Fearless series
Gaia Moore:
gaia_likethegod Peanuts
Charlie Brown (AU adult):
itslife_cb The Babysitters Club
Dawn Schafer (adult):
shoreto_shoreSam Thomas (adult):
stilljust_akidDavid Michael Thomas (adult):
nerdy_licious Harry Potter:
Ginny Weasley:
gotenough_nerve Yotsuba&!
hawaii_inaday TV
Ally McBeal
Larry Paul:
lawyerlarrySam Paul (AU adult):
pianoman_jr Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Sweet Dee Reynolds:
sweeeetdee Angel
Francis Doyle:
agood_halfmanCharles Gunn:
beat_thebadguys Buffy the Vampire Slayer
glorificusgod Xander Harris:
mr_stealthypntsWillow Rosenberg:
playthe_fatherDawn Summers:
powerwasnt_mine Burn Notice
Madeline Westen:
1mountain_aday Sam Axe:
freelncesupheroMichael Westen:
feel_theburnSara-Rose Westen (OC, cross with Supernatural):
gramslilpicassoCole Westen: (OC, cross with Supernatural):
momslittlethiefFiona Glenanne:
who_iamnowShannon Westen (OC, cross with CSI:NY):
imrelentlessBarry Burkowski:
cleansyourmoney Castle
Richard Castle:
like_ajedi Charmed
Shade (OC):
justshade Paige Mathews:
justgonnaramblePrudence Melinda Halliwell:
kissmy_orbsPrue Halliwell:
idont_obsess Cold Case
Kat Miller:
det_katmiller Coupling
Jane Christie:
twelvebreasts Criminal Minds
Derek Morgan:
no_chaplinEmily Prentiss:
icanbe_human CSI: New York
Stella Bonasera:
bella_bonaseraSheldon Hawkes:
nose_didntbuzzSamantha Flack:
not_that_flackLindsay Monroe:
notso_averageNikki Flack (OC):
iwill_walkRenee Flack (OC, crossed with Supernatural):
jstwalk_away Dark Angel
Edward Wallace (OC):
not_the_d0ctor Original Cindy:
origcindy_booAlec McDowell:
onborrowed_time [pending/not active]
Dead Like Me
Georgia Lass:
justa_smallcogDaisy Adair:
daisydaisyadair Doctor Who
Rose Tyler:
faildhullabalooDonna Noble:
womanlywiles Dresden Files
Harry Dresden:
coolerthnpotter Flashforward
Janis Hawk:
nobody_knowsme Flight of the Conchords
Bret McKenzie:
aka_rhymenocrs Gilmore Girls
Richard Gilmore:
has_funflask Glee
Noah Puckerman:
funkybadassjewBrittany S. Pierce:
somany_lyrics Grey's Anatomy
Callie Torres:
knowsbones Lexie Grey:
not_amazingyetJackson Avery:
to_whovilleApril Kepner:
checklistswork Heroes
Charlotte Lonaghan (OC):
phtgrph_edges Adam Monroe (AU, cross with mythological):
sexyminion Adam Monroe (canon):
hero_tovillainEmma Coolidge:
canthearthecall House
Remy Hadley:
bubblesisright In Plain Sight
Jinx Shannon:
mamajinx Mary Shannon:
for_atwinkie The IT Crowd
Maurice Moss:
iam_agiddygoat Law and Order
Ed Green:
alittle_smoothDanny Ross:
captdannyross Megan Wheeler:
det_megwheeler Zack Nichols:
thisis_sweet Henry Goren (OC):
damnhero_cmplxMisha Green (OC):
play_thepart Leverage
ohshiny_tomatos Nathan Ford:
sexycuzimbrokenNate Ford (young):
onthe_rightsideAlec Hardison:
thatsmy_nicheEliot Spencer:
needto_controlTara Cole:
whatwe_imagineSophie Devereaux:
myown_choices Lost
Juliet Burke:
forgetromeo Sayid Jarrah:
nomorelies4 John Locke:
this_isdestiny Melrose Place (2009)
Ella Simms:
wont_dryhumpyou [pending/not active]
Tony DiNozzo:
superior_toyou [pending/not active]
Burton "Gus" Guster:
looksthisgood Juliet O'Hara:
blondriddle Smallville
Lex Luthor:
a_reinventedsonLois Lane:
dreamtof_redOliver Queen:
mythandtheman Supernatural
Devon Bridges (OC):
burn_n_bridgesRachel Winchester (OC):
dancn_barefootMaddie Winchester (OC):
totallydid_itNellie Lachlan (OC):
lil_nellieBobby Singer:
