Fic: 525,600 Minutes (23/?)

Nov 01, 2010 21:21

Title:  525, 600 minutes
Author:  nickershnick25
Rating:  NC-17
Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don’t own either Luke or Reid or any other ATWT characters
Characters:  Luke and Reid, with appearances by others (Katie, Chris, Noah, Casey, etc.)
Summary:  This picks up after my HISHE fic (which will be re-titled as the prologue) where Reid asks Luke to marry him.  Hearing Luke talk about all the things that he and Reid never got to with Noah just made me want to write… The title comes from the RENT song Seasons of Love as this will be about the year following Reid’s proposal culminating with a wedding at the end.  I figured that even though Reid asked it still wasn’t familiar enough to him yet and that a good year long engagement would give him time to really want it.
Previous Chapters:  Prologue l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l 11 l 12 l 13 l 14 l 15 l 16 l 17 l 18 l 19 l 20 l 21l 22

As Luke and Reid headed back to their guests Reid noticed a few pointed stares.  He was glad that Luke was too excited to notice and definitely didn’t plan on pointing it out.  Even though parties were not Reid’s thing he wasn’t going to ruin that evening for Luke especially after he had worked so hard to put it together.

The party was in full swing now with music playing and alcohol flowing.  Luke drug him around the tent chatting shortly with everyone.  Reid did his best to seem enthusiastic but he couldn’t help but let a few deep sighs escape.  Luke was fielding some questions from Gwen and Ally about the décor of the house and Reid took this chance to make a break for the bar.  When he had reached the bar he grabbed the first glass that he saw and downed its contents.  Thankfully there were already full glasses of champagne sitting out.  He grabbed another and downed that as well and was about to drink another when Katie stopped him.

“Whoa!  Slow down Reid.” Katie said taking the glass out of Reid’s hand.

“Why?  I don’t have anywhere else to be and in case you didn’t notice this is a party.”  Reid reached for the glass that Katie was holding.

“But you have guests.  Just take it easy…For Luke’s sake.”  Reid frowned.  She had said the right thing.  His hand dropped to his side as he scanned the tent for Luke.  He was still in the same place talking to Gwen and Ally.  His eyes shone and his smile was amazingly bright that night.  Reid’s eyes softened as the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly.

“Oh Reid…”  Katie said snapping him out of his Luke induced daze.

“What?” He said annoyed.

“It’s…It’s nothing…I mean…I just remember what it was like to have someone look at me like that.”  She smiled weakly but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

“Like what?” Reid said clueless as to what she was talking about.

“Like he is the only one in the room….Like nothing or no one else matters…Like the sun rises and sets in his eyes…Like his smile shines as bright as the stars…I could go on.”  Reid glared at her.

“I was not looking at him like that.”  He turned his face away from her but just before he did she saw the smile forming.  “See you later Katie.”  Reid said as he walked back towards Luke.  He realized then that even though he hated this night that there was nowhere else he would rather be then standing next to Luke.

About 20 minutes after Reid had rejoined Luke Dinner was being served.  Everyone lined up to go through the buffet line.  When Reid had finally gotten to the plates he grabbed two.  Luke looked at him questioningly but didn’t say anything.  It turned out to be pretty difficult to try and fill up two plates all on your own so Luke would scoop something onto his plate and then scoop something onto one of Reid’s plates.  When they had finally made it to their table Reid could barely hold his overloaded plates up.  Luke set his plate down first and then took one of Reid’s from him so that he could set the other down without spilling.  Gwen, Will, Ally, and Casey who were also at their table stared at Reid in disbelief.  He didn’t even notice as he sat down and started shoveling food into his mouth.  Luke laughed at their open mouthed expressions and started on his own plate.  After a few minutes the rest of them started eating at well but still snuck a few glances at Reid every once and a while.

Everyone at their table made small talk as they ate except for Reid.  He was still eating as people started to get up and mingle again.  Luke was of course up and about talking to everyone.  It never ceased to amaze Reid how well Luke could connect with people.  It didn’t matter where he was.  It didn’t matter who it was.  Luke could strike up a conversation with someone in a grocery store, or make friends with someone on a plane.  He could go anywhere and would always find someone to talk to.  Reid had never been unhappy with who he was.  He had always been confident.  But he couldn’t help but admire this quality in Luke.  There were so many things about Luke that he admired.  Luke always felt inferior next to Reid but Reid had never once agreed with him.  Sure Reid was a genius.  Sure Reid was a world-renowned neurosurgeon.  But there was one thing he could never be and that was Luke.

Luke was beautiful without even trying.  He was smarter than he ever gave himself credit for.  He was kind and compassionate in ways that Reid could never be.  He was amazingly creative and talented.  And he was so many other things that Reid would never be as far as he was concerned.  If you were to ask Luke though you would get a totally different story.  If you had asked Luke he would say that Reid was all those things and more.  And that is why they were great together.  They complimented each other and brought out the best in each other.  Separately they were fine.  But together they were extraordinary.  Together they were amazing.  Together they were forever and always.  What made them even better was that even though neither of them would ever be able to express how much they loved the other they were never unsure of their feelings.  Even though there would never be the right words to describe what was truly in their hearts it was still known.  Not only to them but to anyone that had witnessed them together.

A while later the dinner food was cycled out and was replaced with desert and Reid left the table long enough to load up a plate with one of everything from cookies to cheesecake.  The music was playing and there were people dancing.  Reid hoped that Luke wouldn’t want to dance.  Reid did not dance.  It had nothing to do with whether he was capable of dancing, he just didn’t do it.  Ever.

Luke who had circulated around the tent had made his way back to their table and sat down in the chair next to Reid.  He placed his hand on Reid’s leg and gave it a little squeeze.  He looked at him lovingly and Reid knew what was coming.  He knew that Luke wanted him to dance.  And the worst part is that he would do it.  He would do it because Luke wanted him to.  “Dance?”  He said softly and timidly.  Reid was about to protest but then Luke spoke again, “For me?”  Reid looked at Luke.  He was pleading with those big brown eyes of his and Reid could do nothing but stand and take Luke’s hand as they made their way to the dance floor as the song The Only Exception started playing.  Reid pulled Luke close and they swayed to the music slowly.  Reid was thankful that it was a slow song.  Slow dancing wasn’t really dancing he thought.  It’s just swaying back and forth.  Luke rested his head against Reid’s and it was only them.  No one else mattered in that moment.  No one else even existed.

An hour later the DJ announced a one minute warning and everyone started finding their partners so that they were ready for that New Year’s kiss.  Will, Gwen, Casey, Ally, Luke and Reid were all grouped together.  When it got to the end they all chanted together… “10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1….Happy New Year!”  Luke didn’t care what anyone else did in that moment because Reid had cupped his face in his hands just like he had done the first time in Dallas and pulled Luke in for kiss.

rating: pg-13, reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: nickershnick25, luke snyder, fan fiction

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