computer but kept glancing up with his eyes to see where Luke was headed.  Noah grinned when he saw that he was headed to get some coffee.  He tried to act nonchalant as if he didn’t know Luke was there.  After Luke had paid for his coffee he turned around to find a table.  “Noah?”

Noah looked up a fake surprised expression on his face, “Luke?  What are you doing in LA?”  Noah stood and stepped towards Luke but Luke took a step back.

“I’m…ummm…the creative writing program…”  Luke stammered unsure of what to say.  Noah was the last person that he expected to run into here even if it was more likely since he was in LA.

“Oh wow Luke!  That’s so great!”  He attempted to move closer to Luke again but Luke again stepped back.  Noah motioned to the other seat at the table “Do you have a few minutes to sit and talk?”  Luke looked at Noah unsure of what he should do.  Seeing him now all he could think of was Noah’s fist coming at his face.  Of how it was intended for Reid.


“Come on Luke.  Just for a minute.  At least give me a chance to apologize.”   Luke reluctantly sat down but he didn’t get too comfortable.

“What are you doing here Noah?”  Noah hadn’t thought about this part.  He hadn’t figured out something to say if he had found Luke.

“I was supposed to be meeting a friend…ummm…I guess his class ran late or something.”  Noah tried to keep his expression normal so that Luke wouldn’t be able to see that he was lying.

“Oh.”  That was all Luke said.  All he could think of to say.  He didn’t really plan on seeing Noah any time in the near future and was definitely not sure that he was even ready to be sitting at a table with him having coffee.

“Luke…”  Noah pleaded.  He wanted Luke to look at him.  To get lost in his blue eyes the way he used to.  He needed to pull him in the way he always used to be able to but Luke didn’t look up so he went on.  “I’m so sorry Luke.  You have no idea how much I have thought that about that night.  It kills me to know that I hurt you like that.” Luke’s head snapped up now.

“Noah you really don’t get it, do you? You think that all you did was hurt me physically.  But it was more than that.  You hurt me every time you pushed me away.  You hurt me when you tried to create problems for me and Reid.”  Luke’s face was getting red.  “It wasn’t that you hit me.  It was that it was intended for Reid.  I know you don’t want to hear it but I love him and the fact that you would want to hurt him is what really makes me not want to talk to you ever again.”  Luke stopped taking a much needed breath.  He was about to get up not wanting to be anywhere near Noah when a hand reached out and gripped his arm.

“Luke wait.  Please.”  Luke stopped.  He didn’t sit back down but he didn’t walk away either. Noah stood now too.  “I’m sorry ok.  I get it now.  You love him.  It hurts.  I won’t lie.  But I get it ok.  I won’t try and get between the two of you anymore.”  Luke looked up now almost believing what Noah was saying.  “I really want us to be friends Luke.  Do you think that we could do that?”

“I don’t know.  I really don’t.”  Noah’s hand was still on Luke’s arm.  He pulled it back.

“It’s ok Luke.  I understand.  Just know that I’m here if you change your mind.”  Noah leaned in quickly and placed a soft peck on Luke’s cheek then grabbed his laptop and started to walk away.  He had gotten maybe 10 feet away when he heard it.

“Wait.”  Noah grinned evilly before turning back towards Luke.  Maybe he should have gone into acting he thought to himself.


Reid was sitting at his desk in his office at home when a window popped up on the computer screen.  Luke Snyder is trying to send you an instant message click ok to accept.  Reid clicked ok grinning widely.  He wondered when Luke had set this up.  He knew that he didn’t have instant messenger downloaded before.

Luke_Snyder:  Hi!

Reid_Oliver:  Hey!  When did you set up this instant messenger on my computer?

Luke_Snyder:  Before I left.  How was your day?

Reid_Oliver:  Fine.  Yours?

Luke_Snyder:  It was

Luke stopped.  He couldn’t tell Reid about running into Noah.  He would freak out and be on the first plane to LA.

Luke_Snyder: Fine.  Was busy with my classes.  I have a lot of writing to do tonight.

Reid_Oliver:  Well I don’t want to keep you.

Luke_Snyder:  I have time.

Reid_Oliver:  Are you sure?

Luke_Snyder:  Yes.  I really love all my classes.  You have no idea how much this means to me Reid.  This is the best gift I have ever gotten.

Reid smiled.  He would never be able to be as thoughtful and giving as Luke but he was pretty proud of himself for what he done for Luke.  He could tell from some of their conversations when they first met that Luke was very passionate about his writing.  Reid was glad to be able to help him get back into it.

Reid_Oliver:  I’m glad that you are happy.  You should get to work though.

Luke_Snyder:  Ok…I’ll call you in a few hours before I go to bed.

Reid_Oliver: Can’t wait.

reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: nickershnick25, luke snyder, rating: r, fan fiction

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