The Way I Like It

Nov 18, 2010 14:43

Title: The Way I Like It
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,961
Summary: Luke and Reid go camping. Reid has one thing on the mind. Shocker!

A/N: This is dedicated to Crystal and Casey, aka CAS74 and respiratorygirl over at LRonline. There's also a shout out to CAS74's fic 'Best Friends'!

*crunch crunch crunch*

One night. That’s all he wanted. One night, away from the confines of Oakdale. One night with his family. A harmless night. A chance to revisit the innocence of youth, not that his youth was ever innocent, but one night; a fire, songs, s’mores. That’s all he wanted, but once again, it was too much to ask for.

*crunch crunch crunch*

The moment they got there, Reid was giving him that look. He could recognize it anywhere. They’d been together long enough to where all it took was one single glance; one look and Luke just knew. Reid was horny.

*crunch crunch crunch*

Reid was watching him; his blonde hair recently starting to grow back a little longer. Hair that screamed ‘tug me while you fuck me like an animal’. Reid groaned to himself, his own animalistic needs becoming more and more evident in his pants. He watched Luke move around, setting equipment up. He watched as the fabric of his jeans tightened around that sweet, delectable ass every time he bent over. The way his shirt would squeeze over his broad shoulders. He watched. Watched and waited.

*crunch crunch crunch*

Luke finally was able to snap Reid out of his trance and sent him his best ‘back off bitch’ look he could muster up. Reid smirked and lightly palmed the front of his jeans. Luke ignored the own twitch he felt in his pants and looked across to the various members of his family wondering if anyone had seen Reid’s not-so-subtle gesture. Thankfully, they were all blissfully unaware. Reid was still smirking at Luke when Luke stared at him, darting his tongue out, and licking the middle of his upper lip slowly. He watched as Reid drummed his left hand against his thigh, something he did when he was either nervous or impatient or uncertain. Luke smiled and shook his head ‘no’ while turning away.

*crunch crunch crunch*

The night progressed, but the passing time did nothing to feign off Reid’s hunger. Everything he did was sexual. To anyone else around them it may have seemed like normal behavior, but Luke knew different. Reid’s eyes were black and lust filled. Luke watched him as he ate his hot dog while they were all sitting around the campfire. The way he slowly brought it up to his mouth, where his eyes would flicker briefly towards Luke’s. The way he would open wide, taking the bun and hot dog in as deep as he could, filling his mouth. The way he would turn it over and crudely lick the ketchup and mustard from in between. This went on for five more hot dogs. The kids were running around and Lily was gaping at him like a fish. How he had the ability to eat so much and stay thin, she had no idea. Holden had made a comment about how Reid must’ve been really hungry to eat all that. Reid looked over at Luke and said ‘starving’ as he once again licked at the sauce and shoved the hot dog in his mouth.

*crunch crunch crunch*

Later, during dessert, they were all seated around the campfire telling stories and singing songs. Reid had come to sit next to Luke. He started telling him of this study he read about. It involved nipple stimulation and the ability to make someone cum from that alone. He leaned over to Luke’s ear and whispered. “Do you know what they used to conduct the experiment?” Luke didn’t say anything, afraid of what the answer might be. “Marshmallows,” he said. Just as he was about to take a bit of his s’more, Luke took the tasty treat from his hand, and threw it behind him on the ground.

“Luke!” his mother scolded.

Luke and Reid both turned their heads from behind them where the s’more rest on the ground to face Lily. Luke shrugged and stumbled on his words. “He’s had enough.”

Reid leaned forward and lightly kissed a patch of Luke’s skin on his neck. “I’ll never have enough…..of you.”

He had to stop himself from smiling when Luke’s cheeks began to flush. He slipped his hand in the little space behind Luke’s lower back and the log they were resting on. His fingers played with the little area of exposed skin, dancing lightly, feeling as goose bumps began to form underneath his touch. He slipped his middle finger in to Luke’s pants and nestled it between Luke’s cheeks who instinctively pushed backwards. He stopped himself when he realized that he’d been pushing himself back on Reid’s hand and inwardly scolded himself for falling prey to Reid’s advances again. He was convinced that he could control himself, so he scooted away from Reid and shot him a look of part defiance and part victory.

*crunch crunch crunch*

A little while later, Luke got up and brushed himself off. He murmured something about having to go to the bathroom and disappeared behind some trees. All Reid heard Luke say was ‘I want you to follow me, pull my pants down around my ankles, and fuck me mercilessly in the woods. It’s always been a fantasy of mine.’ Reid smiled to himself. He loved fantasy Luke. They were always on the same page. He too got up and brushed himself off, disappearing in the direction Luke had gone off to.

*crunch crunch crunch*

Luke was zipping up his fly when he felt a pair of arms grab him from behind. He whipped around in a frenzy and hit the man in front of him.

“Jesus Christ Reid, you scared the crap out of me.”

Reid laughed. “Ow. You knew I was going to follow you in here. Did you have to hit me so hard?”

Luke started walking briskly past him before Reid ran to catch his arm and pulled him towards him. “Where are you going?” he asked curiously.

