Fandom meme and links

Mar 09, 2014 20:15

It's been ages since I've done a fandom meme, and this is such a perfect one for me.

Give me a non-Harry Potter character and I will answer ( Read more... )

character meme, vorkosigan saga, link, rivers of london

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Comments 107

meri_sielu March 10 2014, 10:31:45 UTC
Arya Stark or Melisandre for the meme :)


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 18:55:32 UTC
I'm happy to do both :)

a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in

Arya: Gryffindor, which she's very proud of, and lords it over her sister Sansa, who ended up in Hufflepuff (and is very happy there, incidentally, because people are kind and polite).

Mel: I see her as a Slytherclaw, but with stronger Slytherin leanings, so she would end up in Slytherin.

b) Which position they’d play in Quidditch

Arya: Beater, because whacking things and/or people is fun >:D (So, like this :) -- and if you haven't seen this series by guad, I highly recommend it! It's some of my favorite ASOIAF fanart, because I so love cracky crossovers. Here's the galleryMel: Nominally, Chaser, because that's the position with the most redundancy, but her actual role is flying around on the periphery and clandestinely casting counfounding charms and the like at opposing players, and otherwise fouling their game ( ... )


meri_sielu March 10 2014, 21:18:11 UTC
Yes yes yes yes! I love your answers! Totally what I thought actually. <3

I can see Margery as a Slytherin, yes very ambitious! Quite an accurate sorting on those Quidditch teams, I enjoyed those links greatly! ^_^


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 22:40:05 UTC
These two were a lot of fun -- Arya's such a Gryffindor, and Mel is interesting because she's not the typical "rush into a fight" character, so she brought some welcome variety to the answers :)

Glad you liked the art links -- I love that sorting and that whole series! :D


manue7a March 10 2014, 10:33:43 UTC
John Watson goes Hogwarts.
As does Merry.


jaelle_n_gilla March 10 2014, 11:54:39 UTC
I was wondering about John Watson, too. And a bit about Sherlock although he seems obvious.


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 23:04:09 UTC
Sherlock (as with John -- here, btw -- only based on the first two seasons as I haven't seen series 3 yet)

a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in
Ravenclaw, yep. Mycroft's in Slytherin, though, despite being every bit as smart, and building all sorts of connections via the Slug Club.

b) Which position they’d play in Quidditch
I have a really, really hard time seeing Sherlock playing a team sport. Like the most contribution from him I can see is Ravenclaw putting him on a broom as a Chaser or something (maybe they're desperate for players) and his greatest offensive contribution is psyching out the opposite team players by deducing stuff about them right and left. Except you know he would do it to his own side, too, with similar effects... maybe they're just more used to him because of practice, so they pay him less attention. If he actually cared, he'd probably make a decent Keeper, because he's tall and has good reach, and would probably be able to predict all the trick shots exactly, but nobody would trust him in that ( ... )


jaelle_n_gilla March 11 2014, 13:26:58 UTC
Oh, yes, I can see Sherlok and Luna hanging out. He'd constantly try to figure her out with logic and she'd just see him as an exercise in tolerance for those who can't be understood (except with the help of Nargls) :-)

I would see him watching Quiddich, or rather, watching other people watching Quiddich. He's so not a team player, nobody would have him on the team. He'd annoy the commentator, too, by predicting the next moves and criticizing them at the same time :)


sephystabbity March 10 2014, 10:38:26 UTC
Peter Grant, Thomas Nightingale (for some reason I almost typed John Nightingale, wtf) or Leslie May :)


sephystabbity March 10 2014, 10:42:24 UTC
oh lmao just scrolled up someone already asked for that nvm


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 15:31:43 UTC
You've only read the first book, right? Here's the spoiler-redacted version of the above for Nightingale and Peter, and I will try to do Lesley, too (because I'm very curious about the answers myself ( ... )


and now Lesley hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 15:46:39 UTC
a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in ( ... )


jaelle_n_gilla March 10 2014, 11:54:04 UTC
Oh, where would you place Miles Vorkosigan, and where Ivan?


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 16:25:40 UTC
Yay, these guys! :D (You've read all the books, right? I'm assuming in the below that you have, but if not, let me know and I'll redact the appropriate spoilers :)

a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in

Miles, ah, Miles... Miles is a Slytherin who forces the hat to put him in Gryffindor by sheer force of will, because he wants to be a brave knight and wants to live up to his father's legacy (Aral was in Gryffindor because he knew that's what Piotr expected of him and was hoping the Hat would put him there, and it obliged, though I think he's at least as much Hufflepuff as Gryff).

Ivan, on the other hand, wants to keep a low profile, so he'd be one of those rare people who would ask to be put in Hufflepuff, even though he is probably really a laid-back Gryffindor like Lee Jordan or something ( ... )


q99 March 12 2014, 01:49:48 UTC
Fun stuff :)


hamsterwoman March 12 2014, 03:41:32 UTC
:D Glad you enjoyed -- I certainly did! :D


fallingtowers March 10 2014, 16:10:40 UTC
For the meme: Brienne of Tarth (duh), George Cooper from the Tortall-verse, and Ekaterin Vorsoisson, please! :)


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 16:54:31 UTC
I'll do Ekaterin first, since I just finished up Miles and Ivan for the prompt above and have Vorkosiverse on the brain ( ... )


fallingtowers March 10 2014, 18:26:00 UTC
I love your answers here -- they perfectly capture Ekaterin's quiet and caring nature, her unfortunate tendency to underestimate herself, as well as her unexpected fierceness and her spine of steel.

And yeah, Tien was basically Ekaterin's dementor anyway -- a black hole of a leech slowly sucking out her soul. DDD: (I probably sound a bit masochist for liking Komarr so much, but psychologically speaking, it's one of Bujold's most realistic books for me.)

I bet the Ministry of Magic does have some research branch concerning magicxal herbs and plants! She'd do very well there.


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 19:07:17 UTC
I really enjoyed coming up with answers for Ekaterin -- she's not a character I think about often on my own, but she's a really great one, so exactly the sort of prompt memes like this are good for.

Tien was basically Ekaterin's dementor anyway -- a black hole of a leech slowly sucking out her soul.

Yes, pretty much! :((

(I first read Komarr shortly after I was married, and didn't like it very much. Part of it was that I was still reading out of order -- I read it after ACC but before reading either Mirror Dance or Memory, which is exactly the wrong way to read it -- but partly, I think, I just wasn't mature enough to appreciate it fully at 23. When I reread it a couple of years ago, I was much more impressed, and agree that in terms of psychological and emotional dexterity it's probably up there with Memory and Paladin of Souls.)


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