Just Like A Jones 19/25

Aug 04, 2009 00:45

TITLE: Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 19/25
Rating: g - nc-17 for the whole series
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. Martha. Gwen/Rhys. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon. OC's
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - I shall make you happy! jut watch me! happy fix.
Thanks. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far XD. As i have said before it was lack of feedbak that made me give up before, but the comment i got for ch8 made me so happy and confident and determined to keep going for this fandom. )

A/N- funny shift tomorrow - sleeping in at work - so probably wont be an update.Will be one wednesday for certain though :D... also sorry bout the slight delay on this one lol I got carried away writing and forgot i hadnt posted an update today lol also... the 25 parts? yeah that a joke lol.. there'll be more. I'll work out how many and let you know next time i post (janto refuse to comply with detailed chapter plan! naughty boys!)

PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

The room was dark by the time Ianto Jones opened his eyes again. It was a strange feeling, like someone had given him two bottles of vodka and woken him up before the hangover set in. His body felt heavy and he couldn't lift his arms or his legs, he could barely move his head. All he could see was the ceiling and one bare bulb that gave no light; he turned his head to the side, it hurt, but it was the only part of him that he felt like he had any control over. He stared at the man in the chair.

He wanted to smile, but didn't know if he could. Was it a loss of control, or just the numbness from whatever was stopping the burning from coming back? He managed. Maybe it looked more like a grimace; he didn't know.

Jack was still there, just like he had been before when his whole body had burned with the pain; he had tried to grip his hand but his body wouldn't let him, he wanted him to know that he was there, but his body refused to cooperate. He opened his mouth to speak, but the pain in his throat blazed and no sound came. He couldn't speak, he couldn't even whisper. Ianto Jones felt like a living ghost.

Jack's hand was close to his own, relaxed in sleep. He could just about feel the heat. He wanted to call his name, but he couldn't. He tried to move his fingers and it felt like he could even though they wouldn't. He breathed through the pain and concentrated on his fingers until he could feel them moving. He couldn't reach him at first, but after a moment of wriggling his fingers he could feel the warmth getting closer.

He strained until he could reach him and brushed his fingers over his skin; the warmth was familiar.

Jack smiled a little in his sleep and gripped his hand, caressing the fingers. Suddenly realisation kicked in, and Jack bolted upright and looked down at him.

“Ianto?” He moved from the chair and sat down on the bed clasping Ianto's hand between two of his own. He smiled. “You took your time.”

Ianto looked around the room and then opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“Don't try and speak, you're not healed yet.” He caressed Ianto's cheek and ran his fingers over his lips. “I knew you would come back. You never disappoint me.”

Jack kissed him softly, smiling against his lips when he felt the Welshman respond for the first time in over seventy-five years. It had been a long time since he had felt the warmth of his mouth, too long had passed since Ianto's lips had caressed his. It was all a little too much and Jack could feel a heat in his eyes as his tears started to form.

He pulled back and kissed the top of Ianto's head, then his cheeks, then his nose, and finally found his lips again. He smiled, tasting one of his sweet tears as it rolled down his cheek and over the corner of his mouth. Jack rested the flat of Ianto's hand on the side of his face and closed his eyes at the feeling as his fingers moved a little on the surface; he was caressing his cheek.

“I thought you would never wake up.” Jack's tears fell and Ianto brushed his thumb over his face a little, wiping them away. “I thought you were gone. I almost gave up hope.” He smiled, looking into the depths of Ianto's blue eyes. “Almost but never completely.”

Ianto tried to move, but his body wouldn't let him; every movement burned, even moving his eyes.

“Are you still in pain?”

Ianto didn't answer, he couldn't, instead he managed to nod his head just a little but it hurt and the tears of agony fell from his eyes.

Jack stood up and loaded a syringe, then put it into the port in the central line. “This should help.”

Ianto's head relaxed back against the pillow and his eyes shut again.


He opened his eyes and smiled just a little. “I'm not going.” His lips spoke, but his voice didn't materialise. “Just sleepy.”

“Communication,” Jack said, “I like it. It's been too long.”

“How long?”

Jack stroked Ianto's hair, running his fingers over his temple a little. “Thirteen years for you.”

Ianto looked at him, suddenly in shock and blinked. “Shit.” He breathed out as he spoke, and Jack could swear that he had found a little of his voice.

“There's someone here with me” Jack said, “she helped me bring you back. You might be a little surprised.”


Mica stood outside the room and bit her nails nervously. She had been debating whether or not to go in for almost four minutes.

“Just go in,” Jack said, “talk.”

“But-- I--- no.” She shook her head. “He doesn't know me looking like this. In his head I'm five!”

“So you brought him back to stand outside a door, stress and chew your fingernails down to your elbow?” He took her hand away from her mouth. “You really are a Jones.”

“What if he doesn't want to see me?”

