Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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anonymous February 27 2010, 23:44:26 UTC
Hong Kong/Iceland, handjob in the library or any other public place. Don't care who gives it.


Little Secrets [1/3] anonymous March 16 2010, 04:30:56 UTC
Anon from above has returned with a fill! \o/ More notes at the end, but since I went with a Gakuen AU, here are the human names I'm using for mentioned characters who don't already have them:

Iceland - Eirik
Hong Kong - Michael
Norway - Kristian
Denmark - MatthiasThe two of them had become something of a running joke among their classmates. Any time they were seen together around the school, whispers and giggles probably weren't far behind. It bothered their other friends, but Michael and Eirik found it all easy enough to ignore. Anyone confronted about it would claim it was just observance ( ... )


Little Secrets [2/3] anonymous March 16 2010, 04:31:54 UTC
Eirik's mouth was on Michael's before he knew it. It didn't take him long to respond, slinging his arms around Eirik's neck as the other boy's tongue swiped at his lower lip. The two of them eased backwards until Michael's back hit the nearest bookshelf, which made one of the books fall off. Luckily, it didn't make much of a sound, and Michael breathed a sigh of relief as Eirik pulled back to stare at it ( ... )


Little Secrets [3/3] anonymous March 16 2010, 04:32:38 UTC
The sensation was…strange, to say the least, and Michael wasn't even the one on the receiving end. This wasn't something he did to himself all that often, mostly out of paranoia that some ever-present member of his family was going to walk in at the wrong time, but he'd done it enough to knew what he liked. He and Eirik, he figured, were similar enough that they might like the same kinds of things. Subconsciously, he wet his lips, sliding his hand over the length of Eirik's cock with teasing slowness at first. Eirik couldn't hold back a grunt, shifting just enough against Michael's body to brush against him in the right place ( ... )


Re: Little Secrets [3/3] monimi101 May 15 2010, 22:53:47 UTC
That was really good. :3 Normally I don't think about these two very much, because they're not in the series itself very often, but you write them so well, anyways.

The whole time I was reading it, I saw it my head in a Clamp sort of style, it was *great*.

( In my headcannon, Iceland is a total music snob, as well, cos Sigur Ros comes from there. :D )


Re: Little Secrets [3/3] monimi101 May 15 2010, 22:54:16 UTC
That was really good. :3 Normally I don't think about these two very much, because they're not in the series itself very often, but you write them so well, anyways.

The whole time I was reading it, I saw it my head in a Clamp sort of style, it was *great*.

( In my headcannon, Iceland is a total music snob, as well, cos Sigur Ros comes from there. :D )


Re: Little Secrets [3/3] anonymous September 29 2010, 05:22:17 UTC
I'm so in love! This pairing is brilliant! And I love how you wrote both of them here. I'm a Hong Kong fangirl so I adored his inner mischievous nature, and I love that he's not paired with the usual suspects in this fic. Also I don't read a lot of fics with the Nordics, but this mischievous made me look harder at Iceland. And I <3 their names, especially Michael for Hong Kong. But I love the line: Do they just go around being indifferent about everything together? LMAO! And oh gosh the smut!!!So hot and lovely~


Little Secrets [Notes] anonymous March 16 2010, 04:34:29 UTC
I'm kind of nervous about posting this for a few different reasons - number one, writing handjobs is surprisingly challenging when they're not leading up to anything, and number two, I have headcanon personalities for Hong Kong and Iceland that I don't know if other people would agree with. Here I was mostly trying to play off what it says about the two of them on the Hetalia wiki: both of them make it difficult to tell what they're thinking, but Iceland is actually hot-blooded beneath the surface.

My headcanon also says that Hong Kong has a mischievous streak and that Iceland wants to be seen as adult but can be a little immature and impulsive. (Also, he's a little tsundere.) If I went any further into it, though, I'd be going into the weird mass of headcanon I have for this universe. Because I may or may not have a huge list of crack pairings I want to write in the same Gakuen universe that are all kind of related, and more Hong Kong/Iceland would come up.

…Vash is the librarian, by the way. Poor boys. (Poor Vash.)


Re: Little Secrets [Notes] anonymous March 16 2010, 22:37:27 UTC
Oh my gosh, there is so much to love about this fic, Not only have you got my crack OTP, but you've characterized them so perfectly. I like your Iceland especially. Hello, new headcanon! Anyway, thanks you, thank you, thank you for the fill, authornon!


