Letters to Reid (Letter 13)

Nov 01, 2010 21:17

Title: Letters to Reid (Companion to Boyfriends)

Author: cas74

Rating: PG-13

Summary: This is a companion to Boyfriends. Luke starts writing Reid letters every day beginning on September 18th. The letter writing takes the place of journaling for Luke. He sends some of them to Reid, but not all. There will be some crossover between the letters and Boyfriends, but you do not have to read them in order to follow Boyfriends.

Disclaimer: I do not own Luke or Reid *sigh*


This is Luke’s list of things he would like to do with Reid over their two days together…
Luke is at a cross roads right now between his childhood and becoming a young adult. He and Reid grew up together and he is missing some of the comforts of the traditions that they shared. There are things on the list that may seem childish for a fifteen year old to want to do...those are the things that Luke and Reid shared every year growing up. Luke  also wants very grown up things from Reid...sigh, Luke is a mess, lol. But a sweet one :)

Thanks schum for the beta and helping me brainstorm.

SlayerKitty, I used your suggestion :)

November 25th


I can’t sleep knowing that you’ll be here with me in just a few hours. Amy’s passed out and I’m going crazy with anticipation! So….I decided to write down the list that I’ve been making in my head…the list of things that I want to do with you over the next two days. I know what you’re probably thinking,” what is Luke going to do now to try and get me to tear up my adorable Luke calendar?” Ok, so that doesn’t sound anything like you…this is more like what you would say, “What the hell is that little tease up to now?”  But I promise to behave, or at least I’ll try to.

Things to do with Reid…

1.       Hug you

2.       Kiss you

3.       Hug you some more

4.       Look into your beautiful eyes

5.       Kiss you

6.       Have our own Thanksgiving Celebration with food I brought from the farm.

7.       Tell each other what we’re most thankful for…of course I’m most thankful for you!!! And Amy’s mom!

8.       Make you breakfast in bed; I know you’ll like that!

9.       Ask you about that asshole Jordan.

10.   Play chess…I want you to see how good I’ve gotten.

11.   Cuddle

12.   Playstation…you still won’t be able to beat me!

13.   Watch DVD’s and cuddle

14.   Feed you my grandma’s brownies…get a kiss as a reward.

15.   Taste you…

16.   Ask you about your father…I hope you will talk to me.

17.   Ask you about school, roommates, etc.

18.   Take a shower/bath together

19.   Tell you about Jason asking me out, probably not about the shower though…hum?

20.   Get you to help me come up with ways to deal with Casey and Amy!

21.   Lick you from head to toe…

22.   Play 20 Questions.

23.   Give each other massages.

24.   Hold your hand.

25.   Figure out what you want for Christmas…you are such a pain in the ass to buy presents for!

26.   Have sex

27.   Talk about having sex…at least oral, come on…I’m a teenage boy for shit’s sake!

28.   Convince you to perform a few new “experiments” on me…

29.   Watch season 1 of Glee and laugh while you make fun of it while secretly loving it!

30.   Fall asleep in your arms.

31.   Wake up in your arms.

32.   Dance with you to our song.

33.   Let you tell me about your boring science classes, you are so cute when you get all excited and nerdy! Then make out with you because I won’t be able to resist…

34.   Show you the videos of my basketball games.

35.   Give you a hickey, I want to mark you. Is that bad?

36.   I want to watch you do what you did on our Halloween date. I want to see your face, close up when you come. I want to hear you moan my name.

37.   Lay with my head on your chest so I can memorize the sound of your heartbeat.

38.   Run my fingers through your hair…sigh.

39.   Ask you to tell me something no one else knows.

40.   Play twister- as long as I’m in control of the dial…I want to ensure I get a good view of your…everything!

41.   Touch you…

42.   Eat Oreo’s and dip them in milk like we did when we were kids… when things were simpler.

43.    Strip Poker

44.   Take your picture with my cell phone…My mom got rid of all of the pictures with you in them.

45.   Play Truth or Dare.

46.   Get in the Christmas spirit…

47.   Drink Hot Cocoa with marshmallows (wink, wink!) while watching Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!

48.   Write letters to Santa.

49.   Download iTunes songs that remind us of each other.

50.   Watch the sunset from the back patio…

I’m sure we will do more than this, but at least if we get bored we have a go- to list for ideas, right? Just ignore the crossed out lines. The first one I shouldn’t need to hear about… I know I can trust you and if there’s something that you need to tell me about Jordan, you will. Right?!  As for the others that I crossed out, it was just wishful thinking on my part. I was just letting my imagination run wild! I can’t wait until the day when those are things we are able to do in our everyday lives together. For now, I will take whatever part of you I can get.

I love you,


!author|artist: cas74, luke/reid, rating: pg-14, atwt

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