The Last Will and Testament of S'chn T'gai Spock

Jun 17, 2009 15:21

Title: The Last Will and Testament of S'chn T'gai Spock
Author: igrab
Pairing: Spock/Kirk + mentions of everyone
Written For: snowlight @ st_xi_kink, for this prompt
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,171
Summary: The Spock side of The Last Will and Testament of James T. Kirk, by snowlight

The Last Will and Testament of S'chn T'gai Spock
I, Spock of Vulcan, Commander of the USS Enterprise in the Federation Starfleet, do make and declare my last will and testament as follows:

First and foremost, should I expire due to unforeseen circumstances in or out of the line of duty while James Kirk is still alive, my body such as it can be found shall be transported with all due haste to New Vulcan, and given over to the care of my father, Sarek. The transportation of said body shall be under the supervision of James T. Kirk, who will be personally carrying another important item of mine. Under no circumstances should James Kirk be assigned anything else during this time period. I make this order with the authority of T'Pau, leader of the Vulcan High Command. I trust that, if necessary, she will be able to adequately explain.

However, in the event that James Kirk is not alive at the time, I do not wish for any ressurrection attempts to be performed, as they will ultimately meet with failure.

As for my possessions:

To my father, should he still be alive, I wish to send the remainder of my Vulcan belongings, to be used by the High Council as he sees fit - with the exception of the ka'athyra. I would also like to extend an offer of whatever he so chooses from my personal curiosities collection, with the hopes that he will fondly remember our differences. Also, the gray sweater to the left of my winter jacket. I am aware that it is coming apart, but I do not wish for it to be mended.

I request that a copy of all of my science notes are to be sent to the Vulcan Science Academy, in the hopes that they will benefit future generations of curious youth.

To Chief Medical Officer and friend Leonard McCoy, I leave the copy of Amanda Grayson's third journal that resides on my bookshelf. This is not a joke, nor is it in any way intended ass an insult. Despite our disagreements, I highly respect the doctor's opinions and I believe that this particular journal, detailing my mother's pregnancy and copious notes on the difficulties of Vulcan biology, will be both informative and heartwarming. The rest of her journal copies shall be sent back to New Vulcan, in the care of my father.

Additionally, there is a bottle of Terran wine in Starfleet storage locker #KP-62904, dated for the year Jim turns sixty. Should this not already be gone, I leave it to Doctor McCoy. I also grant his pick of books from my shelf, with the exception of my poetry journal and the velvet-bound volumes of Surak's teachings. As both are written in High Vulcan, I doubt he would choose them, but Leonard McCoy has surprised me in the past. It would not do to take chances.

To my close friend and confidant Nyota Uhura, I bequeath the aforementioned poetry journal and philosophy books, as well as second 'dibs' on the books. I also leave to her my ka'athyra, in the hopes that she will find a better accompaniment than myself for her beautiful voice. I would also like to remind her that fear of death is not the Vulcan way, and as everything must have a beginning, it must also end. Her grief is touching, but unnecessary. I would like to believe that she is always smiling.

To Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, third for the bookshelf. There is also a code-sealed case in Starfleet storage locker #KP-62904 that was given to me by Ambassador Spock. I do not have the means to open it, but he has assured me that you do, and it is to be left in your care. I do not doubt him.

For Helmsman Hikaru Sulu and Navigator Pavel Chekov, I leave the collective holovid albums combined from James Kirk and myself. They may distribute these as they wish, and once again, I reiterate that Vulcans do not fear death. Please enjoy these memories with laughter, and not tears.

This does not include a completely different video collection, that I leave in the care of Saavik of Vulcan. She may destroy them if she wishes, but it seemed illogical that they should go to waste, when I'm fully aware that she will enjoy them. If anyone is reading this, that data should already be on its way.

For Saavik, also, are my collections of Starfleet medals and commendations, with the exception of my first Academy teaching certificate, and a certain decoration for bravery and heroism in a time of need, circa Stardate 2258. These documents, as well as my command logs and the remaining contents of my bookshelf, are to be sent to Admiral Pike, should be he still be living.

On second thought, I wish for my copy of Amanda Grayson's fourth journal to go, not to my father, but to my brother Sybok, wherever he may be. It details our childhood together, and it is a memory I wish for him to have.

My remaining personal effects are to be distributed at Saavik's discretion. She is aware of my opinions regarding material possessions. I also leave it up to her to conduct the proper mourning ceremonies, both of New Vulcan and in Starfleet.

Last but not least, I would like to speak of a possibility that I do not wish to comprehend, and yet must.

Should the high priests on Vulcan be unable, or unwilling, to reunite my katra with my body - if, for example, my body is too damaged - I leave my katra in James Kirk's possession. Under no circumstances is it to be drawn from his mind, unless it becomes a matter of health, and he allows it. If a circumstance should arise in which, due to circumstances, it became necessary for another to be the holder of the katra; I wish for it to be transferred at the nearest instance. I give him full rights to this, my 'soul'.

In this unlikely event, I also give James Kirk full discretion on how closely the above will is to be followed. He may, if he wishes, override any of the above statements, to keep my possessions for himself, and oversee the distribution of our shared memories. I trust him completely in this regard.

I would also like to remind him that, while Vulcans do not fear death, I, as a unique being by the name of Spock, am a little bit afraid. Not of death, but for death, and for the happiness and sanity of my t'hy'la. I cannot ask him to be happy, for I know that, in his circumstance, I would not be.

I will update this document as time passes, I am sure. But for now, it is done.
Original seal Stardate 2261.32
First revision Stardate 2273.08
Second revision Stardate 2289.64


rating: pg, fandom: star trek, pairing: kirk/spock, fanfiction

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