maninflannelDean Winchester:
silvr_moonbeamsBela Talbot:
blckmagc_womanRobbie Winchester (OC):
bestidea_everWally Browning (OC):
notyet_redeemedOwen Winchester (OC, crossed with Angel/BtVS):
beingreally_hotJohn Winchester:
my_waywardsons Torchwood
Toshiko Sato:
what_imherefor White Collar
Peter Burke:
it_makesmesmileElizabeth Burke:
dont_crossme Movies
Bridge to Terebithia
Leslie Burke:
freethepee Burn After Reading
haz_urshit Get Smart
Agent 99 (mainly AU):
im_bruce The Losers
cant_trustcats [pending/not active]
Van Wilder 2: Rise of Taj
fencingqueen Original Characters
The Rallitas
Evie Rallita:
a_badappleKala Rallita:
alohasmileAkelah Rallita:
dontknockit Avery Rallita:
goodtwn_avLulu Rallita:
ld_diva Lani Rallita:
still_unwrittnBailey Rallita:
writer_b Others
Aaron Lewis:
aplayfulpupRory Greyson:
igot_soulNikki Greyson:
stork_inscrubsJenny Spencer:
loves_kitkatsNoah Spencer:
sexydocmanJake O'Dell:
str8on_tilmornMelanie O'Dell:
got_mywingsGraham Douglas:
nota_drugdealer Drew Lennox:
grew_outof_itMaxton Haynes:
monkeyfu_senseiRamona May Phillips:
not_thename Scotty Harris:
avg_stereotype Jay Dempsy:
bdifferentLucy McMillan:
luvprettythings Blue:
dude_blue [pending reboot]
Heather Mackenzie:
find_myway Randall McMann:
ramblinmannAlice Jacobs:
scent_ofbooksCassidy Morgan:
awild_strwberryCharlie Richards:
control_ofsound Derek "Ash" Ashby:
theavg_antihero Parker Richardson:
shebringsjavaSunny Baker:
sunny_boywonderJack Carpenter:
her_prettyboy Justin Pierce:
fish_outtawater Danny Rollins:
marvin_istheman Oliver Grady:
minusthe_sleazeCalleigh Grady:
edgeofthe_worldPerry Mason Alpert:
imnot_alawyer Cooper Bilfourd:
killthetourists Lila Bilfourd:
loudbynature Lucky McKenna:
allin_thenameTyler Ross:
goyour_ownway Zane Reynolds:
isingfor_icecrm Chloe Pairis:
popularlike_me Clay Pairis:
notmost_people Davis Shaw:
letsgo_falcons Corey Shaw:
not_astar Damien West:
toxic_teddybear Isaac Sachs:
graduatedrabbi Gretchen Sinclair:
hngrylike_awolfGretchen Sinclair (young):
littlepuppylostCorey Robertson:
mytrashypenname Julianne Blake:
turn_thpage Neirin (mythology):
infractus_spesCamillie (mythology):
training_wings Carmen Montenegro:
buy_amapJoey Torres:
liveit_outloud Edward Thomas Franklin Beckett Soles:
moderndayshksprGwendolyn Elizabeth Soles:
hardlyachildThomas Franklin Beckett Soles IIII:
elicit_respect Blake Stevens:
way_oflife Dani Lansing:
willpush_back Whitney Curtis:
against_thetide Anthony Ellis:
itsjust_skin Mya Ellis:
betterthan_them Rocky Ellis:
wontbe_weak Arielle Pasteurnak:
sample_oflife Aidan Burroughs:
boy_youcanfear Elana Lutso:
lines_ofgray Dylan Hunter:
oneminutelongerClaire Galloway:
andthentomorrow beyondtherift Originals:
andripyou_apartColin Grace:
wrecklesstuneRuthie James:
ofbrokenstringsGabe Eddings:
onlywaytoliveWinter Eddings:
carryitwith_youCameron Murphy:
investyourlifeSophia Murphy: [journal pending]
NPC Journals
charming_npcs under consideration/coming soon...
Jaz Parks; books by Jennifer Rardin
Unnamed OC (Coley's distant cousin); Javier Bardem
Jesse; Burn Notice
Jim; The Glades
Booth; Bones
Miss Parker/Jarod; The Pretender
Rena LennoxClark Kent; Smallville (for
Ron Weasley; Harry Potter
Sterling; Leverage
Jane Rizzoli; R&I
Diana Barrigan; White Collar
George O'Mally; Grey's Anatomy
Unnamed Brother to Ruthie James; OC
John Taylor; Nightside books
Casey Shraeger; The Unusuals