Just Like A Jones 22/30

Aug 08, 2009 22:40

TITLE: Just Like A Jones
Chapter: 22/30
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto. Mica. David. Martha. Gwen/Rhys. Lois. Johnny/Rhiannon.
Synopsis: Mica may be a Davies, but sometimes she acts like a Jones. Set 13 years in the future. The world is a very different place, and Torchwood is a world that Jack doesn't want to know, but a promise made a long time ago brings him back to their door whether he likes it or not. Mica is in awe of a past she didn't know and a man she barely remembers, but her passion for his world takes her on a journey she never expected.
Spoilers: Aftermath of COE.
Disclaimer: Not mine, if it was this woul not need to be written.
A/N - I shall make you happy! jut watch me! happy fix.
Thanks. Thanks to everyone who has replied so far XD. As i have said before it was lack of feedbak that made me give up before, but the comment i got for ch8 made me so happy and confident and determined to keep going for this fandom. )

PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

David looked around at the interior of the up-market boutique and smiled at the security guard that had been following him around for the last ten minutes. The guy had been following his every move sine David stepped in, with one hand on his cuffs and the other on his radio as he gave a detailed commentary of his movements to the guy in the control room.

“I'm not gonna steal nothin'!”

The man continued to follow him, staying even closer on his heels than before.

David rolled his eyes dramatically and continued to look around, glaring over his shoulder at his stalker from time to time and ran his fingers over the expensive clothes.

“Classy joint.” David said as Mica approached. “But not exactly my style.”

“We won't be long.”

David had never been in this shop before. None of the garments looked like they would be his style, and certainly not within his price range. 'Trendswear Menswear' was the newest designer boutique, and highlight of Cardiff high street. It was jammed tightly between the newest Starbucks and a restaurant that boasted two steaks with all the trimmings for €20.00. With an arty black sign and writing in blue neon writing it looked, David decided, a little like a sex shop from the outside.

“I thought we were going to the cottage.” He looked at the large selection of silk ties and ran his fingers down them, wrinkling his nose at one design that looked a little bit like someone had thrown up on it then coloured it pink.

“We are. Afterwards.”

“After what?”

Mica looked David up and down, then crossed her arms. Her brother had similar shoulder width, perfect height and the same build as Ianto. Her mother had always said he was a blonde version of him and, had Ianto sill been alive, could have quite easily been mistaken for father and son.

She smiled. “Shopping.”

“Shopping?” He shook his head. “At a time like this?”

“Yes.” She nodded and held up a shirt to him, then tried a different shade.

“Typical woman.”

“He's a little informal at the moment,” she explained, “he needs some threads.”

“Threads?” David laughed a little and batted the shirt away. “You really have been spending too much time with Jack.” Mica held up a powder pink shirt and he shook his head in disgust. “Not pink. Never pink. Especially not powder pink.”

“Pink is back,” she said, “pink is the new green.”

“I thought you said that grey was the new green.”

“No. Grey is the new red. Keep up.” She held up an orange shirt ad smiled wickedly. He took the pink one.

“On second thoughts Pink works.”

“Black, however, is always in.” She threw the shirt, a pair of trousers and a Jacket over her arm, then added a waistcoat. “Here.” She thrust them into his grasp. “Try these on.”


“You're the same kind of build.” Mica pushed David towards the changing room.

“Is this really necessary?”

“Yes.” She pushed him back in. “Quickly quickly, chop chop.”


Ianto opened the blinds and looked out, squinting at the dull daylight; he smiled at the view out of the window. It was raining heavily, the kind that bounced back on itself when it hit the ground, but Ianto was happy to see it. It was Welsh rain. And in the distance, past the rolling hills and the waterlogged grass, the heavy rain clouds dominated the sky and turned everything to grey. The sun was shining through the silver linings, trying to break through, and the heavens rumbled with thunder. Ianto closed the blinds again.

He saw a piece of paper on the bench beside the kettle and picked it up; Ianto looked at the neat handwriting and squinted, hoping that his eyes could still remember how to read. They did.


Gone out for a bit. Be back about four. Be good.



Jack reappeared in the doorway, his hands wet, and stood behind Ianto. “How did you get over here?”

“The same way Bambi got across the ice. With a lot of effort and perseverance.”

“What's that you got?” Jack wrapped his wet arms around him from behind and kissed Ianto's bare shoulder.

“Mica left a note.” Ianto closed his eyes and leaned into the warmth of Jack's body, smiling when he felt the warm lips move to his neck. “She's gone out for a bit. She'll be back at four.”

“I see.” Jack smiled against his shoulder. “Alone for bath time, huh?” He kissed his lovers neck, stopping just below his ear. “It really is a shame that you're not working properly yet. We could have had all kinds of soapy fun.”

“And we can't?”

