Just Like A Jones 1/25

Jul 12, 2009 18:16

TITLE: Just Like A Jones:
Chapter: 1/25
Rating: G at the moment
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. Gwen. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - I shall make you happy! jut watch me! fix-it fic)



Jack stood on the corner in the middle of the Cromwell estate and looked at it; the whole place looked like a scrapyard, with car's with no windscreens held up by bricks and rusted bikes in the gardens. One house was boarded, burnt through completely, with graffiti on the walls and holes in the roof; he could see needles on the ground in the grass and broken beer bottles littered the street. He looked up and saw a pair of shoes, laces tied together, hanging over the wire that connected the telegraph poles. It was a sad state, Britain was a sad state, but then again it had been for a while.

He looked at the gang of kids that sat in the wall in broad daylight; they were no older than twelve years old, but they were smoking and drinking proudly. The estate was nothing to be proud about. He had always had problems imagining Ianto living there, in the house on the corner where his sister now lived; he couldn't imagine him mingling with the kids on the walls or wearing a hoodie and smoking.

He looked over at the house on the corner and saw a man on the step; he held a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other and waved. He stood up and made his way over, throwing the cigarette on the ground, then threw him arms around him.

“Back again Uncle J?” He pulled away and looked at him. “You coming in?”


David was older now, 22 years old, almost exactly as old as Ianto had been when Jack had met him, but he looked much younger. David didn't wear a suit; he didn't have a job to wear one to, nobody did. 2022 was bleak. No jobs, no culture and no trust; the benefit system had gone into overdrive, with a benefit for everything from a broken thumb to early onset dementia. The nanny state was huge, with CCTV camera's hooked up to facial recognition systems; every movement was recorded and analysed, collecting evidence for crimes that hadn't even been committed yet. Everyone was a criminal in the eyes of the government, and that government, with it's spin doctors, secrets and corruption sickened Jack; it was one of the many reasons he didn't return for more than a few days at a time. He blamed them for everything, and they weren't doing anything to change his mind. A camera turned towards him and made a sound like a zooming lens and Jack glared into it until it turned away. The government had been keeping a close eye on him for a while, tracking his movement; it was either them or Torchwood. He didn't want to talk to either of them.

“Bloody security camera's,” David said, “never know when to mind their own fucking business.”

“I'm used to it now.”

“Treat you like a bloody criminal. They're the criminals if you ask me. Murderers, every one of them.”

“They treat everyone like a criminal.” Jack followed David inside and closed the door behind him then hung up his coat.

“Mam! Uncle Jack's here!”

Rhiannon came into the hallway and hugged her visitor. She was older now, forty-one, with two grown kids that showed no sign of moving out. “God, it's depressing to see you.”

Jack chuckled. “Thanks.”

“You look so bloody young.” She led Jack into the kitchen and switched on the kettle. “Cuppa?”

“Wouldn't say no.”

“Long journey?”

“Very.” Jack waved over at Jonny who sat on the couch playing a game on the computer. “Hey Johnny.”

He waved back. “How's the aliens then?”

“Ignore him.” Rhiannon gave him a mug of tea. “Fish and chips for dinner?”


“Jonny!” Rhiannon shouted. “Get down that chippy, and I want the good fish this time and don't go to the one with the lumpy gravy.”

“They all have lumpy gravy.” Johnny stood beside Jack and took the money that his wife offered from her purse. “You want peas Jack?”

“No thanks.”

Johnny looked out the window and groaned when he heard the thunder; the rain wasn't far behind. “It's bloody raining now.”

“Then you had better run then hadn't you, and take David with you.”

She watched them go, then turned around to Jack and smiled fondly. “Now, give me the gossip.”


Mica sat at the top of the stairs watching Jack as he talked to her mother; he had visited every few months for as long as she could remember. She looked down at the PDA and tapped away at a few buttons; it was the only way to get any peace. She would get in trouble if the government found out what she was doing, imprisoned for her efforts most likely, but that was nothing compared to what her mother would do if she knew.

Jack caught her eye and she smiled, waving at him in the way she had done since she was five. He excused himself from the conversation with her mother and joined her on the stairs.

“You're going to get arrested.” He said. “If the authorities ever find out you're not going to have a leg to stand on.”

“They're not smart enough to find out.” She shrugged. “They're stupid, the Government.”

“They're not. They just don't quite realise who they're dealing with.” Jack smiled. “You have the mind of a Jones.”

“It's not hard. I just intercept the software when i see you coming and scramble the signal, then replace your image with the image of someone else. It's a two minute loop, and by the time they realise that you're inside and out of their view.” She looked at Jack and smiled. “They think it's a bug in the software.”

“You still need to watch it.”

“I'm one step ahead, it's Torchwood that I find it hard to fool. They're smarter than the government.”

“Well, they learned from the best.”

“Mica!” The thunderous voice from downstairs made them both freeze. “Did you do something to those camera's outside?”


“The engineers are out again!” Rhiannon stood on the stairs and crossed her arms.

“Imagine that.” Mica stood up and put her PDA in her pocket. “Must be a bug or something.”

“Oh a bug in their software, is it?”

Mica laughed nervously. “I won't do it again.”

“You better not.”

“I'm going to go and-- do-- erm- something else.” She backed away and headed towards her bedroom. “Later Uncle Jack.”

Rhiannon sighed and sat down beside Jack. “That girl will be the death of me.”

“She's clever though.”

“Ianto was clever too and look what happened to him.” Rhiannon looked down at her hands. “He was dead before he was thirty, dead at twenty-five, I don't want her to be clever if that's where it gets you.”

“When you say that I always feel as though you're blaming me.”

“I just wish he was stupid Jack. I wish he had worked in Debenhams like my dad, or sat on the dole and drank beer. Maybe he could have worked in a bank if he wanted to make something of himself... But no, he wanted to fight aliens and save the world. Stupid sod.”

“Ianto would have never been happy working in a bank.”

“No but he'd be alive.”

Jack looked down at his hands. “You don't know that.”

“I suppose not.” She turned to face him. “I don't mean to blame you, it just comes out that way.”

They heard the door open, then close with a bang. “Chips!”

Don't forget to  comment, this is the first fic that i've written like this and I just feel inspired, but comments feed the fic bunny its lettuice

part 2 is here!

just like a jones

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