Re: Little Secrets [Notes] anonymous March 17 2010, 03:01:34 UTC
I think I'm beginning to really really like this pair. The way you wrote them was fantastic enough, so don't fret anon.

Awesome job.


Re: Little Secrets [Notes] anonymous March 17 2010, 05:03:52 UTC
*Gigglesnort* History section....

I'm really quite happy to have read this. You know, I've never given either of those countries much of a thought but I can totally understand how you are characterizing them and I definately want more.

Hey, wait... would you WRITE more???? *totally puppy eyes* or link me to some good fics about them? that would make my day with your boundless kindness!!!


Author!anon here anonymous March 18 2010, 19:18:08 UTC
ffff I'm glad someone picked up on the history section thing. I almost put a note like, "LOL IT'S IRONIC BECAUSE OF THE FANDOM, DO YOU GET IT" but I'm not that obnoxious. Or I try not to be, anyway.

Sadly, I only know one other fic featuring the two of them which I requested, erm. They're characterized a little differently, but it's totally understandable given the circumstances and it's a very sweet fic: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/12046.html?thread=26781710#t26781710

I'm planning to write more in general, but as for them...maybe I'll write some more if the right prompt comes up. Or maybe I'll write the prequel to this that I kind of want to write. I have such poor resolve.


Re: Little Secrets [Notes] anonymous March 18 2010, 17:49:46 UTC
Yes! Some Iceland Hong Kong. The pair has been growing on me lately.

You did a good job with the characterizations, and yes writing handjobs is surprisingly difficult when it doesn't lead to sex. Anon really enjoys seeing other types of smut than anal and vaginal on the meme so this makes me very glad. A good fill anon, a very good fill.


OP is fashionably late anonymous March 25 2010, 19:13:49 UTC
…Not really.
Author, I squealed irl when I saw this was filled. And since I'm such a bitch of an OP, I'd like to compensate for not replying at first by giving a long, loving comment. embrace yourself

The two of them had become something of a running joke among their classmates.
This sounds really sad
And I wonder who those classmates are. I'll bet the giggles come from Elisaveta and her fujoshi friends. Plz tell me I'm right;;

"Do they just go around being indifferent about everything together?"
Teehee. I can actually see this happening.

it was something that they liked about each other

Neither of them really saw the point of outward displays of emotion most of the time
Hello, head!canon. That's exactly how I see them. I mean. Their personality is so alike in so many ways, and even though they seem so impassive and introvert, they somehow became friends through this and OH GOD I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT ANYMORE. This is just so immensely cute and I love it to bits.<3

... )


Re: OP is fashionably late anonymous March 25 2010, 19:21:12 UTC
Not that it mattered much. They weren't really there to read.
Heh. No, you're not there to read at all, and isn't it totally awesome?

It didn't take him long to respond, slinging his arms around Eirik's neck as the other boy's tongue swiped at his lower lip.
Okay this is just so adorable. Especially the "slinging arms around neck" bit. <333 and so's the next paragraph, too.

"You've got this look on your face like you've got some kind of evil plan."

"I don't know if I like it or not."

"I think you should."

When he thought about it, it kind of wasn't fair that Eirik had been leading them the whole time.

but it gave him a thrill to see his sort-of-boyfriend's mussed hair and flushed face and anxious expression
What do you know, I feel the same way.<3

and know that he was the cause of it.

he chalked Eirik's assertiveness up to just being hot-blooded
Canon yay :D

"You should," Michael ( ... )


Re: OP is fashionably late anonymous March 25 2010, 19:28:02 UTC
sliding his hand over the length of Eirik's cock with teasing slowness at first.
/frustrated cry
I swear it's not me, it's Eirik.
Anyway, as I said - you are such a fucking cocktease, Michael.

Eirik couldn't hold back a grunt, shifting just enough against Michael's body to brush against him in the right place.
Shit yes yes YES

/reads the next paragraph
And you said you aren't confident about your smut abilities?

Remember what you like, he thought to himself like a mantra
OMG reference to that "Eirik and Michael are similar enough to like the same things" thing!

all that mattered right now was Eirik.
You hcorny teenagers.<3

Eirik, who was leaning close enough to whisper in Michael's ear in a way that sent a jolt up his spine.
And mine too, apparently

"Didn't know you could - would - Jesus Christ, Michael," Eirik panted, pausing a second to take Michael's earlobe into his mouth. Michael let out a short hiss and sped up the motion of his hand. "Fuck, I promise I'll make it up to you later, I just - I need -" /drool ( ... )


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