Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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It's Norgwegerific! Part 1 anonymous February 23 2010, 05:15:24 UTC
Norway was sitting in his room with a good book, perfectly content to spend the rest of the day relaxing at home, not a care in the world, when suddenly the phone rang. A quick look at the caller id let him know that it was Denmark ( ... )


Whatever Happened to That Atlantis Chick Anyway? Part 1 [3/5] anonymous March 1 2010, 03:16:50 UTC
This is extremely historically inaccurate, but since when has FOP ever worried about that?
“Atlantis? You mean Little Miss Look at Me and My Utopia? Yes, I remember her. She had it easy, fertile lands, great access to the ocean, the fact that she wasn’t stuck in the middle of a desert. It’s quite easy to build your society on happiness and rainbows when you’re not spending half your time simply trying to survive.

“She’s always had it so easy and she never even knew it; was never grateful for it. Constantly criticizing me on, you know everything. One time I snapped and told her that our circumstances were completely different and that she should just keep her nose out of other people’s business, and you know what she said?

‘I’m just like trying to like, help you out, you know, so you can like be as awesome as like, me. You don’t have to like, be all like, like that.“Exactly like that. Girl couldn’t form a coherent sentence to save her life. Don’t know how she became so ‘advanced,’ but I always assumed it was just bull anyway. ( ... )


Whatever Happened to That Atlantis Chick Anyway? Part 2 [3/5] anonymous March 1 2010, 03:20:58 UTC
“Ah Atlantis, she was really cute. Not that we ever actually did anything. She’d never let me get that close. Pretty sure she was a virgin. Oh is that not the point ( ... )


Re: Whatever Happened to That Atlantis Chick Anyway? Part 2 [3/5] anonymous March 1 2010, 06:52:02 UTC

this is great!! haha made my day (night) plus i guessed 4 out of the 5 correct to!!

I love the idea of cosmo interviewing the nations so that he can prove no one cared about atlantis XD it would be really funny to see her try to release a kraken(sp?) on germany cause he spends to much time with italy lol i love your fills so much!!!!


OP wants to know in wich flavor do you want your internets. anonymous March 1 2010, 11:02:25 UTC
Because you have won two.

Also, why I'm feeling that the only reason Cosmo got away with this was that Fairy World-tan neither could stand the parody Sue incredibly arrogant little fish nation.

(recaptcha: powers argues. no, reCaptcha, they are kning of agreeing in the same issue)


Re: Whatever Happened to That Atlantis Chick Anyway? Part 2 [3/5] anonymous March 2 2010, 02:03:05 UTC
/clings to writer!anon's leg No, I'm not letting go

This is AMAZING, just everything about it!


Re: Whatever Happened to That Atlantis Chick Anyway? Part 2 [3/5] anonymous March 9 2010, 22:53:08 UTC
Atlantis is, like, totally Poland's mommy! 8D


That was awesome. Just awesome.


It's Like History, But With a Twist! Part 1[4/6] anonymous March 3 2010, 07:32:07 UTC
This was my favorite episode, I'm such a history nerd. It's also rushed because I'm super busy and I might not get the next one up until next week due to the super busy thing.Sorry
“Live! From Timmy’s tree house…it’s, the Timmy Turner Show! Join Timmy and his special guests as he tries to complete the big history report he blew off. And now, heeere’s Timmy!”

“Thank you, thank you. Hey, we have a great show for you tonight. Here to help me with my report are three of the founder fathers themselves…”

Meanwhile, in 1776…“Hey, Washington,” America said as he approached the man who was currently chopping up a wooden table in the far corner of Independence Hall, “I know you’re all about to sign the Declaration in a bit, but I was wondering if I could talk to you ( ... )


It's Like History, But With a Twist! Part 2 [4/6] anonymous March 3 2010, 07:35:55 UTC
Everything was going great…until it stopped being so great ( ... )


It's Like History, But With a Twist! Part 3 [4/6] anonymous March 3 2010, 07:38:39 UTC
“Don’t listen to him! I cannot tell a lie I am the real George Washington! Can’t you tell by the white hair and the wooden teeth and the love of all things free ( ... )


Re: It's Like History, But With a Twist! Part 3 [4/6] anonymous March 3 2010, 20:50:04 UTC
What, I dont even... British!Al, The declaration of Surrenderpendnce, Air Force Zero, Al's note to his past self!!! Im flabbergasted this is just amazing!!!!

(and this was on of my fav eps as well haha must... chop... wood!!!!)

These are getting more hilarious by every sentence anon i love it so much.


OP says HAI~! * waves american flag before her own country-tan jumps and mauls her* anonymous March 4 2010, 02:28:44 UTC
And to think I hadn't see the original version of this chapter in full form... but your version is way better! also, the Air Force Zero and the windows Smashing!
(By the way, now we need Hetalia fan art in FOP style. Because, really)
*hugs Author!Anon and feeds with their favourite foods*

The recaptcha says "has nobles". This recaptcha is very smart indeed.


Re: It's Like History, But With a Twist! Part 3 [4/6] anonymous March 9 2010, 23:01:48 UTC

That's, like, my fav episode too! :D Alfred fits so perfectly, it brings tears of joy to my eyes! You rock, anon!


That's What Happened to That Atlantis Chick Part 1 [5/6] anonymous March 6 2010, 06:23:38 UTC
Veneciano and Romano were wandering around Venice one day, without a care in the world, talking about where they wanted to eat lunch ( ... )


That's What Happened to That Atlantis Chick Part 2 [5/6] anonymous March 6 2010, 06:27:27 UTC
“~Ve, hurry up! I’m making my special pasta tonight Atlantis ( ... )


That's What Happened to That Atlantis Chick Part 3 [5/6] anonymous March 6 2010, 06:29:52 UTC
“D-don’t make me sound like a pervert!” He grabbed Atlantis and left after a quick good-bye to Veneciano. Romano and Germany took their seats at the table and continued on with dinner as if nothing happened.

“Why can’t I ever have a normal dinner at your house?” Germany asked.

“~Ve, but isn’t it more fun this way?”

“No. Not really.”

“Well no one asked you to come!” Romano snapped.

“Italy did.”

“Damnit, we’re both Italy!”

They fought well into the night, forcing Germany to spend the night, which was just fine by Veneciano.

All in all, he considered it a good day.

A/N: Stupid character limit. I'll try to have the last one up by the end of the weekend, but I've been known to disappoint.
Captcha: end macho. Captcha wants more females...


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