Just Like A Jones 32/35(ish)

Dec 04, 2009 15:19

Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 32
Rating: NC-17 for series
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. David. Martha. Gwen/Rhys. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon.
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - Sorry for the mamoth delay. combination of university, ill health, computer problems and severe case of writers blockage.

Thanks. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far XD. As i have said before it was lack of feedbak that made me give up before, but the comment i got for ch8 made me so happy and confident and determined to keep going for this fandom. ) Please remember to comment and this took so much to get out and im terrified nobody will read it after all the effort. Confidence is all-time low atm too, especially after the day I had yesterday :(
PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Mica reached aimlessly for a handful of popcorn as she gazed at the Television in a daze. They had been watching Ugly Betty for hours now and as she sat between Ianto and Jack on the small couch, sandwiched in like chips in a overstuffed buttie, she could feel her eyes getting heavy. She blinked slowly and kept them shut a little too long before bolting upright and rubbing her eyes.

“You can go to bed you know?” Ianto said, “we can watch this another time.”

“No, this episode has just started. You can go though if you're tired and I'll clean up when I'm done.”

“I'm fine for a little while longer.”

“Well I'm not.” Jack pushed himself up using Mica's knee and stretched out his neck, then picked up his cup from the table. “I've had enough torture for one night. I think I'm gonna go to bed.”

Ianto caught Jack's hand as he walked past on his way to the kitchen. “Do you want me to come too?”

“No, you're okay. I'm going to take a shower first anyway.” Jack leaned down and Kissed Ianto's lips softly, still letting Ianto grip his wrist. “Take as long as you want, but not too long, you're still recovering you know.”

“I know. An hour won't hurt me.”

“Yeah, well just make sure you're not here all night.”

Ianto watched Jack as he strode away from him and took his cup into the kitchen.

“He's sweet on you,” Mica said, “but he's right. You aren't fully mended yet.”

“I can recover tomorrow. Tonight I'm spending time with you.”

Mica smiled softly. “We're going to be okay, right? You and me?”

“Of course we are.” Ianto stood up and took the two cups from the table. “But, I can't do anything without coffee. You want one?”

“Yeah, go on.”

Ianto walked into the kitchen and shut the door behind him, then walked over to Jack who was washing dishes in the sink. He stood behind him and pressed his lips to his neck. “Do you want some company in the shower?”

Jack smiled at the unexpected soft touch; he leaned into him and surrendered to his lips, moving his neck to the side just a little to let him taste the skin. Ianto kissed his neck softly and wrapped his arms around him, slipping his cool hands between the warmth of his stomach and his shirt, then smiled.

“Do I want company?” Jack closed his eyes and leaned in a little more. “That's not the right question.”

“And how isn't it the right question.”

Jack took his hands out of the water and dried them on a towel that hung between the handle of one of the doors, then turned around and put them on the Welshman's chest. With a wicked smile and a shine of mischief deep with his eyes, he stalked Ianto across the kitchen and towards the nearest hard surface. Ianto hit the fridge with a gentle thud.

“The question is never whether I want you in the shower with me.” He pressed his lips gently against Ianto's ear and lowered his voice to a low whisper. “Because I always do.” Jack's hands slipped into the younger man's and held them by his side as he pressed him against the fridge with his weight. “But how were you going to explain to Mica why you and I were in the shower together?”

“I hadn't thought that far ahead to be honest.”

“I didn't think so.”

Jack moved his lips away from Ianto's ear and captured his mouth in a kiss. He pressed the younger man against the fridge as he held his hands tightly on the cold white metal and kept him there firmly with this hips. His lips massaged Ianto's, sliding their warmth over his mouth and tasting him with his tongue. Ianto could feel Jack's budding erection as he pressed himself against him, rocking just enough to cause some friction. He broke his hands free from their position on the fridge and wrapped them around Jack, pulling his lips closer with his hair with one hand and letting the other stray to his arse. He pulled him in, pressing Jack's cock against his thigh.

