Star Trek Oneshots

Jul 12, 2009 18:36

Star Trek Oneshots.
(various serieses)

The Original Series . Star Trek XI . RPF


The Original Series

Together We Are (PG-13, wordcount: 4512) around and about The Motion Picture.
...I guess you could say I was having some... commitment issues.

No Excuses Necessary (PG, wordcount: 619) A progression of a Spock.
Kirk makes the impossible possible.

Confirmation (PG, wordcount: 1106) Right after 'The Conscience of the King'
I'm tired of your constant excuses for the actions you take regarding my safety.

Yehvaru (PG-13) the tall tales of Silas and the Kei-Matya
Prologue: So it has been said, and so we say it now, to be remembered.

Star Trek XI

Relevance (PG, wordcount: 729) In which Spock is repressed.
He has never experienced drowning before. It cannot be a memory.

The Last Will and Testament of S'chn T'gai Spock (PG, wordcount: 1171) Self-explanatory. Spock's will.
However, in the event that James Kirk is not alive at the time, I do not wish for any ressurrection attempts to be performed, as they will ultimately meet with failure.

Ragtaya "Introduction" (PG, wordcount: 3701) In a world where Amanda lives, Kirk meets the parents.
Spock is our first priority. Your concern is... really, very touching.

Perfectly Imperfect (R, wordcount: 1447) In which Kirk has a fascination with Spock's hair.
Two words. Bang. Him.

For Our Past (PG, wordcount: 936) Spock finds something out about his birth.
Hang on, an accident? You didn't plan on having kids?

The Logical Emotion (PG, wordcount: 698) 5 logical reasons why Spock shouldn't love James T. Kirk and the one that proves he should.
There is no logic in it. He does not know how to react.

Sanctuary (PG, wordcount: 1163) In which love is encountered through dreaming.
Grateful is one thing. Lovesick's another.

16 Things Jim Kirk Is Allowed To Do In Private (R, wordcount: 2758) A list compiled by First Officer Spock.
He is allowed to comment verbally in a complimentary manner regarding whatever part of the anatomy he wishes to discuss, on the condition that his hyperbole will be ignored.

Spiccato (PG, wordcount: 1418) In which Spock is ticklish
So put it aside and let me touch you, yeah?

Remember When It Rained (R, wordcount: 2507) Spock's biology is sometimes very useful.
It was beautiful, watching the bluish-gray clouds rumble and release their fury of water, almost the way McCoy administered his medicine - giving life but acting as though he was taking it away.


Biologically Insane (PG-13 for now) Spock's pon farr approaches. Kirk has a plan.
1: Spock, we're on a planet full of Vulcans.

Labels (PG, wordcount: 580) Five Times Someone Made Bones question his sexuality, and one time he decided he didn't give a damn.
He's pretty sure Jocelyn's a dyke.

Color In Translation (PG-13, wordcount: 1391) Spock is fascinated by McCoy's eyes.
Look at me.

Reactionary (PG, wordcount: 1031) Five Times Bones Failed Miserably at Needling Spock, and the One Time He Didn't.
Damnit, Spock, that's why Kirk's the captain and you aren't. He knows where to draw the line!

Medical Necessity (R, wordcount: 883) Spock is missing his tunic.
Yeah, enticing like your face. I told you to hold still.

Leverage (PG, wordcount: 609) Five Times Bones Hated Being Carried, and the One Time He Didn't.
I'm a doctor damnit not a housewife!


Marrow (NC-17, wordcount: 941)
He's a passionate anomaly lancing through the stars, and you're just a little piece of a dry earth, caught up in his inevitable wake.

Reasoning (R, wordcount: 944) Kirk tries to prove he has reasons for sleeping around.
Denial. Move on, I'm fascinated by your lame excuses.

The Imp of the Perverse (R, disturbing imagery, wordcount: 3572) Read it and see.
Get up, get up Bones, it's an emergency.


The Fundamental Equation (PG, wordcount: 694) Five times Scotty has daydreamed about being the Highlander Hero from 21st century romance novels, and the one time Chekov made it a reality.
Space is only lonely when there's nobody to share it with.


Insomnia (PG, wordcount: 505) Oren's last night.
He cannot fall asleep.


Ragtaya "Introduction" (PG, wordcount: 3701) In a world where Amanda lives, Kirk meets the parents.
Spock is our first priority. Your concern is... really, very touching.

For Our Past (PG, wordcount: 936) Spock finds something out about his birth.
Hang on, an accident? You didn't plan on having kids?

For Our Future (PG, wordcount: 1605) Amanda's been hiding something from him.
Stay with me. Bandits will come through the window and steal me away if you don't.

Bill Shatner/Leonard Nimoy

Four Days Closer (PG, wordcount: 1290) Bill and Leonard were born only four days apart.
For four days, I can successfully lord it over you that you are are old, and I am not.

Mr. Spock's Starship Singalong (PG, wordcount: 1431) In which there is singing.
Last I heard, Bill was throwing fits because Len'd brought home a leopard.

A Day That Ends in Y (NC-17, wordcount: 1529) In which there is road head.
Shh. I'm distracting you from my ineptitude.

This is Not Porn (PG-13, wordcount: 885) On the set during 'Patterns of Force'
This episode doesn't have enough nakedness in it.

Chris Pine/Zachary Quinto

California Rain (R, wordcount: 2880) In which Chris is drunk and soaking, and the unexpected comes along.
Well, my middle name is Fabio. We're a perfect match.

wtf27: Star Trek Reboot (0/27)

compendium, fandom: star trek, organizer

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