Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Comments 9932

Weird Headcanon is Weird anonymous February 5 2010, 00:26:11 UTC
Nations with haircurls (Italy, Canada, Taiwan, etc.) cannot be sexually aroused unless you tug their hairculr first.

In other words, stick your hand down their pants all you want, you won't get a reaction. So I wanna explore this stupid concept.

Maybe Nation A wants to make sweet love with haircurl having Nation B, but grows frustrated/ concerned when they get no reaction. Or maybe non haircurl having Nation C watched two hair curl nations get it on and notices their foreplay is long and involves a lot of hair caressing/tugging/fingering.

It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you address the situation. You can be as creative with the pairings as you want C: I will admit I am partial to N. Italy though.


FAIL AUTHOR!ANON TAKES HER FIRST SHOT EVER! XD PART 1 anonymous April 3 2010, 06:19:39 UTC
Austria was having a peaceful afternoon, and he was reading an interesting book he had found that morning while visiting a book store. He was sitting in his bedroom facing the window as he continued to read peacefully as the sunlight bathed him. He didn’t notice, however, a certain albino sneaking behind him with a scheming look on his face. The said albino then stood behind Austria and quickly shoved his hands down the aristocrat’s pants to grab a certain *cough* vital region. Austria was startled a jumped a little in his seat. Who would dare do such a vulgar thing to him?! He turned his head around and saw determined red eyes stare at him ( ... )


FAIL AUTHOR!ANON TAKES HER FIRST SHOT EVER! XD PART 2 anonymous April 3 2010, 06:22:52 UTC
“Ah, ah…” Austria was heavily panting as he felt leather rub his cock. The book fell out of his hands as he wrapped his arms around Prussia’s shoulders for support ( ... )


FAIL AUTHOR!ANON TAKES HER FIRST SHOT EVER! XD PART 3 anonymous April 3 2010, 06:28:18 UTC
“AAH! AGAIN! MORE! A-AH!!!!” Wow. He wasn’t expecting THAT kind of reaction. Gilbert, feeling very excited, started thrusting, harder and faster into the Austrian. Then Gilbert kissed Austria passionately and yanked Mariazel with his free hand. He kept hitting that spot inside over and over again. It was too much for the aristocrat as he finally released. Then like a chain reaction, the albino soon followed as he collapsed nest to his lover. Prussia hugged Austria as he asked a single question ( ... )


Denmark/Sweden/Netherlands sandwich anonymous February 5 2010, 00:37:04 UTC
Anon likes her manry-bottom Sweden. And anon thinks that Denmark & Netherlands would like it very much as well.

Smut is pretty much required. Crack would be lovely if possible. Anything goes, really~!


SECONDED!!!!!! anonymous December 4 2012, 20:36:51 UTC
Please fill!!!


anonymous February 5 2010, 00:38:33 UTC
Gym teacher!Denmark/School girl!Norway.

Make it really smutty.


High School Crush [1a/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 04:23:37 UTC
Norway sat on the bleachers, her legs crossed coquettishly and popped her bubble gum ( ... )


Re: High School Crush [1a/?] anonymous January 11 2013, 23:55:16 UTC
Make it longer! ;D

Even though, it some time since you wrote the "start" ;D


High School Crush [1b/?] anonymous February 9 2010, 04:26:14 UTC
There was a tapping on Norway’s shoulder and she turned to see Iceland, her little brother standing next to her ( ... )


anonymous February 5 2010, 00:40:23 UTC
I have no idea if this has been requested before, but I've never seen anything like that, so...

It's kind of a fact that Poland's a crossdresser, right? But, what if he's not crossdressing when he's wearing girl's clothes, but when she's wearing boy's clothes? For whatever reason, she's been hiding it, and nobody suspected seriously until... something, you can make it up.

BONUS: Only Hungary knew, 'cause they're bffs and all that
BONUS #2: Only Russia knew~


as-yet-untitled [1/?] anonymous February 5 2010, 16:03:46 UTC

I started this several months ago in response to this dicussion on the comm: http://community.livejournal.com/hetalia/5144949.html It might not be exactly what you wanted, but I hope it's amusing.

The main reason it hasn't been finished is because I have no idea what to title the damn thing. The filename is 'motherrussia.txt', but Russia is a subsidiary character; mostly this is about Poland and, uh, some other people who identity will be revealed in due course. Title suggestions very gratefully accepted. I have researched this far more than it deserves; if I misrepresent international relations, my apologies, and if you let me know I'll try to correct it in the final draft. Sorry for how rambling and meta this is, it just sort of . . . grew.

Possibly helpful URLSWhat's going on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_enlargement_of_the_European_Union... )


as-yet-untitled [2/?] anonymous February 5 2010, 16:05:58 UTC

The night of May 1 was damp but clear in Warsaw, and they made their way to the Royal Castle in ones and twos, in fine evening clothes or neat suits or traditional ethnic clothing, depending on their temprament. Germany had worn a tuxedo. He was somehow unsuprised that England had just arrived in a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches that he'd owned at least since 1932.

"Ah, I see my attempts to instill a sense of fashion in Angleterre have yet to bear fruit," France stage-whispered to him. In English. Germany did not allow his wince to show. France was in a new suit, of course, with a shirt that made up for its feminine detailing by its brilliant red colour. England glanced at them, then ostentatiously turned away, making a beeline for the corner where America, Canada, Switzerland, and Japan were still setting up their instruments ( ... )


as-yet-untitled [3/?] anonymous February 5 2010, 16:08:07 UTC
Four minutes to midnight, and France starts banging on his glass to get everyone's attention. England eyes the room dubiously over his champagne. "Can I get our guests of honour up here?" France is saying, waving vaugely at the windows. Outside, the revelers in the street are cheerfully butchering 'All You Need Is Love'. England supposes it's better than the Polish national anthem, given that the Polish national anthem specifically mentions kicking Sweden's arse, and Sweden is currently leaning against the statue of Atlas, cuddling Finland, looking very content, probably very drunk ( ... )


anonymous February 5 2010, 00:42:59 UTC
Canada feeling down and listening to "The War of 1812" by Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie so he can feel badass.

Pretty please.


Pic Fill anonymous February 7 2010, 02:15:52 UTC

Anon apologizes for sketchy-crappy-ness of this fill. ;A;


A+ anonymous February 7 2010, 02:24:10 UTC



Re: A+ anonymous February 7 2010, 02:58:36 UTC
thank you oWo


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