Just Like A Jones 11/25

Jul 24, 2009 19:39

TITLE: Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 11/25
Rating: g - nc-17 for the whole series
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. Gwen/Rhys. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon. OC's
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - I shall make you happy! jut watch me! happy fix.
Thanks. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far XD. As i have said before it was lack of feedbak that made me give up before, but the comment i got for ch8 made me so happy and confident and determined to keep going for this fandom. )
Update will be a little different for the next few days due to me going away for the weekend. I will post on Sunday next and normal service shal resume.
PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Jack was sitting in the living room with Rhiannon and Johnny when his phone rang. It was late, well past eleven, and the thunder was rumbling like a hungry giant.

“Hello?” Jack walked out of the room to take the call and shut the door behind him.

“It took a while but they've gone.” Mica sounded tired. “It took me forever to get rid of Gwen.”

“But she's definitely gone now?”

“Yes. I followed her home on the CCTV network. She's in the house with Rhys as we speak and I've set up an alert for any activity outside her house just in case, so the coast is clear.”

“Okay I'm on my way.” Jack held the phone between his shoulder and his ear as he put on his coat. “Do you have everything ready?”

“Yeah. Just need you now, I've set the lab up too so we can get started as soon as the scan is done. With any luck we should have the antidote well on its way by the morning.”

Jack smiled as he buttoned his coat. “You're loving this aren't you?”

“What's not to love. Technology, Chemicals, excitement and the possibility of bringing him back from the dead. It's like I've discovered radiation.“

“I'll be there soon.”

“Oh on your way in could you pick up some chips?” she asked. “I'm starving.”

“Then I'll be a little longer. It's Friday night it'll be packed.”

“See you when you get in then. I'll make my way through the filth.”

Jack hung up and turned around; he jumped at the sight of Rhiannon. She stood with her arms crossed, waiting an explanation.

“Going somewhere?”

Jack opened his mouth and then closed it without any sound. “Just out.”

“Out where?”

“For chips” he said, “I have a craving.”

“So that wasn't Mica on the phone then?”


“Don't lie to me.” She stepped a little closer. Jack Harkness had fought aliens and monsters, he had faced the end of the world more times than he could count, but nothing was quite as terrifying as Rhiannon Davies' evil glare. “Truth please.”

“She wants chips.”


“Stuck at work,” he said, “night shift.”

“Is she in some kind of trouble?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Jack put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “She's fine.”

“Is she pregnant?”


“She's been acting very odd recently. Staying out late, sometimes all night, and now she rings you to take chips to her at the factory. Has she got herself up the duff?”


“I'm not letting you leave until you promise me that she's all right.” Rhiannon stood in front of the stairs. “She never tells me anything any more, so I'm going to have to presume that if there's something going on you know about it.”

“She's fine.”


“I promise.”

Rhiannon stepped to the side. “If you're lying I'll hurt you. Repeatedly.”

“Noted.” He kissed her cheek and left, tucking his collar up to shield from the rain.


Mica walked into the room and shut the heavy door behind her. It had taken seven showers to scrub the smell off her skin when Jack had taken her there the day before, but not this time, this time she was prepared. She took down her hood and unzipped her boiler suit before taking off her boots and stepping out of it. She put it in a yellow hazard bag and then removed her gloves. She washed her hands at the sink in the corner and dried them, then shook out her hair.

She walked over to drawer number fourteen and opened it just the way Jack had before, then pulled it out. She released the glass lid and watched it disappear.

“You came all prepared.” Jack stood in the corner eating chips and offered her one. “Chip?”

“Thanks.” She took a chip and then checked the display on the built-in computer. “He's ready.”


“Hold on.” She turned to face Jack. “How did you get down here?”

He smiled and pointed to a doorway. “I used the elevator.”

“There's a lift?”

“Oh yeah.” Jack leaned against the door laughing just a little. “Did I forget to mention that?”

She moved closer and stole the whole packet of chips. “There's a lift and you made me go all the way through the corridors the Weevil shit and the sewers?”

