Fic: 525,600 Minutes (14/?)

Oct 02, 2010 20:25

Title:  525, 600 minutes
Author:  nickershnick25
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don’t own either Luke or Reid or any other ATWT characters
Characters:  Luke and Reid, with appearances by others (Katie, Chris, Noah, Casey, etc.)
Summary:  This picks up after my HISHE fic (which will be re-titled as the prologue) where Reid asks Luke to marry him.  Hearing Luke talk about all the things that he and Reid never got to with Noah just made me want to write… The title comes from the RENT song Seasons of Love as this will be about the year following Reid’s proposal culminating with a wedding at the end.  I figured that even though Reid asked it still wasn’t familiar enough to him yet and that a good year long engagement would give him time to really want it.
A/N:  I was trying to figure out how much time had passed in my story so I could figure out what the date was.  I calculated that it was about two weeks before Thanksgiving where I left off in chapter 13 so I decide to skip forward to the holiday.
Previous Chapters:  Prologue l 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7 l 8 l 9 l 10 l 11 l 12 l 13

It was Thanksgiving again in Oakdale and Luke and Reid were splitting their holiday between two meals.  It was almost like they were married already and having to make sure that they pleased both of their families.  Luke of course was expected at the farm where his grandma Emma would be back for a few days with his Aunt Meg and would be cooking the usual Snyder feast.  Reid who had been practically adopted by Katie and her family was expected at Tom and Margo’s.  So they had complied with both families and would be joining everyone at Tom and Margo’s for an early dinner and then over to the farm for another dinner which Reid had no problem going along with of course.

They were at Reid’s place as they had been every day for the lasts couple of months.  Luke was in the kitchen making a pot of coffee when he heard the shower turn on.  He smirked thinking about Reid in the shower and abandoned his task heading to the bathroom.  He slipped out of his boxers and stepped into the shower snaking his arms around Reid’s waist from behind.  Reid tried to turn around to greet him but Luke wouldn’t allow it.  Instead he moved Reid towards the shower wall and pressed him against it with one hand and running his finger along Reid’s ass with the other.  Reid opened his stance so that Luke could graze his hole.  Without warning Luke inserted a couple of fingers into Reid arching them to hit his spot.  Reid moaned jerking forward.  Luke continued to work his fingers over Reid’s prostate until Reid was practically shaking from the intense pleasure.  Reid was just about to tell Luke to fuck him when he felt Luke pull his fingers out of him.  He let out a small whimper but then felt Luke’s head teasing his hole before pushing into him.   “Oh fuck Luke!” Reid cried out.

Luke could see Reid trying to grip the slippery shower wall with no success.  Then he saw Reid’s hands reach down and land on Luke’s hips trying to pull him in harder and deeper.  Luke placed his hands on Reid’s hips pushing him away a little before pulling him back fast and hard as he thrust into Reid.  He repeated this over and over slowly at first, each time making sure to hit Reid’s spot and linger just long enough to drive him crazy.  It was a good thing that Katie had left already to help Margo with the cooking because Reid could not control his screams with every thrust that Luke made into him.  Luke picked up the pace now fucking him harder than he had ever done before.  Luke hated to call it fucking but at the moment he didn’t care.  It was hot and primal and it felt so damn good.

Luke could feel Reid’s muscles starting to tense and knew that he was close.  He reached up gripping a little of Reid’s hair pulling his face back in an awkward kiss while continuing to slam him harder with each thrust. “Fuck Luke!  I’m going to…”  Luke could feel Reid’s body pulsing as if his whole body was feeling the wave.  Reid constricting around Luke pushed him over the edge as well and he came deep inside of him.  Luke pulled out of Reid and spun him around.  He ran a finger along his jaw line never taking his eyes off of the deep blue staring back at him.  Luke loved how blue Reid’s eyes got after sex.  He loved that he could do that to him.  Reid leaned forward a little and Luke met him half way in a kiss.  Their kisses were slow and sweet and relaxed…so unlike what they had just done.  After a while of this they helped each other get clean and then got out of the shower.

In the bedroom as they got dressed Reid was whistling some song that Luke didn’t recognize.  Luke smiled looking at him.  He couldn’t figure out what made him happier, the fact that they had just had hot shower sex or that he was getting two Thanksgiving dinners that day.  Before he could ask Reid answered for him.  “You really know how to wear an old man out…it’s a good thing I’m going to be able to get my strength back with two dinners.”  Luke smiled again knowing that from Reid this meant a little bit of both.

They arrived at Tom and Margo’s just as everyone was about to sit down.  As soon as they walked in the door Luke was practically attacked by Casey. “Luke!  It’s good to see you man!”  Luke laughed at his excitement.

“You too Case.  How’s school goin?”