Jack smiled against his skin. “You can barely walk. Plus, we have plenty of time for that.” He moved one hand from Ianto's stomach and used it to tilt his head to the side. “We have a whole lifetime if you want it.” Jack paused waiting for a reaction that never came. “Would you want that?”

“Yeah.” Ianto smiled. “I think I do.”

Jack grinned with a smile so wide it almost broke his face in half, then hovered his lips over Ianto's. “Good.” He kissed him softly.

Ianto steadied himself on the kitchen bench and managed tun turn around slowly. He put his arms around Jack's neck and kissed him with all the energy he could muster. Jack pushed him back against the bench a little to stop him from falling over, and the Welshman pulled his lips closer. The kiss changed, going from soft to hard, and Ianto explored his lovers mouth with his tongue. Jack moaned into him, gripping on; one hand circled his waist and the other ran through the thickness of his hair.

When Ianto pulled away Jack was just a little breathless. His lips stayed parted and moist, swollen from the kiss for a moment. Then he smiled.

“When I get better,” Ianto promised, his lips a breath away, “I'm going to make it so that you can barely walk, let alone me.”

“Yeah?” Jack gave him a wicked smile and opened his eyes. “Is that so?”

Ianto nodded. “Yes.”


Gwen Cooper looked down at her lunch. It was Chinese from Mr. Woo's, the new place around the corner, but she wasn't interested; not that it wasn't nice of course, because it was, but she just wasn't in the mood for Spring rolls and house special fried rice.

It had been over a week since he had heard of Mica. She just seemed to vanish without a trace, but it hadn't been on a Torchwood mission, or not one that she knew existed; she just seemed to drop off the radar.

She had been in contact with Rhiannon to let her know she was safe, but she didn't want to give her any information. Wherever Mica was, she was nowhere near the CCTV system.

She turned to her computer and refreshed the searching software one last time and took the decision to make an attempt to eat the House special fried rice. She frowned at the lack of king prawns.

Suddenly the monitor beeped; a search had been found.

She accessed the facial recognition software an zoomed in. Mica Davies was fine, walking around the centre of Cardiff like nothing had happened. Had she had her memory wiped? Did she even know she was missing? And who was that she was with?

Gwen searched the database for Mica's friend; he was hardly squeaky clean. His records showed a few marks on his record for petty theft, vandalism, GBH and anti-social behaviour. She glanced at his name, 'David Davies'; it was her brother.

“Gotcha.” She left her Chinese behind, grabbed her jacket and jogged across the hub. “I'm going out,” she said “won't be long.”


Jack pulled Ianto back against his chest and held him there as they lay in the warm water. He kissed his shoulder and smiled against his skin, then ran the sponge over his chest; it left a trail of white frothy bubbles wherever it went.

“I miss baths.” Ianto trailed his hands through the water and shifted the bubbles from one place to another before leaning back. He rested his hands on Jack's knees as they popped out from under the surface and stroked his skin.

“Yeah.” Jack kissed Ianto's neck. “Me too.”

“We should do this all the time.”

“Absolutely.” Jack paused for a moment and rested his head on Ianto's shoulder. “How come we never did this before now?”

“You like showers,” Ianto said, “although I still think it's just because it's much easier to have a shag in the shower.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“You know what I'm suggesting.” Ianto smiled and turned his face to this side, kissing the side of Jack's mouth.

Jack pushed Ianto forward a little and washed his lovers back, taking his time. “Not everything is about sex.” He kissed the spot between his shoulder blades. “Not when it's you. Sometimes I just want to kiss every piece of you so that I have a map of you on my lips for all eternity.”

“You should be careful,” Ianto said, “you're starting to sound a little fluffy there.”

“I'm allowed to be fluffy.” He pulled Ianto back again and wrapped his arms around him so
that he couldn't move, then kissed the spot jut below his ear. “I missed you.”

“But it's weird.” Ianto laughed a little. “I'm used to you being smutty.”

“So you don't like it when someone tells you that they love you and that they were merely a shadow of themselves when you were gone?” He kissed his neck and held him close. “You really won't allow me just a little time to adjust to having you back and tell you all the things I never got to say?”

“I'm not complaining.” Ianto wrapped his hand around the back of Jack's neck and ran his fingers through his hair. “I like it.” He turned his head to the side and kissed the corner of his lover's mouth again. “I'm just not used to you being full of fluff.”

Jack kissed his neck. “I can be both filthy and fluffy.”

“Really?” Ianto sounded unconvinced.

“Yeah,” Jack whispered. “When you're all fixed and we get a chance to be alone I'm going to bring you back here.” He ran his hand down Ianto's body and rested it on his thigh, a little too close to the Welshman's cock to be innocent. “I'm going to lock all the doors, strip you down to nothing and fuck you into the next century.” Jack ran his hand up his thigh a little more, smiling when Ianto let his head fall back. Ianto closed his eyes and licked his lips, then swallowed audibly. “I'm going to fuck you so deep that you won't be able to tell where you end and I begin. I'll touch you, kiss you and taste you until you're almost begging for it to end.”

