Fandom meme and links

Mar 09, 2014 20:15

It's been ages since I've done a fandom meme, and this is such a perfect one for me.

Give me a non-Harry Potter character and I will answer ( Read more... )

character meme, vorkosigan saga, link, rivers of london

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hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 05:38:39 UTC
You're totally right -- witch!Walda would be adorable!

a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in

Roose is definitely in Slytherin -- he's got that cold-blooded snakey thing going on. Walda I think would be in Hufflepuff, actually -- and, yeah, everybody would think it's a really odd match, but it works because Hufflepuffs can get along with pretty much anyone.

b) Which position they’d play in Quidditch

I think Roose would make a good Keeper -- so long as his team keeps him happy, because if there was sufficient reason to, I could totally see him throwing a game. But then, in Slytherin, that's probably expected.

I don't see Walda playing Quidditch -- she'd be more likely to cheer from the stands wearing a cozy scarf and munching on sweets from Zonko's -- but if for some reason she had to play, probably Beater by the process of elimination? She wouldn't flinch from a little in-game violence, I'm thinking.

c) What their favorite class would be

Roose: POTIONS, because he gets to do things with leeches :P

Walda: I think she'd enjoy Herbology -- it's a more relaxed class than many of the other ones, and I think Walda would like Professor Sprout and Professor Sprout would like her.

d) Which memory a dementor would force them to relive

Roose I could see being one of those people who are virtually immune to dementors because their thoughts/memories are so compartamentalized. That said, I do think Domeric's death would be the memory dementors dredge up, as that seems to be the only time Roose gets anything close to emotional.

For Walda, probably receiving news of her father's death?

e) What they would see in the Mirror of Erised

Roose would see himself ruling the North (I think he is too practical to have his ambitions extend to all of Westeros, so the North would be plenty), with Walda and Domeric by his side.

Walda would probably see herself cuddling with Roose in a Winterfell they rule (what a way to show up the rest of the Freys), with a full feast laid out before them. (Before Roose, she would've probably seen herself as thin and conventionally beautiful like her sister Ami, but I suspect Roose has bee good for her self-image).

f) What form their boggart would take

For Roose, probably a Ramsey who is in control of him for some reason. For Wanda, quite possibly her grandfather or more likely a succession of people in her family mocking her.

g) Which Harry Potter character would most likely be their best friend

Roose would fit in quite well with the smarter Death-Eaters, somebody like Lucius Malfoy (or even Tom Riddle himself, but, well, I don't think one gets to be Tom's best friend). I could see Walda being friends with someone like Molly Prewett, at least until her relationship with Death-Eater-leaning Roose led to a break between them.

h) What career they would take after Hogwarts

Roose: an unglamorous position in the Ministry but steadily rising through the ranks through patience and application of politics. Walda would be quite happy being a stay-at-home wife/mother.


housecreepy March 10 2014, 05:45:15 UTC
I too associate Walda w/Professor Sprout, mostly because my fancasts for both are Rebel Wilson! (Well, Rebel can be young Pomona, since she's way too young to be current Pomona)

And I love the idea of Walda being friends with Molly. She'd probably be a secret badass in a similar way too- someone messes with Roose or their future kids, and they're getting blasted. :)

This is all just too awesome and now I want Harry Potter Boltons to be a thing.


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 06:06:07 UTC
Yeah, Walda and Pomona Sprout just seem to go together :)

She'd probably be a secret badass in a similar way too- someone messes with Roose or their future kids, and they're getting blasted

I could see that! Both she and Molly are women who are happy to just be domestic and familiar, but, yeah, I could see Walda having the same mama bear side as Molly turned out to have.

(This is the terrible thing about these crossover memes -- I end up wanting them all to be a thing XP)


housecreepy March 10 2014, 06:09:08 UTC
I know! I actually have these 2 Hogwarts Bolton AUs in mind- the cute/creepy Roose/Walda one, and one where Bethany's alive and she's so excited when Hagrid teaches them about thestrals in CoMC class, because the wizard Ryswells breed them instead of horses and she knows all about it.


hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 06:15:36 UTC
Oh, I love the idea of Ryswells breeding thestrals -- it feels so very fitting!


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