Just Like A Jones 14/25

Jul 28, 2009 22:43

TITLE: Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 14/25
Rating: g - nc-17 for the whole series
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. Gwen/Rhys. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon. OC's
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - I shall make you happy! jut watch me! happy fix.
Thanks. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far XD. As i have said before it was lack of feedbak that made me give up before, but the comment i got for ch8 made me so happy and confident and determined to keep going for this fandom. )

PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

“Oh so you're awake again are you?” Mica looked in what was left of her only surviving wing mirror and checked the road behind her as she heard Jack come back to life with a gasping breath. “Took you a while.”

“Yeah well I was shot fifty times.”

“You're just lucky that I ducked then or we'd have more than one Welsh cadaver in this car.”

Jack looked down at Ianto and smiled, then ran his hand down his cheek. “We got him out.”

“I told you we would.” She stopped at a red light and drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as a few cars drove past, keeping an eye on the road behind her.

Jack touched her shoulder and she winced in pain. “We need to get that looked at.”

“It's fine. I gave myself a shot earlier but it's starting to wear off a little, which is kinda good because I was starting to get a little woozy.” She pulled away from the junction and revved the engine up to seventy miles an hour.

“Don't you think you should slow down just a little?” Jack asked. “You're going to make people suspicious.”

She changed gear and pushed the engine to seventy-five. “Uncle Jack, this is a stolen car--”


“Fine, a procured car which has no doubt been reported procured already, with no windscreen or back window, only one working door, half a wing mirror and a dead body in the back. Don't you think we're a little beyond whistling nervously and trying to blend in?”

“Very good point.”

“Besides--” She skidded around a corner. “I lost them once, but I'm not sure I could do it again.”

“I'm impressed by your getaway skills.”

Mica laughed. “You don't grow up on Cromwell without having an amazing ability to drive like a maniac, I think they inject us at birth.”

“That would certainly explain Ianto's driving.”

“We're going to have to ditch it before we get onto the M4, we really could do with something that wasn't falling to pieces.”

“Take a left.”

She turned sharply. “Why?”

“There's a Tesco down here” he said, “let's do some shopping.”


Jack crouched down in the bushes and watched over the car park. It was the middle of the night and virtually empty save for a few cars; it amazed Jack how may people would chose to go shopping in the middle of the night, but on this occasion he was grateful for it. He watched the door and waited for his target to emerge then blocked the CCTV with Mica's handy gadget.

His target strolled over to his car and Jack smiled at his good luck. It was a Beauty. A jet black 4x4 BMW X5 with nicely customised black windows and alloy wheels; it was the perfect transportation vehicle for modern-day body snatchers.

Jack walked over to him, sticking close to his back and pressed the stun gun between the man's shoulder blades. “Nice car,” he whispered, “mind if I take it for a spin?”

The man dug his hands into his pocket and took out his keys and held them up, letting them hang off one of his fingers. “Don't hurt me.”

He took the keys. “What you got in that bag?”

“Help yourself.” The man held the bag out to the side.

“Thanks.” Jack smiled. “Y'know, you're a very courteous victim, you don't get that a lot these days.”

The man seemed confused. “Thank you?”

Jack took the plastic bag. “You'll get your car back, but just don't report it stolen until tomorrow, okay?”

“Do I get to live if I do?”


“Then I like the deal.”

“Great. What's your name?”

“Peter,” he said “Peter MacAlister.”

“Then Peter MacAlister, I'm really very sorry.” Jack pulled the trigger, filling peter with 600,000 volts and watched him drop onto the ground. He crouched down beside him. “Sorry.”


Mica stretched out in the passenger seat as she woke up from her little snooze; the wound on her arm was still throbbing but the low dose of Morphine had helped reduce the pain a little. She looked over at Jack as he cruised along the M4 and watched the sun start to come up over the horizon.

“Sleep well?” Jack peeked over his newly procured Raybands.

She groaned and stretched out her neck muscles. “Not really. How long until we're home?”

“Maybe another twenty minutes.” He pointed at the Severn bridge. “See? Homeward bound.”

“Great.” She looked over her shoulder at Ianto in the back; he was propped up into a seat safely fastened in with sunglasses covering his dead eyes. “Were you trying to recreate weekend at Bernie's what you did that to him?”

“I think he looks cute in sunglasses.” Jack smiled. “and he seems happy enough.”

Mica shook her head. “You're odd.”

“Plus, it keeps him secure. I don't want my Ianto damaged.”

“Your Ianto?” She turned to face him. “Your Ianto? Your own personal Ianto?”

Jack smiled. “Fine, our Ianto. I don't want our Ianto damaged.”

“Better.” She relaxed back into the comfortable leather chair. “So, what's the plan when we him back home?”

“Well presuming there's no ramblers about to see us it's a simple case of getting him to the top of the hill.”

“And how do you plan to do that?”

“An arm and a leg?”

“Great.” She sighed. “So what if there's people around?”

“Stunguns are useful for something.”

“And after that?”

Jack smiled. “You just wait and see.”


When Jack brought Ianto and Mica back to 2022 it was midnight. He readjusted Ianto's body on his shoulder, getting a better grip, and laughed as he watched Mica run back into the bushes to be sick.

“Oh God!” She groaned. “Does it ever get better?”

“Not for a while.”

Mica wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “It's worth it.”

“We have to get Ianto somewhere safe so that we can get your arm seen to.” Jack looked at the blood as it started to seep through her makeshift bandage again. “You need the bullets removed.”

“It's not even bleeding any more.” She put her hand on her shoulder and looked at the blood on her fingers.

“It's the pressure in your body building up from the journey,” Jack explained, “it should settle down but we need to get it sorted out. Just in case”

“We get him safe and then I sort it out.” Mica started to make her way back down the hill towards the place they had hidden the car. “I'm fine.”

“I'll drop you off at the hospital, take Ianto to the safe house and then come back for you.”

“Won't the hospital be a little suspicious?” Mica stopped herself from tumbling. “They ask questions. No I'll be fine.”

Jack steadied Mica again; the colour was starting to drain from her face. “No, you need a doctor and you need one right now.”

“The hospital will want to know too much.”

Jack thought about it for a moment. “Change of plan. I have a friend,” he said, “this isn't her exact expertise but she won't ask questions.”



just like a jones

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