Hetalia Kink meme part 10 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:03

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 10



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Little Secrets [1/3] anonymous March 16 2010, 04:30:56 UTC
Anon from above has returned with a fill! \o/ More notes at the end, but since I went with a Gakuen AU, here are the human names I'm using for mentioned characters who don't already have them:

Iceland - Eirik
Hong Kong - Michael
Norway - Kristian
Denmark - Matthias


The two of them had become something of a running joke among their classmates. Any time they were seen together around the school, whispers and giggles probably weren't far behind. It bothered their other friends, but Michael and Eirik found it all easy enough to ignore. Anyone confronted about it would claim it was just observance.

"How are they friends?"

"What do you mean, how are they friends? They're like the same person."

"Exactly. I don't think I've ever seen either of their facial expressions change. Do they just go around being indifferent about everything together?"

Sure, they both tended to look impassive more often than not, but it was something that they liked about each other. Neither of them really saw the point of outward displays of emotion most of the time (except when Michael was trying to sell things, which turned him into a seemingly entirely different person), but it wasn’t like they didn't know how if the appropriate situation presented itself. If those people could see them in now -

Well. There was a chance they could see, actually. That was why Michael was looking around with a bit of concern as Eirik dragged him down the hall. People saw them together often enough, but even Michael didn't think he'd ever seen Eirik so aggressive. Not that anyone would be able to tell, since his expression was still cool. Michael just couldn't help but feel like everyone else would somehow sense the urgency radiating from the way Eirik was leading him.

"We can slow down, you know," he piped up. Eirik did slow down momentarily, but only to look at Michael with a raised eyebrow.

"No, we can't."

"Why not?"

"You remember what my brother's like, right?" He paused. "You remember what your brother's like, right?"

Michael stopped to consider it for a moment, stumbling a bit as Eirik continued pulling him along. Kristian could be scary, but the thought of Yao finding out about all of this was enough to make him shudder. His older brother had already taken to pestering him about why exactly he had started hanging out with the Icelandic boy so often, and that wasn't a question he wanted to answer. Nobody had forgotten how nosy he'd been when he'd found out that Kiku was seeing someone outside of their circle, and he and Kiku weren't even actually related. Factor in Eirik's own friends and overprotective older brother, and it became very easy to remember why they were sneaking off in the first place.

"Right," he said, and Eirik gave him a pleased look and took an abrupt turn through a door. Michael hadn't even been thinking about where they were going while they were walking, too distracted by the surprisingly warm hand around his wrist, but this still wasn't what he'd have expected.

"The library?"

"I got Matthias to distract Kristian for a while, but we know that never lasts. And it's usually pretty empty here after school while it's still open." To Michael's surprise, Eirik didn't stop leading him until they were buried deep within the shelves of an aisle that he couldn't remember having gone down very often.

Not that it mattered much. They weren't really there to read.


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