“And why wouldn't he want to see you?”

“I don't know. Maybe it's too much for him, what if he can't take it?

“He's a man that died thirteen years ago and we brought him back from the death, trust me, this is nothing.” He opened the door and pushed her in. “Go.”

Se tried to get back out, but Jack stopped her. “No excuses, you have to do this.” He kissed her cheek and pushed her back inside and held the door shut. “Love you!”

He pressed his ear to the door and listened as she walked around the room, her shoes echoing on the wooden floor.


Mica sat down. She didn't look at him at first, but she could feel him staring and eventually looked up. He was gazing at her, his eyes wide open and his mouth aghast. Mica had the feeling that even if did have the power of speech he still wouldn't be able to use it.

“Hi Uncle Ianto.”

He blinked slowly and tried to sit up, but failed. He groaned without sound and fell back down onto the pillow; it was just too much effort.

“Here.” Mica stood up, walked over to his side and helped him sit up; she propped him up with some pillows and then sat down on the side of the bed. “Better?”

He nodded a little. “Thank you,” He mouthed.

“So, I grew up.”

Ianto nodded again.

“I don't know what to say exactly. I mean, I'm a lot older than you remember me being and we really didn't have much of a relationship past McDonalds and the park a few times a year.”

“Sorry.” His breath pushed out a word so low it was barely even spoken.

“It's okay.” She smiled. “I understand. Jack explained everything and your diaries gave me an insight.”

Ianto looked mortified.

“Oh! It's okay, I blocked a lot out from my memory, it's what I had to do to avoid all that expensive therapy.” She reached out and rested her hand on his. “I'm sorry that I invaded your privacy. I know that you're a private kinda guy it's just--” Mica sighed and lowered her eyes from his gaze. “It was the only way.”

Ianto squeezed her hand for a moment. It was strange to see her like that; she looked so much like Rhiannon had in his memories of her from high school, but she had a different smile and her eyes were darker than her mothers'. She was nothing like he had imagined she would be, not that he had ever spent much time doing that, and at that moment, as he stared into her strangely familiar face he wondered how Rhiannon looked. She would have aged by now, so would have Johnny and David was probably a tearaway.

The pain was starting to ease off a little and he could feel the sensation in his legs returning; it didn't hurt as much to move his fingers and he managed to shift his left arm to cover Mica's. He held her hand between both of his; it hurt. The pain of holding himself in that position was making the burning return, but as he held her hands, he really didn't care.

“Well done.” she smiled. “That's a good sign.”

He smiled a little.

“There could be hope for you yet.”

Silence fell after a moment and Mica dropped her eyes again. Some things were easier to say when he was unconscious. She sighed. “I hope bringing you back was the right thing. It was my brainchild.”

Ianto looked a little surprised. There were so many questions he wanted to ask, mainly ones that contained the words how and why, but he couldn't speak. He didn't know if this conversation would be any easier if he wasn't muted by the burning in his throat that raged every time he tried to talk. Ianto Jones had the distinct feeling that even if he was capable of talking, he wouldn't be able to form his words enough to be coherent.

“That man in your diaries, the one Jack has told me stories about for the majority of my life, I just-- I wanted to know him, you know?”

“Why?” The burning in his throat raged as he pushed out his breath, but it didn't even force a whisper.

“I never got the chance.”

Ianto's eyes closed a little and his head relaxed back on the pillow then he opened them again.

“You should sleep,” Mica said, “You look tired.”

He shook his head slowly and forced his eyes to stay open, but it was just too much effort.


Jack crept around in the dark and connected another drip to Ianto's IV, then pushed another dose of pain relief into the central line. He felt the warmth of Ianto's hand brush his fingers a little; Jack smiled.


Ianto made a strangled noise that wasn't quite speech and winced at the pain it caused him.

“Was that meant to be hi?”

Ianto nodded groggily.

“Well it wasn't speech but it's good enough for me.” He stared down at him and caressed his fingers. “Strangulated noises give me some hope that one day you'll talk to me again.”

Ianto found what little strength he could and pulled at Jack's hand a little. Jack sat down and kissed Ianto's fingers, then ran his hand through the Welshman's hair.

“Every time you close your eyes I wonder if you'll ever open them again.” He smiled a little sadly. “Even when you blink I start to miss you just in case.”

Ianto managed to put his hand on Jack's cheek.

“Pathetic, I know.”

Ianto's hand caressed Jack's and he smiled, then slipped into bed beside him; he hovered above him.

“There's been something that I've been meaning to tell you, in fact I've told you so many times that you couldn't hear, but I think it's time to tell you whilst you're conscious for once.”

Ianto mouthed a word “Don't.”

He slid his fingers down to Jack's neck and pulled him closer. Their lips met in an open kiss, hot and slow at the same time, and they savoured every moment.


just like a jones

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