“This may also be difficult to explain,” Jack said, mumbling against his lips, “but I won't say I'm not enjoying it.”

“Tomorrow morning,” Ianto whispered, “we can do this, yeah?”

“Oh yeah.”

“But not tonight?”

“No. You need to rest tonight.” Jack put his hands on Ianto's cheeks and kissed his lips softly. “Tomorrow is a big day for us.”

“It is?”

“Yeah. After Mica goes home we're going to be completely alone, and we haven't had that for so long.”

“Too long.”

“Way too long.” Jack smiled and hovered his lips a breath away from Ianto's mouth. “I love Mica like she's mine, but God I miss being alone with you.”

“You're alone with me now.”

“Yeah, but she's right next door and I should hop in the shower.”

“You could wait until the morning,” Ianto said, “And I could join you.”

“Believe me.” Jack smiled as he pushed himself away. “You'll be there in spirit.”

Ianto watched Jack go and took a long breath, then sighed and poured out two cups of coffee and took them into the living room.

“Lovers conference?” Mica asked. “You're all flushed.”

Ianto blushed a little, trying not to let it show, then smiled awkwardly. “I'm not really comfortable talking about that with you.” He handed her a cup of coffee and sat down beside her. “It's weird.”

“I suppose you are my uncle.” She leaned up against him and tucked herself under his arm. “I remember watching Bob the builder like this once with you.”

“I don't remember that.”

“I do. It's amazing what memories your brain lets you remember when it think you'll never be able to make any more.” She moved forward to dip her hand into the popcorn, then leaned back to her position again and settled into his warmth. “Mam had to take David to the Hospital once. He fell off the monkey bars in the park and broke his arm, so you came over and sat with me.”

“I did?”

“Yeah. I remember you and Mam arguing about it,” she said, “you said you had to move heaven and earth to get off work and she said that you didn't visit enough. In the end you admitted defeat, ordered Pizza and played Uncle.”

Ianto laughed. “Well, she always did have amazing emotional blackmail skills.”

“I remember you read me the very hungry caterpillar, made me hot chocolate then tucked me into bed.” Mica rested her head on his chest and looked up at him. “It was really nice, but the next time I saw you was the last time.”

“I should have been there more.”

“But you weren't and it wasn't really your fault.”

“We'll never get that time back.” Ianto frowned. “I don't know what Rhi will say when she sees me. I mean-- I'm-- dead! It's going to mess her up.”

“Of course it is, but she's going to be so happy. She misses you.”

Ianto sighed and looked down at Mica. “How was she?” he asked. “When I died?”

“When Mam told me I don't think I really understood what it meant. I mean, I knew that you wouldn't come and see us any more and that it made everyone sad, but I never really understood the effect it had on Mam.”

“What effect?”

Mica shook her head. “It doesn't matter,” she said, “you're here now and that's all that matters.”

“It matters to me.”

“Mam felt lost when you died.” She looked down at her fingers. “And she didn't always cope so well. She felt like she didn't know you because of all the secrets that came out about your life, and kinda felt like she should have been there more for you so that you could tell her things and not haver to be so lonely all the time.”

“Jack made sure I was never lonely.”

“She just felt as though she had failed and Mam doesn't cope well with things like that. She was okay for a few months, she coped okay really, but then something went wrong inside of her head.”

“She got sick.” It wasn't as question so much as a statement, and as Ianto said it the quietness from Mica spoke more than a thousand words. “Didn't she?”

“We tried to cope with her and she wasn't always bad. Some days she would get up and dressed and make fish finger sandwiches, then others she would lock herself away in the bathroom and cry. But she's okay now, she's my mum again and although there's parts of her we might never get back I know she's as fixed as she'll ever be.” She took a deep breath to stop the heat in her eyes from forming tears and laid against Ianto. “It was Jack who saved her in the end. He saved us all and that made up for the fact that he couldn't save you.”

Jack watched them from the doorway as Ianto pulled Mica against him and stroked the length of her hair, listening to her as she talked about the day that he came back into their lives; he was sure she had forgotten.


just like a jones

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