“Back to the campsite. Where else?”

“Well, I was hoping we could…..” he wiggled his eyebrows seductively.

“Damn it Reid. One day. One fucking night really, that I just wanted us to…..”

“To what?”

“You know….be normal. Actually be able to have a normal outing and not be all over each other.”

“But you love it when I’m all over you,” he said walking forward, “whether it’s my arms, or my tongue, or my cock.”

Luke shivered. “Yeah, I do,” he said softly. “Don’t you think it’s a problem?”

“Sex is never a problem,” he said quickly, “unless it involves anyone besides you or me. Then it’s a problem.”

“So, it’s not weird? It’s just…..whenever we’re around each other, everything’s going fine and then it’s like a switch is flipped and we have to have each other. I mean, look at you today. It’s like we haven’t had sex in months.”

“Well, it has been awhile.”

“This morning…..before we left,” Luke said shortly.

“And that was awhile ago,” Reid whined.

Luke laughed. “Reid. Seriously.”

Reid brushed forward and put his arms around Luke. “I’ll never stop wanting you,” he said as he place a gentle kiss to Luke’s lips. “You’re everything.”

*crunch crunch crunch*

They were caught up in a passionate kiss. Luke was walking backwards never leaving his contact with Reid. He felt his body slam against a tree behind him and moaned as Reid pushed his erection into Luke’s. Reid pushed his hands up under Luke’s pullover, feeling the t-shirt underneath. He felt Luke shiver as he moved his hands under the thin cotton to touch the skin below. Luke whimpered and grabbed Reid’s hips, forcing the older man to grind against him.

“Tell me what you want Luke,” he said as he trailed his tongue down Luke’s Adam’s apple. He kissed his way over to Luke’s pulse point and bit down, sucking on the sensitive flesh and finishing it off with one final kiss before he looked into Luke’s eyes, waiting for direction.

Luke blushed and nervously bit his lower lip. Even after everything Luke and him had done together, Luke still had this innocence about him; this shyness when it came to sex. Reid always found it hilarious because he knew the truth; no one else on the planet, including Noah Mayer knew that Luke Snyder was in fact, one kinky bastard.

“What do you want Luke?” he asked again.

“It’s always been a fantasy of mine,” he said breathlessly, “to have you….in the woods……fucking me from behind.”

“With your pants down around your ankles?” he added.

Luke looked at him startled and confused. “How did you know?”

“Because real Luke is my fantasy Luke.”

Luke looked at him like he was insane. “I don’t know what that means, but I don’t care,” he said as he crashed his lips against Reid’s, eliciting a moan from him as he sucked in his tongue. Reid’s hands went down Luke’s pants, undoing them quickly and pushing them down to his ankles. He took a step back to look at Luke who was leaning against the tree, panting and fully clothed otherwise. His eyes went down to take in Luke’s cock, standing at attention in all its glory. He slowly unbuttoned his own jeans before reaching forward and grabbing Luke, pulling him onto the ground.

*crunch crunch crunch*

Luke moaned as he felt Reid’s tongue enter him, stretching him, loving him. Luke had an ass that Reid could feast off of for days. He was trying to get Luke as wet as possible. He pulled back and looked down. Luke was on all fours, ass up in the air, glistening hole waiting to be filled. Reid spit down in his own hand a few times and lubed up his cock as much as he could. He spit once more, this time on Luke’s hole for reassurance before lining his cock up and slowly pushing inside. Luke was so tight. He pushed his lower back down a little more and lifted Luke’s ass slightly up, trying to make it easier to get inside. Luke groaned roughly. “Just do it already.”

“Fuck,” Reid whispered. And with a hard and not-so-delicate thrust, he pushed into Luke, burying himself inside to the hilt. Luke muttered something intangible and began fucking himself on Reid’s dick before he had even had the chance to pull out.

“Jesus Christ,” he murmured watching in amazement. He snapped out of it, not wanting to be the only one not doing anything and quickly grasped on to Luke’s hips and began driving into him, fucking him relentlessly. The only sounds that could be heard were Reid’s grunts, Luke’s gasps, and the crunching sounds of the leaves below them as Luke sunk his fingers down into the ground, convinced he was feeling the earth shake underneath them.

*crunch crunch crunch*

As soon as he felt Reid hit that sweet spot, he knew he was a goner. Having Reid banging into him from behind like it was the last time and the pleasure he felt from Reid’s constant stimulation against that bundle of nerves was enough to send him over the edge. He clamped down hard around Reid’s cock and felt the older man’s own orgasm fill him from the inside out. Reid collapsed on Luke’s back as the both of them tried to regain their composure. The sound of their heavy breathing was interrupted when Luke started laughing. Reid tried to lift himself up, but still couldn’t find the strength.

“Why are you laughing?” he asked as he tried to stop himself from doing the same.

“Quick and dirty,” Luke said as he pushed Reid off of him and turned to look at him affectionately. “Just the way I like it.”

Reid smiled and bent down to give Luke a lingering kiss.

*crunch crunch crunch*

!author|artist: stl29tide, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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