Fandom meme and links

Mar 09, 2014 20:15

It's been ages since I've done a fandom meme, and this is such a perfect one for me.

Give me a non-Harry Potter character and I will answer ( Read more... )

character meme, vorkosigan saga, link, rivers of london

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hamsterwoman March 10 2014, 05:05:19 UTC
Because I am predictable, and, well, Morrolan.

As I am no less predictable in this regard, THANK YOU! :DD I think I'll do Morrolan and Aliera together (Sethra is the terrifying headmistress, who used to be the no less terrifying head of Slytherin before that.)

a) Which Hogwarts house I think they’d belong in

Aliera: Gryffindor, duh. I forget in what context this came up in a previous fannish meme, but she is such a Gryffindor -- she's not only got the bravery aspects of it, but a lot of the less positive Gryffindor aspects, too -- being utterly convinced of her own rightness, being unwilling to recognize any mistakes made by people who are on her side, etc.

Morrolan: Is a Ravenclaw, I'm quite certain, but would probably ask the Sorting Hat to put him in Gryffindor anyway, and as that's a very strong secondary house for him, the Hat would probably agree.

b) Which position they’d play in Quidditch

Both Aliera and Morrolan want to be Seeker, because that's where the glory is, and argue about which one of them would be the better Seeker for all sorts of reasons, but team captain Zerika makes them both play Beater instead. They turn out to be really well suited for this role, and although they bicker constantly during practice and everybody else on the team is sick of it, they play together really well during the actual games,

c) What their favorite class would be

Aliera: Hmmm, there doesn't seem to be a Hogwarts-level Healing class, does there? In the absence of one, I suppose she would like something like Defense Against the Dark Arts best, because it offers a chance at some serious action.

Morrolan: Is top of his class in a lot of subjects like Transfiguration and Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, but his favorite class is actually Potions (which I think comes closest to Dragaera-style witchcraft), despite not being as much of a natural at it as in some of the other subjects / not being the best that would be Muggleborn Vlad ;P. He's also one of the few purebloods who actually enjoy Muggle Studies.

d) Which memory a dementor would force them to relive

Aliera: Adron's Disaster, especially if she realized what was causing it.

Morrolan: Either the realization that almost everybody at Blackchapel had been murdered while he was in a trance or, more likely, Teldra's death. That seems to have messed him up pretty good...

e) What they would see in the Mirror of Erised

Aliera: Leading the Empire in some spectacular conquests as a victorious Warlord.

Morrolan: Not to steal Harry's schtick, but seeing his father and Uncle Adron's pride in his accomplishments (which would involve leading the Empire in some spectacular conquests as a victorious Warlord :P)


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