Just Like A Jones 2/25

Jul 13, 2009 13:42

TITLE: Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 2/25
Rating: G at the moment
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. Gwen. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon. OC's
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - I shall make you happy! jut watch me! fix-it fic) Italics = Flashback.




Rhiannon put away the last final dishes from dinner and looked out the window; he was standing there, still, he had been standing there since dinner ended just staring into space. Was he thinking about where he would go next, what he would do, or did Jack Harkness actually still stargaze? Her eyes followed him as he sat down on the grass and tucked his knees to his chest, running his fingers over something in his hand.

“What's he doing?” Johnny came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “He's a right odd bastard sometimes.”

“Oi!” Rhiannon nudged him away. “He's family.”

“He's still odd.”

“Look at him Johnny.” She held his arms around her and laced her fingers with his. “He looks so lonely here, so sad. Why does he even keep coming back?”

“There's an easy enough way to answer that.” Johnny let go of Rhiannon and grabbed two cans of beer from the fridge, then walked outside and stood behind Jack. “Drink Jacko?”

Jack put his hand up in the air and took the drink from the other man's hand and opened it. He didn't used to drink, but Jack Harkness was a fast learner and what he had learned was that if Johnny offered him beer he should take it, or face the consequences. Johnny sat down beside him. “Thanks”

He mirrored Jack's sitting position and took a few drinks, looking up at the sky. “Is he up there somewhere?”

“No.” Jack shook his head. “I've looked. Every planet I go to I hope there's a version of him. I've given up now, resigned to the fact the he's gone.”

“No, not space you daft sod, heaven!”

“Heaven doesn't exist.”

“Then where is he then?” Johnny looked contemplative for a moment. “Is he in hell? Because when I was a kid they used to say that if you were ga--”

“There's no hell.”

“So, if there's no heaven and no hell, where is he? Just floating around in the air?”

“You really don't want to know.” Jack ran his fingers over the stopwatch that he held in his hand. “He's gone and that's all that matters, what does it matter where?”

“Rhi wonders.”

“Tell her that heaven exists. I don't know what she would do if she knew where he actually was.”

“She worries about you when you come here, she says you look depressed.”

“I like it here.”

Johnny laughed and looked around. “You're bloody crazy mate.”

“It's the closest thing to home, you and Rhiannon and the kid's, you're the closest thing to a family that I've got.”

“They're hardly kids any more. David is twenty-two now, and Mica's eighteen. Neither of them show any bloody sign of moving out and giving us peace and quiet.”

“Ianto would have been thirty eight.”

“And how old are you then?”

Jack smiled and took a long drink. “I don't think I even know the answer to that one any more. I come back every few months, and to you he's been gone thirteen years, but for me it has been longer, a lot longer.”

“How's that?”

“I come back once a year, every year on the same day, but not in your time. I'm a year older every time you see me.”

“So how long has it been, for you like?”

“Seventy-two years and counting.”

“Bloody hell. So, this shit council estate in Wales is like your holiday?”

Jack laughed. “I guess so.”

Johnny finished his beer and stood up and started to walk away. “I'd rather go to Malaga myself, but I suppose anything is better than bloody Butlins.”

“I am still welcome, aren't I?” Jack asked the question without looking up and Johnny put a hand on his shoulder.

“Family is family. Ianto was family and you two were-”

Jack smiled sadly. “A couple?”

“Yeah.” Johnny squeezed Jack's shoulder reassuringly. He might have been as rough as a bag of broken bottles but he had his softer moments. “A couple of daft sods in love, now put a smile on your face and stop being so bloody depressing. Ianto wouldn't have wanted that.”

Jack watched him go inside and lay down on the grass, looking up at the stars. Seventy-two years was a long time, even in his world, but the pain hadn't gone away. If he could stay away from earth, away from Wales, it would have been a little easier, but Jack never broke a promise.


Ianto was down in the archives when Jack finally found him, filing away Toshiko's workings.

“She never finished this,” he said, hearing Jack as he walked in, “a few more equations and she would have had it, but she never got the chance.”

Jack wrapped one arm around him, holding his back to his chest. “I know this has hit you hard.”

“She's dead, Jack.” He sighed and dropped the paper file. “And Owen, and God knows how many others there have been. Who's next?”

