Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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That's What Happened to That Atlantis Chick Part 2 [5/6] anonymous March 6 2010, 06:27:27 UTC
“~Ve, hurry up! I’m making my special pasta tonight Atlantis!”

“Just for me Italy? You shouldn’t have.”

“Well, technically I’m making it for Germany, but you can have some too!”

Veneciano was to ecstatic to notice the slightly darker look on her face as he prattled on about what good friends he and Germany were, but Romano caught it, having to deal with very similar and equally frightening looks from members of the Mafia when he was dealing with them (aka they were beating the crap out of him for one reason or another). It was jealousy, and whenever that look graced a lady’s face, well, Romano always took the initiative to get the heck out.

And as much as he hated the potato bastard and would like to see what Atlantis would do to him, he’d also seen what Belarus does to Russia, and no way was he letting anyone do that to his baby brother.


It was about halfway through the second course when Romano heard the knock on the door. Veneciano was too busy being Veneciano, causing Germany to be Germany and fuss over him, causing Atlantis to be Atlantis and secretly plot ways to get Germany out of the picture, so Romano excused himself (not that anyone noticed) and answered the door. He came back a few moments later, England in tow.

“Hey everyone look! England just happened to be in the area and just happened to want to stop by,” he announced, “isn’t that weird?”

Veneciano and Germany looked shocked, but greeted him in their own ways, whether by nodding slightly or giving the man a hug, a peck on the cheek, and offering him a place on the table. Atlantis just looked confused.

“So, you must be Atlantis,” England said as he sat down next to Romano on the other side of the table, “I heard from…someone who isn’t in this room right now, that you might be here…”

“That’s like the Utopia of Atlantis to you. And like who are you?”

“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but you can just call me England.”

“What are you doing here England?” Germany asked, getting to the point.

“Can’t a nation just randomly decide to holiday in Italy and randomly stop by an acquaintance’s house when he just so happens to have a mythical nation that sunk to the bottom of the sea millenniums ago over for dinner? Is that so odd?”

“Seriously why are you here?”

“Romano called me.”

“Bastard! You said you wouldn’t sell me out!”

“No one was buying it anyway!”

“Y-yeah, it was like, totally obvious from the get go…”

“~Ve, so England didn’t stop by because he wants my cooking?”

“I’m just here to help with Atlantis, but not because Romano asked! I’m doing this for my own reasons!”

“Like, help me with what?”

“As a member of the EU, I can’t just let you obliterate Germany off the face of the earth. He has most of the money.”

“You’re just like, trying to stand in the way of true love!”

“No, I’m trying to maintain peace. I’ve already talked it over with the Fairy Council, and apparently they decided a very long time ago that the world would be a better place if you were underwater.”

“I’d like to see you try to put me back! I’ve been waiting millennia to take my revenge and see my one true love! Like I’d let your eyebrows stop me!” She snatched Veneciano and held him close. “Just try and stop us!”
“Germany! Germany help! I’m being held hostage by a cute girl again!”

“Germany this, Germany that…why can’t you just accept my love?!”

“Let my brother go you-” England held up a hand to stop him.

“I know how you feel…over two hundred years ago the most important person in the world to me left me behind for his own stupid ideals and went on to bigger and better things. It…still hurts, when I think about it, but sometimes letting go of the ones we love is the only way to set us free.”

“You and America made up ages ago,” Romano interjected. England started choking him.

“I was trying to connect with her so she would let your brother go!”

“Well it was a stupid plan!”

“I don’t see you coming up with anything!”

“Um guys…”

“What now Germany?!”

“While you were fighting I knocked Atlantis out, tied her up, and got Ita-Veneciano to safety,” he said, gesturing to her unconscious form on the couch and the Italian eating at the table, “so you can do what you want with her now England.”


That's What Happened to That Atlantis Chick Part 3 [5/6] anonymous March 6 2010, 06:29:52 UTC
“D-don’t make me sound like a pervert!” He grabbed Atlantis and left after a quick good-bye to Veneciano. Romano and Germany took their seats at the table and continued on with dinner as if nothing happened.

“Why can’t I ever have a normal dinner at your house?” Germany asked.

“~Ve, but isn’t it more fun this way?”

“No. Not really.”

“Well no one asked you to come!” Romano snapped.

“Italy did.”

“Damnit, we’re both Italy!”

They fought well into the night, forcing Germany to spend the night, which was just fine by Veneciano.

All in all, he considered it a good day.

A/N: Stupid character limit. I'll try to have the last one up by the end of the weekend, but I've been known to disappoint.
Captcha: end macho. Captcha wants more females...


Re: That's What Happened to That Atlantis Chick Part 3 [5/6] anonymous March 9 2010, 23:11:46 UTC
There's moar?! *_* I luv you, anon! *o*

“Germany! Germany help! I’m being held hostage by a cute girl again!”
I almost died from lack of oxygen, anon. I hope you're happy. Because you should be.

I'm still kinda surprised that Atlantis didn't consider Romano as her Rome-replacement. Then again, she had an excuse to kill Germania's grandson by going after Veneciano, so...yeah


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