Fandom meme and links

Mar 09, 2014 20:15

It's been ages since I've done a fandom meme, and this is such a perfect one for me.

Give me a non-Harry Potter character and I will answer ( Read more... )

character meme, vorkosigan saga, link, rivers of london

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hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 08:26:54 UTC
Ooh, thank you for the links to the translations! I saw references to them somewhere, but had no idea where to find them. :D (These would be damn hard songs to translate -- you and the other translators have my admiration for tackling them!)

And meme, with great pleasure (naturally, for both Peter and Nightingale :D)

a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in

There's a thing going around on Tumblr about this -- well, "going around" = two people having a conversation, this fandom being as big as it is :P -- so I've actually been thinking about this.

Peter definitely has Ravenclaw-y inclinations, being experimental-minded as he is, but I'm actually not sure I see him in Ravenclaw, as I think he's less for book-learning than Ravenclaws tend to be (and it's not like there aren't plenty of very clever people in other houses -- Dumbledore, Snape, Hermione, Fred & George). I actually think Gryffindor may be a better fit for Peter, who tends to do thigs off the cuff because they seem like a good idea rather than thinking them through / doing the logical thing.

Nightingale now might've actually been a Ravenclaw at the age of Sorting -- the little he's shared of his past would not contradict that. I think he is too much of a pragmatist for Gryffindor and not nearly ambitious enough for Slytherin, but it actually wouldn't surprise me if he'd been a Hufflepuff -- something about him both surviving the war without going mad and the way he mourned his dead feels Hufflepuff-y to me. (And, actually, while Aurors in the HP-verse come across as a bunch of Gryffindors, an actual police force strikes me as more Hufflepuff in general.)

They were both really hard, though! I would love to know where you would sort them, because I could see more than one viable possibility for each.

b) Which position they’d play in Quidditch

Peter: Definitely not Keeper, as he gets distracted too much. Seeker might actually be a good role for him, since it involves looking around and then being briefly but thoroughly reckless in diving for the Snitch.

Nightingale: Now he would make a good Keeper, I think. Fine Chaser, too, but I think Nightingale is the sort of guy you want as your last line of defense.

c) What their favorite class would be

Peter: Defense Against the Dark Arts, for sure (though he keeps trying to reform the "dark arts" terminology, because while it's not as bad as saying "black magician", it's still got Unfortunate Implications).

Nightingale: Charms, maybe? From what we've seen, that seems to be the class requiring the most fine control, and the discipline that can do pretty powerful stuff with spare gestures/words.

d) Which memory a dementor would force them to relive

Nightingale: Ettersberg, quite obviously.

Peter: Lesley's face falling off or Lesley tasering him.

e) What they would see in the Mirror of Erised

Nightingale: Probably all of his classmates sitting around the great hall, having survived the war.

Peter: This is a harder question to answer than I was expecting for a first-person POV! But I think probably something like foiling the Faceless Man with a combination of innovative magic and random architectural trivia, with the help of Nightingale and a fully recovered Lesley.


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