Fandom meme and links

Mar 09, 2014 20:15

It's been ages since I've done a fandom meme, and this is such a perfect one for me.

Give me a non-Harry Potter character and I will answer ( Read more... )

character meme, vorkosigan saga, link, rivers of london

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hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 03:36:35 UTC
a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in
Kaylee is SUCH a textbook Hufflepuff -- like, when I need to think of Hufflepuff qualities, Kaylee is actually the character I think of, because she's so friendly and supportive and cheerful and like the oppostive of being full of herself.

b) Which position they’d play in Quidditch
Not Beater... I want to say Chaser, because I think she'd find playing Keeper and Seeker kind of boring, and wouldn't like not having other people on the team in the same role. So, yeah, Chaser.

c) What their favorite class would be
Hogwarts is so bad at science-y classes. I think Transfiguration would be what she would enjoy best, because it's hands on but seems like it has more leeway to be creative than Charms or Potions. Although given that she brews moonshine, she might like Potions too, so long as it wasn't being taught by Snape.

d) Which memory a dementor would force them to relive
A situation like in "Out of Gas", but where there is really no hope to safe either the ship or the crew. (Strawberries prove more efficacious than chocolate in helping her recover from dementor attacks.)

e) What they would see in the Mirror of Erised
Wearing a super-froofy wedding dress and being surrounded by everyone she loves (family and crew) while getting married onboard Serenity. She'd probably see Simon as the groom in the timeframe of the show, although I'm not sure he's actually that great a match for her long-term.

f) What form their boggart would take
Jubal Early in "Objects in Space", probably. (I was originally thinking of that as the candidate for the dementor memory, but since I needed a person for a boggart answer, I went with that). And then she makes it go away by imagining (shirtless) Simon snarking at him/it ;P

g) Which Harry Potter character would most likely be their best friend
Kaylee is so friendly, I could see her be friends with pretty much everyone, but I could see her and Luna being especially close, because Kaylee seems really good at being friends with people who others find difficult/weird, like River, and Luna could really use an understanding, non-judgemental friend.

h) What career they would take after Hogwarts
Working in Mr Weasley's Ministry department, where she's actually a lot better at Muggle artefacts than he is.


ladymercury_10 March 10 2014, 03:39:12 UTC
Wearing a super-froofy wedding dress and being surrounded by everyone she loves (family and crew) while getting married onboard Serenity


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 05:06:22 UTC
Kaylee is a delightful character to insert into pretty much any (non-horrible-world) crossover :)


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