“I took you the fun way first. My way is boring, just a few corridors and a lift.”

“But I would have been clean?” she asked.


Mica pushed his chest hard and he hit the door with a slam and laughed. “It's a god job you're immortal.”

“Why's that?”

“Because you wouldn't last ten minutes in this world otherwise”


“Do you think she's up to something?” Rhiannon switched off the TV and turned to face her husband.

“Oi! I was watching that! It was just starting to get good.” He took the remote ad switched it back on.

Rhiannon switched it off. “And I have something important to talk to you about.”

“That's what the adverts are for.” He took the remote back and turned the TV back, then hid it underneath a cushion.

“This is about Mica!”

“I'm listening.” He turned to face her. “We got about three minutes.”

She sighed. “She's been acting very odd recently. Staying out late, sometimes all night--”

“She's not been acting odd” Johnny said, “she's been acting like an 18 year old.”

“But she's never done that.”

“Well maybe it's time that she did. She's always been a miserable sod, she never went out, now she's out all the time. It's brilliant.”

“But I don't think she's just going to the pub.” She sighed. “I think she's in trouble.”

Johnny put his arm around her and watched the Colgate advert for a moment in silence. “Don't worry.”

“She's obsessed with our Ianto, she's so determined to be like him. I heard her talking to Gwen Cooper the other day. She's trouble that one.”

“As long as she's not back with that Paul Foxx from the other side of the estate I'm happy.”


“Look. She tells Jack everything, if she's in trouble then he'll sort it out. He'd never let anything happen to her.”

“I suppose you're--”

“Shh.” Johnny sat forward in his seat as the adverts finished and the program restarted. “It's starting.”


Mica walked over to Ianto's body and touched his skin. “He's warm.”

“It's the heat.”

“It feels weird, like someone's put him in a microwave on defrost.”

“That's basically what we've done.” Jack stroked the chin on his cheek. “I never thought I'd ever feel him warm again.”

“Well, with any luck it won't just be because he's defrosted.” She took the device and pressed some buttons waiting for the Green light to activate. “Ready for this?”

“Ready as I'll ever be.”

She hovered the device above him watching the display as numbers and letters flashed; it made a whirring noise and then a beep as she swept it over his body slowly right from the tip of his head to his toes. When it finished it let out a high pitched tone and the green light turned to red.

“That's it?” Jack asked. “That's it done.”

“Yeah, I told you it was simple.” She walked over to the computer embedded into the wall and attached the device to it with a wire. She hovered her fingers over the keyboard and typed in some commands then waited for a long list to appear on the screen. “That's our particle breakdown right there,” she said, “all I need to do now is group them together and see what toxins we're looking at.”

“That's amazing.”

“I know. This program will search the database and identify all the chemicals we know exist.” The screen flashed. “And quickly too. Then all i have to do is access the cryogenics and biology databases to irradiate all the toxins we would expect to see.”

“Which would leave us with the virus.” Jack smiled. “That's clever.”

“It'll take a little while to collect all the data and analyse it, maybe an hour or so.” She sighed. “Until then we wait. I brought tea.”

“You're really good at this.” Jack sat down on the floor resting his head against the wall.

Mica took out a flask of tea from her rucksack and put it down between them and poured out two cups; she handed one to him. “What, brining tea?”

Jack smiled. “No. This, Torchwood. He would've been proud.”

“You think so?”

“I'm sure of it.”

She drank her tea. “I've never been good at a job before. I always failed; I mixed up service washes at the laundrette, my labels were always wonky at the factory and The Black Horse?” She laughed. “Well there's a three inch head on my pints.”

“So that's why they let you go?”

“No. I Punched Steven Elliott in the face for staring at somewhere his eyes shouldn't have been.”

“That's my girl.”

Mica looked over at Ianto's body. “He missed my birthday you know?” She said. “Every year.”

“He did?”

“Yeah. Always working.” She sighed. “He used to come over and take me to McDonalds and then for a walk in the Park. He never pushed me as high on the swings as I wanted to though.”

