Fandom meme and links

Mar 09, 2014 20:15

It's been ages since I've done a fandom meme, and this is such a perfect one for me.

Give me a non-Harry Potter character and I will answer ( Read more... )

character meme, vorkosigan saga, link, rivers of london

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Comments 107

ladymercury_10 March 10 2014, 03:21:24 UTC
For the meme, Kaylee Frye! :)


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 03:36:35 UTC
a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in ( ... )


ladymercury_10 March 10 2014, 03:39:12 UTC
Wearing a super-froofy wedding dress and being surrounded by everyone she loves (family and crew) while getting married onboard Serenity


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 05:06:22 UTC
Kaylee is a delightful character to insert into pretty much any (non-horrible-world) crossover :)


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hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 05:05:19 UTC
Because I am predictable, and, well, Morrolan.As I am no less predictable in this regard, THANK YOU! :DD I think I'll do Morrolan and Aliera together (Sethra is the terrifying headmistress, who used to be the no less terrifying head of Slytherin before that ( ... )


(cont.) hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 05:05:44 UTC
f) What form their boggart would take ( ... )


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housecreepy March 10 2014, 04:00:42 UTC
Oh, how about Roose & Walda for the meme? (Walda would be such a cute witch, I think)


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 05:38:39 UTC
You're totally right -- witch!Walda would be adorable ( ... )


housecreepy March 10 2014, 05:45:15 UTC
I too associate Walda w/Professor Sprout, mostly because my fancasts for both are Rebel Wilson! (Well, Rebel can be young Pomona, since she's way too young to be current Pomona)

And I love the idea of Walda being friends with Molly. She'd probably be a secret badass in a similar way too- someone messes with Roose or their future kids, and they're getting blasted. :)

This is all just too awesome and now I want Harry Potter Boltons to be a thing.


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 06:06:07 UTC
Yeah, Walda and Pomona Sprout just seem to go together :)

She'd probably be a secret badass in a similar way too- someone messes with Roose or their future kids, and they're getting blasted

I could see that! Both she and Molly are women who are happy to just be domestic and familiar, but, yeah, I could see Walda having the same mama bear side as Molly turned out to have.

(This is the terrible thing about these crossover memes -- I end up wanting them all to be a thing XP)


sineala March 10 2014, 04:46:15 UTC
Thank you for the link to the rock opera! Perhaps this will motivate me to improve my Russian, at last.


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 04:48:09 UTC
You are most welcome! :D (The libretto linked at the bottom of the page has the lyrics, and a framework which makes the story much easier to follow, btw -- it made a lot more sense once I was listening to the songs while scanning the libretto.)


philomytha March 10 2014, 07:24:39 UTC
Oh, the rock opera! I've translated a lot of the songs. You can find most of the translations in the comments here: They're loose translations designed to be sung to the same music as the Russian. Also, I am constantly amazed that there were only three singers doing most of the different songs.

As for the meme, I'd love to see Peter or Nightingale, or both :-)


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 08:26:54 UTC
Ooh, thank you for the links to the translations! I saw references to them somewhere, but had no idea where to find them. :D (These would be damn hard songs to translate -- you and the other translators have my admiration for tackling them ( ... )


(cont.) hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 08:27:25 UTC
f) What form their boggart would take ( ... )


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