“If we asked that every time we lost someone then we would never stop asking.” He kissed Ianto's shoulder. “We need to carry on.”

“It'll be me. I'll be next, I know it.”

“Please tell me that we're not going to have this conversation.”

“One day it'll be me.” Ianto swallowed hard and closed his eyes, letting a tear roll down his cheek. “You'll be packing my work away and carrying on like any other day.”

“Never.” Jack hugged him tightly from behind and closed his eyes to savour his scent. “Carrying on without you will never be the same.”

“Yes it will. Your world won't stop just because I'm not in it.”

Jack held him tighter and rested his head on Ianto's shoulder. “I'm not even going to think about that. I don't want to, not when I've just lost them.”

“I have family Jack, a sister, did I ever tell you that?” Ianto turned around.

“A few times.”

“She has kids. Mica and David.” He put his hand's on Jack's neck and kissed his lips softly, letting the taste of him linger. “When I die--”

“We're not having this conversation.” He pushed himself away, distancing Ianto by his shoulders. “You're not going to die.”

“Yes I am.”

“I don't want to talk about it.”

“Well I do.” Ianto took his hand to stop him walking away. “They won't remember me Jack. I never see them, I'm always working, but I love them.”

“What are you asking?”

“Just protect them, keep them safe, and don't let them forget me.”


“Promise me that you won't let them forget me.”

“I promise.” Jack caressed his cheek. “How could anyone ever forget Ianto Jones?”

Ianto wiped a tear and moved away from Jack. “You will.”


Mica Davies peeked out in the gap between the curtains in her bedroom and watched Jack as he finally went inside; he had been out there for hours, just looking at the sky and pressing buttons on his wrist strap. Mica didn't know what he had been doing, maybe he was planning his next journey, but whatever it was it was taking some time. She heard a knock on the door and jumped.

“Who is it?”

“It's Dave, open up ratface!”

“Hold on!” Mica walked over to the door, checking that her dressing gown was straight, then opened the door; she leaned on the frame.“What do you want?”

“Lend me a tenner till Monday.”


“Come on sis.” He flicked her nose with his finger and she batted it away. “You owe me.”

“Not a bloody tenner I don't.”

“I'll pay you back, don't get your knickers in a twist.”

She sighed heavily and grabbed her purse from the computer desk. She took out a tenner and held it out to him then pulled it back. “If I lend you a tenner, and lend being the most important part of that sentence, do you promise you will leave me alone?”

“Yes.” David tried to grab it, but she pulled it further away from his reach.

“And I'll get it back?”


She pulled it away from him again. “Promise?”

“Yes. For God's sake just give it me!” He grabbed the money. “Oh, and by the way, I can see your jeans. If you're going to sneak out you should really be better at hiding it.” He pointed at her legs and at the smallest hint of rolled up denim. “I don't know why you bother sneaking out anyway, it's not like you're a kid any more.” He narrowed his eyes. “What are you up to?”

Mica grabbed her brother by his Jacket and pulled him towards her, glaring through him with threatening eyes that only a sister could manage. “You need to learn to mind your own business.”

“And you need to learn to give gifts to your brother.” He smiled.

“Fine!” She let him go. “You can keep the tenner, but I don't take kindly to blackmail.”

“I'm your brother,” David said, “Blackmail is how I show I love you.”

“Bugger off.” She put her hand over his face and pushed him out of the door, then shut it.

“Thank you!”

Mica locked the door and hung up her dressing gown; she unrolled her jeans and pulled on her boots, then put on her short leather jacket. She grabbed the rucksack from underneath her bed and walked back to the window. She checked the garden again, scanning the whole area, then opened the window and sat on the windowsill, dangling her legs out. She checked her ponytail, making sure it was tight, and tucked it into the back of her jacket. Mica took her trusty PDA out of her pocket and pressed a few buttons, waiting a few moments until the thin metal poles stuck out of the brickwork on the side of the house. It was only half an inch but it was enough.

She climbed out the window and lowered herself down carefully, jumping the last two feet and crouching on the ground. She stopped for a moment for the time to pass and waited to check her escape route disappeared back into the wall. She walked over to the fence, checking behind her, and climbed over it. When she hit the ground on the other side she checked her PDA; Mica slipped her earpiece in and listened to the frequency signal, then turned to her left and started to run.


Part 3 is HERE 

just like a jones

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