Jack laughed a little. “He had issues.”

“We all have issues.”

“He did care about you even if he didn't show it.”

“I know.”

“Ianto was never a touchy-feely person. The first time I hugged him it was like he didn't know what it was for, he tried to shake my hand.” Jack stood up and walked over to Ianto and ran his fingers over his lips; they were starting to go cold again, recovering from the artificial heat. “But when he loved you he loved you.”

Mica joined him and wrapped her arm around his waist, closing her eyes. “Soon he'll be here again.”

“You look shattered.”

“I am. I've been here since eight this morning.”

“Why don't you go and get some sleep?”

“What about the results?”

“I can manage here. I'll bring them up when they're done.”

“Thanks Jack.” She kissed his cheek and walked towards the door, then stepped into the lift.

Jack pulled a seat up beside Ianto and sat down then took his stiff hand and kissed it. “Not long now.”


Jack opened the cage and took out Bernard the little white rat. He had been wriggling around twelve minutes ago, running around his little wire cage full of life. Now he was floppy and still, drained of all life. He put him down on the desk in the lab. “Poor little fella.”

“Well it definitely killed him.” Mica held the syringe to its neck and plunged it in, then emptied the contents into the neck. “Let's see if we can bring him back to life.”

Jack put Bernard back in his age and laid him down on the newspaper. “Fourth time lucky.”

“Glenda, Peter and Simon all died for a good cause.” She looked at the other cages guiltily. “I think we have it now.”

They sat down and waited. “What time is it?”

“Almost four.” She yawned. “We've got about five hours until the others start to come in.”

“Maybe we should move this operation into the other lab.”

“What other lab?”

Jack smiled. “You don't think I would have a morgue tucked away without a secret lab too do you?”

“You think of everything.”

“I'm a great believer in being prepared for the future.” Jack walked over to the age and peeked inside. “Bernard's chest is moving.”

“That's a good sign.”

“Then again Glenda was fine until she exploded.”


Jack took off Ianto's tie and let it hang loose then opened up his waistcoat and his shirt; it had been a long time since he had seen him bare chested, over seventy-five years, but he still looked the same.

Mica laughed.

“What are you laughing at?”

“I never thought about him having fuzzy nipples.”

Jack glared at her and attached the heart monitor to his chest. “I think I'd be worried if you thought about whether or not your Uncle had chest hair”

“He always seemed so much like the neat type.”

“He was neat but he was all about the natural edge. No Veet in sight for Ianto.” He put more wires on Ianto's forehead and walked over to the computer. “Okay so we're all set up.”

“So this is it then?”

“This is it.” She picked up the syringe and handed it to Jack. “You do it.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. “It's only right.”

Jack put the syringe to his neck and looked at Mica before pushing the antidote into his body, then waited.


Mica looked over at Jack as he sat on the floor with his head in his hands and took the wires off Ianto's body. She fastened his buttons back up and tied his tie in a half-Windsor knot. She smoothed the collar of his shirt and closed her eyes, letting a tear fall from her eyes. She stood in front of Jack

“I'm sorry.”

Jack didn't reply.

“I don't know what happened.” She sat down beside him. “Maybe I had the virus wrong, maybe the antidote wasn't the one we were looking for.”

“I feel like I've lost him all over again.” Jack raised his tear-filled eyes to meet hers. “It hurts even more than before.”

“Maybe we can look at the results again. Maybe we were close.”

Jack shook his head. “No. I can't take it again. I had hope, I thought he would come back and now--” Jack crumbled into his hands again, his heart breaking, and coughed out tears that refused to stop. “He's gone again.”

Mica put her arm around Jack and cradled him, letting him rest on her lap as he cried. “I'm sorry.”

“It's not your fault. Thanks for trying.”

“We can try something else.”

“There is nothing else.” He licked his lips and gripped onto her tightly, his knuckles going white. “Death is forever for everyone but me.”

She rocked him in her arms and stroked his hair as his heart shattered and fell from his eyes. “I won't give up.”


just like a jones

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