Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Little Secrets [2/3] anonymous March 16 2010, 04:31:54 UTC
Eirik's mouth was on Michael's before he knew it. It didn't take him long to respond, slinging his arms around Eirik's neck as the other boy's tongue swiped at his lower lip. The two of them eased backwards until Michael's back hit the nearest bookshelf, which made one of the books fall off. Luckily, it didn't make much of a sound, and Michael breathed a sigh of relief as Eirik pulled back to stare at it.

Michael took the opportunity to stare at Eirik. Seeing him so flushed already, the blush on his cheeks such a contrast from his usual looks, was strangely satisfying. It must have put an unusually mischievous on his face, because Eirik gave him a funny look of his own when he turned his attention back to him.

"You've got this look on your face like you've got some kind of evil plan." Eirik took a step back, though he was clearly (to Michael, anyway) teasing. "I don't know if I like it or not."

"I think you should." Michael wasn't sure where he was going with this, but the response had come to him naturally. When he thought about it, it kind of wasn't fair that Eirik had been leading them the whole time. He usually didn't have a with problem letting him, but it gave him a thrill to see his sort-of-boyfriend's mussed hair and flushed face and anxious expression and know that he was the cause of it. Most of the time, he chalked Eirik's assertiveness up to just being hot-blooded and left it alone. He was beginning to see the appeal in a whole new light now.

"You should," Michael repeated, this time more affirmatively, and he pulled Eirik into another deep kiss before he could do anything else. Much to his delight, Eirik didn't resist at all. In fact, his boyfriend was responding so positively that Michael had to wonder just how much of his boldness was an act and just how far he would let this go, in the library sandwiched between some miscellaneous section and each other.

Looking back, Michael would have liked to say that he approached the subject smoothly and everything else went as such from there. What actually happened was that Michael kissed Eirik one more time, studied him with a thoughtful expression for a moment, and then gripped his cock through the front of his pants.

The movement was so sudden that it would have made someone less trained in handling their emotions yelp in surprise. Luckily, Eirik was able to control himself just in time. Instead, he made a few startled, choked noises and stared at Michael with wide eyes. Michael tried not to laugh. He was pretty sure that wouldn't be very sexy.

"What are you…" Even though Eirik wasn't a big talker, it was rare to see him at a loss for words. It was out of character for both of them. "Here?" he hissed, but he didn't try to stop Michael as he watched his fingers trail up the fly of his pants and settle on the zipper.

"You're the one who brought me here," he retorted, calm as ever but inwardly pleased to have the upper hand. "Do you want me to stop?"

"I didn't say that." The answer came too quickly, and even Eirik knew that it had given him away. That was all the permission Michael needed. After a moment's hesitation to work up enough nerve, he pulled down the zipper, undid the button above it, and snaked his hand into Eirik's underwear to wrap it around his already half-hard cock.

They'd been seeing each other in secret for a while now, but they'd never gotten this intimate before. Not with each other, nor with anyone else, even if neither was going to be the first one to admit it aloud. There was no need for words, though, because for once, body language was saying it all: Eirik immediately bit his lower lip to keep himself from gasping and arched into the touch, pressing himself against Michael in the process. Michael had to keep another book from falling. "We need to stay quiet."

"Keep going and I'll see what I can do," Eirik whispered back, a note of insistence beneath his shaky tone. And what kind of person would Michael be to say no to that? He gave Eirik another experimental squeeze, earning a small noise in response. Encouraged, he tightened his fingers around the base of his cock and began to stroke.


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