For my dear friend jenthegypsy, who is having a rough week, and because where I am it is rainy and icy and cold, so an excess of sun and skin is most welcome.
Desmond wakes up in different times, different places, never quite sure of how he got there or then. This one time, he is sure of both. Originally posted at my journal in May, in honor of my writing partner's birthday. ( Course Corrected )
Sequel to hendercats drabble, Confession, originally posted in my journal in April 2007. You could call this the other side of the coin. 115 words, including the title. So shoot me.
More alcohol, more conversation (hmmmm... recurrent theme, prehaps?). Legitimate drabble - 100 words exactly - originally posted at my journal in early April 2007 in response to the Lost Riffs drabble prompt fire at lostsquee.
A conversation on the beach, wine included. Turns out those guys are pretty funny! Written for hendercats who was enduring a day without laptop, and posted at my journal in March 2007. ( Read on, MacDuff )
Desmond contemplates Sawyer upon his return from captivity. Originally posted at my journal in January 2007, now tucked away nicely in the caves ( right here )
Companion to jenthegypsy's Visions, and set shortly after 3x08, Flashes Before Your Eyes. Not a true drabble because it measures in at 108 words, but considering what fandom we're in, that felt supremely right.
Sawyer realizes he's inherited a family trait, but can't make heads or tails of the message. Set during the latter part of S2, before the return of Desmond. 100 words, excluding title. ( Visions )