“It’s good!  I really like my classes and my professors.” They were seated at the table now.

“That’s great!”  The dinner went on from there and was pretty uneventful except for the usual tension that surpassed between the Hughes and Stewart families.  They were all making an effort though for Casey and Ally’s sake.  Bob and Kim were there of course and couldn’t help but share past Thanksgiving memories of Nancy.  Barbara and Henry were there still going strong in their marriage and having a blast.  Paul and Emily who had forced themselves away from Eliza for the day so that she could spend some time with Meg were also there and it was like one big dysfunctional family especially with Susan there as well.  Reid didn’t talk much as he was too busy stuffing his mouth with everything he could get his hands.  Luke was always amazed at how much he could eat and wondered about the day when it would all catch up to him.  He smiled thinking of all the ways that he could make sure that Reid stayed in shape over the years.

Before Luke knew it they were in the car and headed towards the farm.  Luke looked down and saw Reid’s hand tapping nervously on the center console and reached down to hold it.  He looked over at him and gave him a reassuring smile.  Reid had been to a couple of family gatherings before but this was different.  This was a full blown family holiday feast and they were engaged now.  Luke knew that Reid had been dreading this day and he wanted to make sure that Reid knew he was there for him.  When they arrived at the farm Luke immediately took Reid’s hand and squeezed it gently as they walked up to the porch.   Luke was about to open the door to go inside when Reid stopped.  Luke turned back towards Reid and saw the look of fear in his eyes.  He reached both of his hands up to cup Reid’s face and gently kissed him on the lips.  Then he leaned in even closer so that he could whisper something in his ear “I love you.”  When Luke pulled back Reid had a smile on his face and even looked a little bit more relaxed.   Turning back towards the door Luke opened it and they walked in together Reid keeping a tight grip on Luke’s hand.

“Oh Luke!  And Reid!  It’s so good to see you both!”  Emma was over to them so fast they barely had time to react.  She had her arms wrapped around them both squeezing them so tightly that they could barely get a hello out.  Releasing Reid she pulled Luke in for a solo hug. “Oh Luke honey I’ve missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you too grandma.”  Emma pulled away and stood back to look at them both.  Luke and Reid had joined hands again.

“Well look at the two of you.  I was so happy to hear from your dad about your engagement.  You better take care of my dear sweet Luke, you hear me?”  Emma did her best impression of an intimidating look but on her it didn’t hold much.  Reid smiled.

“Well I was hoping that he would take care of me but I guess it can go both ways.” Emma gave him a smack on the arm laughing.

“Oh you!  I’m so glad that you are going to be part of the family Reid.”  Luke watched their encounter smiling the whole time.  Emma gave Reid another quick hug and then went back to cooking.  “Food will be ready in about a half an hour.  Hope you boys are hungry!”

“I’m starving!”  Luke shot a look of surprise at Reid.  Luke could not believe that Reid was hungry already.  They had just eaten an hour before at Tom and Margo’s.  Emma of course didn’t notice anything off about this and went about the kitchen putting finishing touches on everything and making sure the table was set.  Luke and Reid were about to go find out where everyone else was when Lucinda and John came through the door.

“Grandmother!  Happy Thanksgiving.  And you to John.”  Luke greeted his grandmother.  John and Reid started chatting about hospital stuff which gave Luke and Lucinda a chance to chat privately.

“So how is Jake working out at the foundation?” His grandmother was the only one that knew about all the renovations he was making at the house.  He had to tell her about it when he asked he for help finding someone to fill in for him at the foundation.

“He’s great!  He keeps everything running smoothly which keeps me open for other projects…”  Lucinda gave him a knowing look.

“Good to hear.  So when am I going to be able to come take a look at this new project of yours?”

“When it’s done grandmother I promise.  It’s been really hard keeping this a secret though.  I keep having to find ways to distract him.” This gave Luke an idea.

“I’m sure it will all be fine dear.” Luke smiled at her before stepping over to where Reid and John were talking.  He gave Reid a look and that said follow me and walked over to the door to the stairs.  He could hear Reid excusing himself so he continued up the stairs without looking back.  He knew that Reid was right behind him.  By the time they were upstairs Reid’s mouth was on Luke’s and their hands were everywhere.  They were making their way down the hall to his old bedroom when they both stopped at some noises coming from Faith’s room.  At first they thought that they had just imagined it and were going to continue where they left off but then they heard it again.  Luke placed a finger over his lips signaling Reid to be quiet and then reached down for the doorknob.  He slowly started to turn the knob hoping that whoever was inside the room wouldn’t hear it.  Once Luke had the knob turned all the way he pushed it open a little.  Luke and Reid’s mouths both dropped.

reid oliver, luke/reid, !author|artist: nickershnick25, luke snyder, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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