“I don't think I'd ever do that.” Ianto's word were half breathless, half mumbled as he gripped Jack's hair.

Jack smiled. He could feel something hard underneath the water, and he wrapped his hand around it, then ran his thumb over the head. Ianto's back arched a little and he forced out a gasp.

“Did I wake him up?” Jack whispered.

Ianto said nothing; he gripped onto Jack's knees and bit down on his lip.

“Where was I?”

“Begging,” Ianto said, breathless. “you said I would be begging,”

“Oh yeah.” Jack smiled and increased his pace a little. “I'll fuck you until you were begging for the end. And then when you're sweating and panting and numb, unable to move, I'll wrap you up in my arms and hold you. If I could, I would hold you until the earth stops spinning and the world turns cold.”

Ianto's head fell back on Jack's shoulder and he pushed his cock into his hand, matching the rhythm. His head was swimming and his body was starting to burn, but the feeling of Jack's hand wrapped around him seemed to override everything else. Pleasure took over most of the pain and the little twinges that remained just added to the ecstasy. He gripped onto Jack's knees and dug his fingers into his soapy skin; he could feel Jack's erection pressed against him from behind. Ianto turned his had to the side craned his neck until he found Jack's lips; he kissed him hard, exploring his mouth, and only broke away when he could no longer breathe. A moan escaped his mouth, deep and throaty and uncontrolled.

“When you can stand up properly,” Jack whispered, “we're taking a shower.”

Ianto gripped onto him tighter, pressing his short nails into Jack's skin and arched his back; another moan escaped from his throat and his breathing became uneven. The other man slowed down the pace a little stroking him leisurely for a moment.

“I can fuck you in the shower.” He ran his thumb over the head of Ianto's cock and smiled against his skin when he started to pant out unsteady breaths. “Can't fuck you right in the bath, not without it being awkward, and certainly not when you're in this condition.”

Ianto licked his lips and moved his hands down his body until the covered Jack's.

“I knew that was why you liked a shower.”

Jack kissed Ianto's neck and bit down a little, grazing his teeth over his skin. “Right now I would take you anywhere I could feel you.” His hand started to get back into a faster rhythm. “When you're back to your old self I think we need to spend a good few years in bed to make up for lost time.” He caressed Ianto's neck with his lips, concentrating on the spot just below his ear. “I've learnt a few tricks I think you would like.”

“Yeah?” Ianto's breath aught in his throat as Jack's hand moved in a way he had never felt before that made his toes curl and his back arch. Jack pulled him back towards him, bringing him closer to his cock.

“Yeah.” Jack smiled. “That was nothing. A flick of the wrist in a different direction, that's all.”

Ianto whimpered a little; his body was starting to shake now, begging for the release that was moving slowly through his body.

“Just imagine what else I can do that you have never experienced,” Jack whispered, “techniques that aren't yet known on this earth. They'll blow your mind.”

Ianto opened his mouth to speak, but every time words started to form they failed to make it through his panted breaths. He arched his back and felt Jack's fingers as they stroked his length then circled the tip. His hips moved, working with the rhythm of Jack's hand and he could feel the heat pushing its way through his body.

Ianto moaned, audibly, and hoped to hell nobody could hear. He could almost feel his blood pressure rise and he stopped breathing for a moment until he felt the release. His heart raced and his body ached from the pleasure; his fingers were numb and Jack had to hold him close to stop his head from fallowing below the water.

“I missed watching you cum,” Jack said, smiling against his skin. “I never thought I'd see it again. The way your lips relax, that little flick of your tongue then the smallest of eye rolls. It's like you don't know whether to let go or hold it all inside.” He kissed his shoulder. “Beautiful, really.”

Ianto closed his eyes and rested for a moment, regaining his breath.

“You okay?”

Ianto nodded.

“It didn't hurt?”

He tried to speak, but his throat was dry. He licked his lips and opened his eyes halfway. “Moving hurts,” Ianto said, “but it was worth it.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Never be sorry.” He smiled a little. “But what about you?” He asked. “I feel a little selfish, but I really don't have the energy to return the favour just yet.”

“I can wait.” Jack tilted Ianto's head towards him and kissed him softly. “Did I wear you out?”

He smiled. “Maybe a little. It could be a while before I feel my legs again.”


Gwen sat behind the wheel of the car and kept a close eye on the grey vehicle three cars in front. Mica was driving towards the country, in the opposite direction of the city and she couldn't figure out why? What the hell was there for in the country?

The car turned left at the junction and Gwen followed closely behind


just like a jones

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