(no subject)

Jun 06, 2009 20:30

Leverage: The Five Times Bones Hated Being Carried, and the One Time He Didn't.

"Goddamnit my legs are fine! I can walk to the sickbay on my own, I'm a doctor, damnit, not a housewife, I'm going to set my OWN bones, they're all I have left for me and - "

Spock grabbed the nerves in his neck, making him go limp. He would be heavier, but it was worth it in exchange for a little peace of mind.

"I didn't mean that. Put me down, Spock, I think you've proved to everyone you're a man of strength and no one's going toWOOOOOOAH!"

Spock smiled innocently up at him. "Are you afraid of heights, Doctor McCoy?"


"This is - "


"- 'mbarassing -"


"'m warnin' you, the second I get my legs back Imma - "


"- give you what-for, and then -"

"Where do you keep the detoxification medicine?"

"Sec'nd drawer, back. But 'm not drunk, jus' a little... tired..."

"I'm sure."

No one said a word at the time, when Leonard McCoy had simply flopped over in his chair on the bridge, and everyone had realized he was asleep. They kept their silence even as First Officer Spock stood, adjusted his shirt, and gently gathered the Doctor into his arms, in something dangerously approaching a cradle.

But everyone heard the words that were said, the next morning, when McCoy shouted down Spock's door in a voice that could trample elephants. And no one had wanted to speak about it, it had seemed so private at the time, but the redder McCoy's face got and the longer Spock's door stayed closer, the more tempting it was to turn the sweet little moment into a full-blown ship rumor. And Jim Kirk was never one to resist temptation.

Predictably, the Doctor's reaction to this was even louder. He stood next to the captain's chair and shouted in his ear for twenty minutes, and Kirk put up with it because he couldn't stop laughing, and finally, when he'd had enough, he turned in his seat and signaled wordlessly to the First Officer.

Spock stood up, moved over, and tossed McCoy over his shoulder, as if he weighed nothing more than a child. "My apologies for the inconvenience," he said smartly, before carrying him off (still yelling) to the turbolift.

And the one time he didn't:

His protest was cut off, and for several long minutes, there were no more words, only the fierce, beautiful meeting of lips and hands and chests.

"Spock- you're-"

Another pause. Spock shifted so his leg pressed between McCoy's, effectively holding him up against the wall.

"Anyone could- we're too-"

Open. Spock had to admit he agreed to that one, and when he pulled away to head for one of their rooms, whichever was closest, he was utterly surprised to watch McCoy slide bonelessly to the floor. "...Are you all right, Leonard?"

Jeez, that shouldn't be so hot, he thought. "Fine. Just a little... woobily." Damnit.

Spock walked over, and held out his arms. McCoy reluctantly grabbed them and heaved himself to his feet, but when Spock made to let go once more, he clutched at him.


He was a doctor, damnit, not a piece of jello, but Spock had a talented tongue and he had to admit, he was unable to stand. Doctor's diagnosis, damnit, and once Spock realized this, he smiled with more emotion than McCoy would've thought possible.

"Let me carry you."

And for once, though he kept up a grumbling line of bitch on the way, he did not mind.

[this pairing is like delishus surprise candy. never enough.]

fandom: star trek, pairing: spock/mccoy, drabble

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